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j i G. e a e 1; d P t d f e d r b 1 t t r v s t li •! C I 1 ■ J - I i ! i s « i 1 « i ASSURED OF BIG SUCCESS NEW ORLEANS MEETING PAST THE EXPERI-MENTAL STAGE AND HIGH IN FAVOR. A. Cochran Two-Year-Olds Give Him the Lead Among Winning Owners, with E. Herz and J. W. Schorr Close Up. New Orleans. La., January 9. — The Fair Grounds racing passed the experimental stage last win; eland the first week of its second meeting found everything working in routine fashion and along larger lines than the management expected. Every day since the- meeting opened has witnessed improvement and the rough edges have fined down. The only disappointment arises from the fact that the better grade of racers have not been in action daily, but the association has no apologies to offer for the brand of sport furnished. Failure of the good horses to contest more frequently has been due to an epidemic of coughing that has made inroads in each stable. Local support for the sport has been generous and enthusiastic. Press and public alike have had nothing but praise and have lent their encouragement to make the racing successful. Financially the meeting is already showing to better advantage than last winter and it promptly resulted in an announcement that the horsemen would share in the prosperity. Parses will be substantially increased, beginning with the third li tion of the program book. The second program hook had already been issued when the management, on Judge Murphys recommendation, decided on the increase, else the raise in purses would probably have taken effect tomorrow. A pleasing leature of the week was Joveruor Halls presence at the course and his iiinpialilied approval of the s]iort. judging by the apparent «n-joyment he derived from his visit. No one in Saturdays vast throng took a keener interest 111 the proceedings, nor enjoyed the contests more fully. The purses have been fairly well distributed. Gifford A. Cochran, by virtue of three purses earned by his two-year-olds, heads the list of winning owners. Emil Herz and John W. Schorr follow him closely. The jockey honors have fallen so far to W. Lilley. who i,s in front with six wins. T. Keener and J. Btitwell follow with four winners each. The Palm Oarden action, according to the individual bettors, has not been so good as at this time last winter. This is accounted for from the fact that competition is keener this winter and that bettors have mastered the system and. instead of accepting the first price offered, are now prone 10 i- . shopping for something better. In instances the competition has l«eeu so keen that were oil" inclined he could have "dutched" the race. There have been no sensational plunges and they are not wanted. The general public so far has the better of it. At present 200 stakeholders are being used. Work-outs this morning over a fast track, but with the "dogs" up. were: Alley— Mile in 1 :40. Asparagus Sam — Three-eighths in 37%. Bell Boy— Mile in 1 51. Bringhurst— Five-eighths iu 1:02%. Bebunonr— Five-eighths in 1:06%. Bill Simmons — Half mile in 51%. Chad Biiford— Mile in 1:51%. Pick Williams— Mile in 1:46%. Duke of Dunbar — Half mile in 52. Dud. — Half mile in 50%. Fd Crump--Three-quarters in 1:16%. Frisky -—Three-quarters in 1:18. I. A. Weighs— Mile in 1:45%. Far Awav — Three-quarters in 1:20. Ooldcrest Boy — Mile in 1:46%. Hester Prynne — Three-eighths iu 38. Insurance Man — Mile in 1:49%. Jack Reeves — Half mile in 50. Jawbone — Half mile in 54. King K. — Mile in 1:52%. Kate K. — Seven-eighths in 1:38. Latkj George — Half mile ill 53. Mary II. — Five-eighths in 1:05. Maty Warren — Mile in 1:51. Miss Declare — Quarter mile in 24%. Nigadoo — Five-eighths in 1:04. Old Ben — Three-quarters in l:18s. Pally H. —Mile iu 1:48%. Perth Rock — Three-quarters in 1:18. Penniless— Mile iu 1:46%. Rustling Brass — Half mile in 54. Red Cross — Three-eighths in 38. Ramona — Five-eighths in 1:04%. Rose Marion — Three-eighths iu 38%. Rcybourn — Half mile in 53. Smuggler— Half mile in 50-:,. Serenata — Mile in 1:51%. Scrapper — Five-eighths iii 1 MIL Surpassing--Three-quarters iu 1:21%. Salon — Half mile in 50%. Tribolo — Half mile in 50%. Twilight — Seven-eighths in 1:33. Talebearer — Three-quarters in 1:18 The Spirit — Seven-eighths in 1:337... Thoughtreader — Three-quarters in 1:18%. Theodorita — Half mile iu 50%,. Vampire — Five-eighths in 1:04%. W. W. Clark— Half mile in 33%. WildrosL — Three-eighths in 37.-,.