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FUTURE STEEPLECHASING PROVISIONS. New Cork, February 3. — At a meeting of the • i nivo cemmitte of the National Steeplechase and Hunt Association today gentlemen riders ear-tinea tea were rrantcd to If. D. Bamberger, Uea-tenant i:. m. Whitnaj and A. J. Deverenax. Train-its licenses were granted to William Henry. James Owens, Wain li Freeman and Frank Bnraton. and Jockeys licenses to Thomas c. Iarretto, Viucent Powers and J. Mean y The aeeretary was requested ta send the fol-lowing ; proposed , regulations to all secretaries of lacing associations: •■That at any meeting held under the rule- of the National Steeplechase and Hunt Association where seven or more stecplecbaaeH are given there aball be at least one steeplechase for four-year-olds and npward al three miles. There | shall ,-.i o be at leas steeplechase at two and [ one half miles t..r foor-year-olds and upward for every seven steeplechases given." The borsea belonging to the late Herman B. Dory, a are still in England and France. What disposition will be mad,- of them will be determined 1 later. Jam— Bowe, who has charge « the H. P. Whitney borsea al Brookdale, and Joe Notter. the rider tor the table, left tonight for Louisville to | Inspect the Whitney homes that hae wintered tin-re in charge of Allen Simon-. Price McKinney s upending a few days in New York. Be will have Saturday for Kentucky to look over the borsea il Kingston farm, which are in charge "f Miss Elisabeth DalagerBetd. Henry J Iforria has been Visiting "apt. P. M. Walker in Virginia. He came here today to attend a meeting f the National Hunt and Steeplechase Association and will return to Virginia tomorrow.