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LEGISLATURE GIVEN INFORMATION. Lexington. Ky.. January 14. — The fifth biennial report off the Kentucky State Racing Commission to the General Assembly, now in sesatoa at Frankfort, was issued today l.y Secretary Samuel C. NuckoD. Jr. It is a can rtoi statement of the acts and no coinplishuK lit- of the commission during the pa-t two years, recounting the establishment of a breeding bureau for the improvement of the breed f borsea for all purpose- in this state and particularizing M to the new rub- adopted and the amendments ■ad* to the old rule-. General improvement in the demand for young in iiig stock is shown by a discussion of public -al - held during two years. It is shown that racing in Kentucky was never more popular nor on a higher plane. The commission draw-; attention !•• the fact that the wisdom of the legislature in placing r:icing under the regulaion of a state coin-iiii-siin is attes ted by request- for conies of the act •from every state in the union where they were trying to revive racing."