What T. Hitchcocks Jumpers Accomplished for Him in the Campaign of This Year, Daily Racing Form, 1915-12-10


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WHAT T. HITCHCOCKS JUMPERS ACCOMPLISHED FOR HIM IN THE CAMPAIGN OF THIS YEAR + * Long an enthusiast in the matter of steeplechasing and a high-class sportsman, Mr. Thomas Hitchcock was efficiently represented in that branch of racing this year and enjoyed his usual measure of success between the "flags. No real crackerjack of the Bourke Cochran and Jood and Plenty class were engaged ;i: cross-country racing iu 1915. but Mr. Hitchcock had several which could race to good purposes over obstacles. Of these Swish. Kintore, Bryndor aud Kehtoh won best for him and his stable record for the year was: Horse. Col. and Sex. A. Pedigree. 1st. 2d. 3d. Won. Swish b. g. 7 By McGee— Frou Ftou 7 3 1 $ 4.465 Kintore br. g. 4 By Bryn Mawr — Bobbinet 2 1 0 4.165 Bryndor br. g. 5 By Bryu Mawr — Witch of Endor 2 1 1 1,120 Kehtoh br. g. 4 By Yankee — Kiamesha 1 2 0 930 Timber Wolf br. g. 5 By Ogden — EUie Wolf 1 1 0 730 Welsh King ch. c. 3 By Bryn Mawr — Hanover Queen 0 0 3 150 Hustler .. ch. g. 3 By Yankee— Busy Jin 0 10 100 Sorrento . .ch. g. 3 By Yankee — La Sorella II 0 0 1 50 Sorrel .................. .cli. g. 4 By Yankee — La Sorella II 000 Totals 9 ., 13 9 6 1,710

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1910s/drf1915121001/drf1915121001_1_8
Local Identifier: drf1915121001_1_8
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800