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JACK McCORMACKS PROFITABLE CHANGE. New Orleans. La., January 14. — The engagement Of Jack McCorinack as trainer for the Mr. James Duller -table was net unexpected by horsemen here, as it was generally known that Mr. Dutler wanted MConnack and that the question of his signing up with the New York turfman was only a matter of time. MeCormaeh »t present i- training the bom* i of Eniil Hera here and has had I fair share of success with them. He will probably remain here until tear February before going east to take up the Butler string. He will have a formidable lot of baiaes. to train, even though they had a bad season la»t year, aad with any there of need luck he si Id bare I be Duller -table well up among the liM of winning owner- n l fear. Ii -. •■■ • the 8IJW a month which Hen pays him. MrCorasacks wane-mid peeeeatnges with Mr. Duller will avenge about ,500 a year.