Havana Entries and Past Performances for Tuesday, December 28, Daily Racing Form, 1915-12-28


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Havaia Entries ail Past Performances for Tuesday, December 28. WEATHER CLEAR. TRACK FAST. o — -— o I The figures under the heading "Rec." in the I I entries below show the best time of each horse | at the distance, since January 1, 1911, no matter | I where it finished. In cases where record was I I made on other than a fast or good track, abbre- I I viations show track conditions. i o o Raring starts at 2:45 p. m. Chicago time, 2:12. Xltuns well in mud. Superior mud runner. Ml maidens. Apprentice allowance. First Race — 5 1-2 Furlongs. 2-vear-ohls. Maidens. Selling. Track reeord: M— T tJ—% I M Ind. Horse. Wt. Rec. A.Wt.Han. 23941 *• Immune 114 1:09% 10S..7H tam* Sinilax MB 1: »8% UI..4M MMM*** Daiu-iug Star 1111:10 10!»..«!H 241c,:: Smirking 119. .090 242 il iranad.. 108 1:10% 117. .090 242U1 Mary Black wood... 10* 1:09% 102. .680 23749* Margaret Ellen . . .10011 :i:.h 105. .080 24201* Argument 93 1 :09% 105. .OSO 2:::i2i* While Eye Ill 1:11 110.. 080 Immune s general form is clearly best. Second Race — 5 1-2 Furlongs. 2 -rear-olds and upward. Selling. Traek reeord: UUt AJM% » Mt. 21210* Yellow Eves MB 1: H % 0 101X725 2421 1-* OsMtt* HI 1:07% ft 104X720 2417K** Change 107 1:07— S 100X715 24I5S* Sir l»vke 102 1:410% 0 101x715 24190* Sniftv Allen M | ..1 lS.l :I9% 4 112. .710 24212" Bob R 1011:11 KKftXW 24215* Stoningtou M ...95 1:10 3 95. .690 24157 Areturus M :I104..«kSO Yell.iw Eyes has lieeu making a good showing against Itetter oi| osition. Third Race— 1 Kile. 4-year -ohls and upward. Selling. Track record: 24149— l:.Hi%— 4— KM;. 2419S-* Zolt«»ASTKR lOl* 1 ::»% g 1050725 241so:: Sepnlveda 109 lsWS 8 113x715 Ind Horse. Wt. Rec. A.Wt.nan. 241 iS» Xapier HO I:4M6 fi 110X715 I 242042 Lord W«lls ItS 1:42% 7 110X71O 24212- Soidello 100 1:40 4 110X7O5 . 24102 lias. F. Grainger. .100 1:41% S 110X090 , 24119* Mike Colien .. 119 1:4.1% 4 100X090 Zoroaster has less to beat than in previous races. Fourth Race — 3-4 Mile. 3-year-olds and upward. Selling Handicap. Track reeord: 24124— 1:12%— 3— 92. 241 CO Encore 89 1 : 1 S .* 107 X 725 24100- Imiierator MB 1:13% 4 111. .720 I 24100 Wanda Pitzer 1410 1:12% 5 112X720 242041 Enver Bey 108 1:14% 4 107X715 24200 Reflection 100 1:14% 3 92X710 24149* Stouebenge 100 1:14% 4 100x710 , Encore is consistent when good. Fifth Race— 5-8 Mile. All Ages. Selling. Track record: 24100— 59%— 3— 101. 24160* Snreget 112 1:01 8 119x725 241042* Sonnv Roy 119 1:00% 4 111X720 i 24195- Puouesne 122 1:01% 8 122X720 I 24107* Chilra 107 1:01 3 144X715 i 24194* Ruth Strickland ..104 1:01% 2 94X710 24159 Penance 2 95 X710 24147* Kazan 109 1:01% 3 102x705 24215 Hugh Ml 103 1:03% 3 109X090 23728* Jim Mallady 115 1:01% 9 114X090 , Sureget lias less formidable opi osition than in his last race. Sixth Race— 3-4 Mile. 3-year-olds and upward. Selling. Track record: 24124— 1:12%— 3— 92. 24197* Luther 108 1:12% 5 107X725 1 24197* P.. First 92 1:12% 3 1O5..720 | 24165* Dinah Do 95 1:13% 3 110X720 | 24197* Parlor Boy 110 1:12% 7 116©720 24197* Nash 99 1:13 4 118X720 I 24203- Quirk 114 1:14 5 110X715 , 24198 Flying Feet 112 1:14 7 1100715 , 1242031 Protagoras 114 1:13% 5 110.. 715 ; 24148* Stellata MB 1:13% 4 107 X705 , Contenders are closely matched.

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1910s/drf1915122801/drf1915122801_6_1
Local Identifier: drf1915122801_6_1
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800