What the Respess Horses Accomplished in the Racing of This Year, Daily Racing Form, 1915-12-28


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f tf. WHAT THE RESPESS HORSES ACCOMPLISHED IN THE RACING OF THIS YEAR + — ___ $. Jerome B. Respess fared reasonably well in racing this year, but had no real star of the track in his stable and had to be content with such things as could be done for him by a string of what are usually denominated "useful" horses. Of these the Transvaal colt. Resign, won be"st for him and, when fit. could race to good puriioso. The Star Slmot gelding, Christie, won more races for him, but not so much mouey. The Dick Welles Mb/, Dignity, and the Cesarlon mare. Jenny tieddes, each contributed more than ,000 to payment of stable expenses. The filly Red Cross was well enough bred for anything, but did not race well. It is about time that Respess should introduce the public to something by Dick Welles capable of doing some real racing. The stable record for the year is: Horse. Col. and Sex. A. Pedigree. 1st. 2d. 3d. Won. Resign ch. c. I By Tr:;nsvaal — Resignation 3 0 2 ,058 Christ ie b. g. 3 By Star Shoot — Chulita 4 3 0 2.304 Dignity blk. t. 3 By Dick Welles — Lass of Langden 3 0 2 1.524 Jenny Geddcs b. m. C By Cesarion — Hull Down 2 1 0 L0! 9 Cannonade b. c. 3 By Dick Welles — Outwai l 2 0 oso Red Cross ch. f. 2 By Dick Welles — Winter 1 1 l 674 Miss Declare blk. t. 4 By Dick Welles — Parisienne 1 0 2 630 Casey J cues ch. g. ti By Royal Flush III. — Crimea 1 0 1 5StJ Feather Duster b. g. 7 By Broomstick — Ascot Belle l o 1 505 Prince Albert b. g. 3 By Dick Welles— Miss Lida l o o 500 Miss Fannie b. f. I By Marathon — Ethel Carr l i o 374 Souvenir ch. f. 2 By Dick Welles — Miss Alert 1 l o 305 Dare Devil ch. g. 3 By Marathon — Lunette l o 0 300 Owana b. f. 2 By Dick Welles — Lass of Langden 0 0 1 74 Totals 14 21 15 12 2,739

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1910s/drf1915122801/drf1915122801_1_8
Local Identifier: drf1915122801_1_8
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800