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Juarez Entries aid Past Performances for Tuesday, December 28. WEATHER SNOWING. TRACK GOOD. , | o- — 1 o The figures under the heading "Rec." in the entries below show the best time of each horse at the distance, since January 1, 1911, no matter where it finished. In cases where record was made on other than a fast or good track, abbreviations show track conditions. o o Racing starts at 2:30 p. m. Chicago time. 3:30. XRuns well in mud. ©Superior mud runner. M maidens. Apprentice allowance. First Race — 5 1-2 Furlongs. 2-year-olds. Selling. Track record: OMT— 1*8% • MAJ Ind. Horse. Wt. Rec. A.Wt.nan. 24200= D0LINA 107 1:07% 11.1x725 241S53* Staranise 103 1:09% MS.. 718 241W9 Smiling Maggie ..108 1:07% 105x710 21177 Rapids 105...10 242173 Meal Ticket M . .113 1:00 log. .719 24 185* Rose Garden M.. IK. .W0 24128 Zudora M 105. .«90 24187 Anita R. M 93. .W0 C. M. Johnson .... 95 Dolina should have little trouble here. Second Race — 7-8 Kile. 3-year-olds and upward. Selling. Track Tecord: 13412— 1:2:.%— 5—110. 24170=* Tilloisou »IM 3 08X715 241S3* Cisko 112 1:27% 7 103X710 24210 Cecil loo 1:24% 5 108X71O 2417+ Transparent 07 1:25% 7 108x710 24151 Downland 100 1:27% 5 108X705 24210 California Jack ...105 1:27% 4 108X705 24102 Bonnies Buck 4 108x705 24222 Dave Montgomery..! 12 1:27% 8 108x700 22000* Nina K. M 3 OS. .«i!M 24101* Tordillo 100 1:28% 3 9K..IUO 2421s* Sharper Knight ..100 1:26% !i 103. .OHO 24135* Valadolid Ill 1:28 5 103X000 24170* Wild Bear 07 1:27% I 103X090 24173* McAlan 113 1:27% IS 103X090 241S1* John Walters M.l02 1:31 3 98.. 080 Au oimhi race. Third Race — 1 Nile. 4-year-olds and upward. Selling. Track record: 13724— 1 :3!%— 3— 1o2. 24221- Balgee 115 1:40% 5 111X725 24171* Slralhearn 101 1:42 4 103x72 24181* Mollie Cad 112 1:40 C 100X715 Ind. Horse. Wt. Rec. A.Wt.Han. MM Fairly 105 1:3!% 4 1080715 24180* Moonlight 107 1:30 0 100x705 24127 Coppers 108 1:40% 10 105XC9O Balgee outclasses the others. Fourth Race — 3-4 Mile. 3-year-olds and upward. Selling. Track record: 12000 — 1:»h»%— t; — 115 24210= Billy Joe. 113 1:13% 3 107©-. 241tr- Busy Edits 1111:12% :: llOxNtfl 241H" Revelry James 105 1:13 3 111 «!" 2418.8-* Zim 107 1:12% t: Iihi ■ ,10 242091 Metropolitan 117 1:12% 8 MBxtM 24207* Brighouse MS 1:13 4 1HOTM 2410C, Lukeniae 112 1:11% 3 M2 ■ 705 24210 Money Maker MS 1:13% 3 11O..705 24171* Tactless 107 1:13% 5 1o5 7«M 24102 Madelle SMI 1:14 IMXM Billy Joe seemingly is right good again. Fifth Race— 3-4 Nile. 3-year-olds and upward. Selling. Track record: 12090— 1 :00%— 0— 1 15. 242092* Choctaw 103 1:13% 5 107X725 24182- Nifty 105 1:13 5 112x720 24182 Francis 1M 1:13% 4 112X715 MM1 Little Jake 1 13 1 :13% 5 112X 715 24135 Conuaught 107 1:12 5 112X715 24184* Robt. Mantell 115 1:15% 4 112x710 23228 John Suohn 105 1 : 12"- 3 107 x 710 241N3 Rermudian 100 1:12% 4 112x710 24210 Custom House 108 1:14% 4 115x710 21111"* Christmas Kve loo 1:13 4 107x705 24183* Dr. lVnighertv MS 1:12% 8 110 X MS 1UKS4 nrbiciilation Ill 1:15 • 112XMR 2418.:- Augustus Heinze ..105 1:13% 4 112x705 24114 Andv II. M 112 1:14% 3 1O7..09O 24152* Jennie Crawford ..HO 1:14% 5 107 r..iu Choctaw has lieen racing well iu better company. Sixth Race— 7-8 Mile. I vear-olds and upward. Selling. Track rei-ord: 13412 — 1 :23%— ft— 110.1 24210 Ipright lOO 1:24% 0 103 725 2420O Delaney 110 1:25% 7 MBXTM 34133* Suiierl 98 1:28% 4 MS 715 24210= Kid Nelson Km; 1 :27% 5 10SX715 24210* Bertha V 1l*ol:2U% 4 103-710 24222=* Petit Bleu OS 1:28% 3 OS ■ 7o." 24192 Henry Walh.-mk ..93 1:25% 7 10.x 705 24218* lSean Spiller 3 9s • 7oo Ipright apiiears to be improving.