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MR. WOODFORDS RESIGNATION ACCEPTED. Lexington. Ky.. February is. — Catesby WmmI fold- resig nation a- preeideal and as a meaUVT of the beard was accepted today at the meetiaa of the directors of the Kentucky AssocJatioa. Arthur B. Haacock, of Baris. was elected to succeed him as a member of the board and a special meeting to elect a president will be held February 50 Overton II. I lienaiilt is in line for the presidency and it was stated today that be in all probability will be chosen. An appreciation of the splendid service render. I by Mr. Woodford and of regret at his retirement wa- adopted ill the form of a resolution. Secretary J. I. Wilson stated thai -lakes for the spring meeting had tilled well and thai li-l- el the entries are to be available for publj est ion February 20.