On Edge at New Orleans: Officials Move Their Headquarters to the Track and Open for Business, Daily Racing Form, 1915-12-28


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ON EDGE AT NEW ORLEANS OFFICIALS MOVE THEIR HEADQUARTERS TO THE TRACK AND OPEN FOR BUSINESS. At Least a Dozen Starters Expected for the ,500 New Years Handicap— English Bookmakers Will Inspect the "Stakeholder" Plan. New Orleans, La.. December 27. — With the removal of the executive offices to the Fair Grounds Ibis morning, real work was begun by manager Joseph A. Murphy, secretary Joseph McLennan, clerk of the course Jack Campbell and other officials ou the preliminaries attached to the opening of the fifty-seven days race meeting, which begins liere January 1. That everything will be in thorough readiness for the opening goes without saying, for the officials have all the details well In control and the sjwrt conld be inaugurated tomorrow, were it necessary, without a hitch. Every available stall is occupied, the last pretentious string to arrive being that of R. F. Carman. Over seven hundred horses are at the course and most of them are in lit racing condition and available for the secretary to arrange good daily oards. At no former time, with the racing nearly a week away, has the Crescent City enterlained so large a number of followers of the turf and every train brings numerous additions. Every section of the country has extensive representation and each newcomer is duly impressed with the promising outlook for a successful racing season. Fast work at the track is now the daily rule, with the stars being given their final preparations for the opeuiug feature, the New Years Handicap, with .50l» addiil. Fully a dozen of the better grade of horses are expected to contest this race. Alxiut .MtO horses were worked this morning. Ideal weather is still the rule. Todays arrivals included jockev A. Mott from Juarez. He will ride for I M. Civill. John W. Schorr came from Memphis and will remain for the lest of the racing. Einil llerz arrived from New York and brought as bis guests Charles Gardner, president of the English Bookmakers Association, and Jap.es K. Davics. another member of Tatter-sails. They will observe the local racing action closely. Jockey Joe Byrne is a late coiner and will do 1 most of his riding for the R. F. Carman stable. Applications by joeVeys and trainers will be re--"ived fiom now on. Joseph A. Murphy will pass ■ on the applications, assisted by Joseph McLennan 1 and Jack Campbell. The license fees will lie 0 lor jockeys and for trainers. The money will 1 go into a fund to care for injured riders and trainers during the meeting and at the close the remainder of the fund will be turned over to the Charity hospital.

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1910s/drf1915122801/drf1915122801_1_2
Local Identifier: drf1915122801_1_2
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800