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SANFORD YOUNGSTERS ARE DELAYED. New York. Decemlter !♦. — The six horses belong-hi" to John Sanford. which were to have left 1 linden on the Minnehaha. Deoemlier 4. were held tin in France and will not leave until tomorrow. I rest. hi Burch. who had charge of the Sanford hor es in France, will remain iu this country until Diehard Benson. who has had charge of James Butlers horx s. has not lieeit in the l.est of health of lite aud I ee Christy is now looking allcr the string Should Mr. Butler decide to engage another ir-iner the probabilities are that A. J. Joyner and TVun»« Welsh will »e considered. There are many ..;lJr* •nmlicants for the position and Mr. Butter », a" not expressed himself as to his intentions.