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GENERAL NEWS NOTES OF THE DAY. A Berila dispatch of yesterday says: The British have made a new attempt to retake the position southwest •. Ypres, Belgium, reeently captured by tin Germans, MR were beaten off with heavy losses, it was ottii tally announced today. The army headquarters sistemenl says: Western theater of war: The English again attempted to recapture their positions to the south of Ypres. but were repulsed with sanguinary losses. To the northwest of Leas and to the norm of Anas we carried out successful mining operations. A small German detachment returned from a nocturnal expedition against English positions near Fooqueviliers, north of Arras, with a few prisoners. Directly south of the gauiaac an attack by frest French troOpe broke down under our tire, on the remainder ol the front there were more or less lively artillery duels, but no incidetils of any especial importance. hnemy aerial attacks in Flanders were immediately returned by our avia tors with the aerial bombardment of Ioperiughe. From Ietrograd yesterday a dispatch said: •The fall of Braerum, the most Important Turkish strong hold in Asia Minor, and for a long time considered impregnable. Offers the unprecedented spectacle of a trat class fortress built on a steep mountain ridge nearly a mile atxjve sea h-vel yielding to bayonet attack after only thirty-six hours bombardment. The operations were conducted under the most severe weather ennditi lis the snow being deep and the thermometer registering at times mote than thirty degrees below zero 1-uhreahei t. The Turkish a nny defending Braerum, taken by surprise unde, the met hods adopted by the Rnaslaaa, is now Mid to be iii disorderly light on the roads leading to Sivas. Aa the garrison apparently scattered in all directions, it is assumed here that large number of men were taken prisoner, although official figures are still lacking." Hecords of the exports of horses to Europe show that more than 500,000 horses valued at 25,000,000 I hare been shipped there nan this country since the beginning of the war. A compilation made by the foreign trade department of tin- National City Hank discloses that about 440,900 borate arete shipped last jrear. The prices show a declining tendency. The uTerage price in 1:114 was 10. but the horses were -oiling at an average of 07 in November, the last month lor which complete reports were received. The declaration of the entente allies to the I.el- giaa government that hostilities would not be permitted to end without Belgium having re established 1 it- political and economic independence, and that Belgium would be called upon to take part in the I em e negotiations, is explained by the Temps as designed to enable Belgium to take a direct part in the peace negotiatioua as an independent power. Major General John I". OHyan, commanding the National Guard of New fork, has asked the police for information regarding 2,000 revolvers, ten automatic guns. 7. "Hi ritbs and 2,500,000 rifle cartridges ! stored in the West Houston street building, lea-eel I by Han- Tanacher, said to be an agent for the Krupp Gnu Woiks of Gemutny.