Rapid Growth of Amateur Racing, Daily Racing Form, 1916-02-19


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RAPID GROWTH OF AMATEUR RACING. Some developments at the meeting of the National Steeplechase and Hunt Association in New York Tuesday led the New York Sun of Wednesday to My : "Preparations for what promises to be the best season of amateur racing ever held in New York were made yesterday at the annual meeting of the bunts committee of the National Steeplechase and Hunt Association. Ibis committee started off to manage the amateur meets of the National Steeple base and Hunt Association when steeplechasing on the regular tracks was the most important business, that the association had to attend to. Amateur racing has grown in volume and importance in tie-last few years s,, that now the Situation is thai the tail is wagging the dog, or in other words the work or the hunts committee is of greater import-aiire than that of the parent body to which it u attached. "The Bcope of I he committee is widening all the time am] a further advance was indicated yesterday when A. .1. A. Pcvreiix on behalf of Pennsylvania and H. A. Bourne, representing New Jersey, announced that during the coming season these states would have permanent organizations to further amateur racing corresponding to the United Hunts of N w V- rk. Plans for a mile track near Philadelphia have b.-en laid. It will lie. conducted much on the order of the Piping Bock plant, with stables for the Hpurtsmea who wish 1,1 indulge in horse raring and rare their own animals over brush ami rail fences. "Virginia, too. is prepared to branch out, James W. Graces from that state volunteering the information that Within the next year the circuit will be extended so that there will l»e two other places for amateur meetings besides Middleburg and War-reiiton. which have entertained the huntsmen hitherto. "The following recognized hunts for 1916 were approved: Brandywine Hounds, Cheshire Foxhounds, Chester Valley Hunt. Elkridge Hunt Club. Essex Foxhounds. Glen-Arden Hunt. lien Moore Hunt. Grafton Hounds. Green Spring Valley Hunt. Grnsse Boint Hunt Club. Huntingdon Valley Hunt. Middleburg Hunt. Middlesex Foxhounds. Millbrook Hunt. Mr. Riddles Hounds. Myopia Hunt. Montpelier Hounds. Mr. Winstons Hounds. Norfolk Hunt Club. Orange County Hunt. Piedmont Foxhounds. Pickering Hunt. Radnor Hunt. Remlik Hounds. Shelboitrne Hounds. Stnithtown Hunt Club. Wateliung Hunt, Warrentoa Hunt, and White Marsh Valley Hunt."

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1910s/drf1916021901/drf1916021901_1_8
Local Identifier: drf1916021901_1_8
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800