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! k ° g it u I :if ■! h 1 s f r "e .. e T. ,n iv -° JHETRC flfM! THEYRE flff!! THEYRE QfM! t AT 1 if i TIA JU ANA, MEXICO o Z. 49 , 41 r — 41 y it only :: TWENTY MINUTES j I FROM Z SAN DIEGO, Z CAL. | o I [ X ► One hundred days of thoroughbred racing, six or more races each day. 4 * 4 1 Great horses, renowned jockeys, open ring. 4 * * The only place on the American continent you can get all this. *- i Tia Juana is on the sport map to stay. Watch it grow. Twelve miles from San Diego. 4 ► ! T The Tia Juana track is situated in a green valley, with all the wealth of Mexican landscape for ! I ► a background. i ► i t We beg you to spend an outing with us. It will be a vacation you will enjoy. 4 t y Our racing is being governed by the most able set of officials ever gathered together. J 1 ► They are working under the personal direction of James W. Coif roth. Here they are : 4 [ Presiding Judge C. E. PETTINGILL, New York. N. Y. , y Associate Judge LEE J. ROSE, San Diego, Cal. 4 ► f Associate Judge J. J. HOLTMAN, Riverside, Cal. ** o Starter HARRY MORRISSEY. Lexington, Ky. o Racing Secretary and Handicapper. . EICK DWYER, San Francisco, Cal. . ,, I jSandLV Four Daily Trains to CALIFORNIA I S4Sr IHE ONLY LINE TO SAN DIEGO, WHICH IS THE NEAREST CITY TO TIA JUANA fegty SANTA FE CITY OFFICE: 78 E. Jackson Blvd., ChicafO j iy d ,* Breeders Futurity KENTUCKY ASSOCIATION 1916-17 SECOND and THIRD PAYMENTS DUE JANUARY 1, 1916 PLEASE REMIT TO G. P. WILSON, Secretary. Lexiiqton, Ky. ,a JD „ or MONCRVIF. 11, HEAN SPILLER. 2-1. WON Sunday, s.-i- Ciwlaatna Harm*, lu~.k -■.:.. Full New OrtaUM :■ ml I la v:in:i !i:iinlic;i| duily :tti l |i:irl;i al each trark mmHmI orrrafackt: S- foe - vecks. TODAYS BEST: TAR 66. Book 233. American Thoroughbred, Baltimore Bldg., Chicago. THE TURF REPORTER Room 609. 22 West Quincy Street. Chicago. Illinois. TODAY S FORM SPECIA: No. 669. THE STANDARD TURF GUIDE. CHICAGO GET THE STANDARD FOR WINNERS For sale at all uews-standK at "il retil per fo| y. TODAYS FORM SPECIAL: No. 1 in Book No. 450. STRAN1VS DAILY HAVANA CABLEGRAM. CODE No. 2: White. Pear. Deir. Brass, Lion. on r..-i-i|it mt *-r 1 will si-iul "ii eeaec ""l i- r «. davs service. Is»- Soiilliern Express iiioncy order. GEO. L. STRANG. P. 0. Box No. 399. Havana, Cuba,