Garner in a Star Role: Guides Dr. Carmen, Aunt Liz and Frisky to Victory at New Orleans, Daily Racing Form, 1916-03-04


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GARNER L A STAR ROLE GUIDES DR. CARMEN. AUNT LIZ AND FRISKY TO VICTORY AT NEW ORLEANS. Tine Attendance for the Second Charity Day — Jockey Hanover to Ride for G. A. Cochran and Garner for Corrigan and McKinney. New Orleans, La., March 3.— The final day of racing; at the Fair Grounds devoted to tlie lienctit Of tile Charity Hospital was marked liy an attendance tliat compared with the best seen here this winter and included many notable persons of the state and city. The Mardi Gras visitors were also abundantly prominent. A sudden drop in the temperature made lop wraps a necessity. Jockey Garner was conspicuously successful during the afternoon and curried olr half the card, including the feature race, which lie won with Dr. Carmen, which is evincing • disposition to stay, this being his second winning effort at one mile in as many starts. Garners other victories were achieved on Aunt Lis and Frisky, both tram tin-El PaJomar Stable. Roth were bid up after winning. Aunt Liz. entered for 00, was advanced to IMS, and Frisky, entered for 00. was raised to 1916.sh05. Roth were retained. Aunt Liz. Judging by her performance, is a bit above the average youngster uncovered here, for she won in a canter and reduced the track record jointly held by Mollie Montrose and Solvoig by oae-Afth of a acrond. placing the new figure at 17--,. • lose and interesting racing attended most of the •lashes, the finish in I lie liual race being particularly tight. Harry louder getting tip in the last stride to overhaul Kirka, witli Yodolcs onlv a head behind the first Iwo. Bab Levy, who fc.rinevly managed the Norfolk track and is BOW a prosperous business man in Houston, Texas. was among this afternoons visitors. .Mm ir. Madigin, president of the Niagara Racing Association, was also an arrival and will remain for the r« sf of the racing here. Secretary A. U. London, of the Hamilton Jockey club, and Charles o. Smith will leave Baaday ssora lag for Chicago. They have made an extended visit here. G. L. Blackford of Donison. Texas, who lias an extensive racing String here, was an arrival this afternoon. Fan Carets drew the rail position in the special race in which she will engage tomorrow with Brinz-hur-t. Jockey J. Hanover lias been retained to ride lor the Gilford A. tot bran stable for this vear and will report to trainer Y. K. Midglov at Belmont Par* May 1. Hanover will, at the close of the pre seat meeting. z - to Hot Springs to accept mounts during the meeting at Oauawn. Jockey J. IfeTaggart will go to Balttmore after tlie clnse of the meeting here and rest until the opening of the Maryland tracks. T. McTaggart will so to Hot Springs, where lie will ride until the opealag • f the Bowie steering. It. I.. Maker, who hohF the contract on jockev M. earners services for this nsri ting was advised this morning by trainer Dick Williams that J. L. Holland has transferred the contract on Garner to Price McKinii. v and that the y ungster will ride lor Corrigaaj and McKinney his vear. Garner will Jala trainer W. C. Clancy at Louisville immediately alter the racing closes here. Training gallops this morning over a last track were : Africa Iteau — Mile in 1:57. ■. Aliaclir -Three-eighths in 37--.. " Aristocrat— Half mile- in .".::. Belam mr — Five-eighths in 1:04%. Bell Hoy -Half mile in 40-.-.. Bill Simmon- Five-eighths in 1:04. Blonde Mile in 1 :49. Blue Gram Belle Quarter mile in 34%. Bo! KedOeld Five-eighth- in 1:03%. Brian Born Three-quarters in 1:22%. Col. Ashqaeade Half mile in 54. toltnet — Three-quarters in Fit;. Dr. Larrick Quarter mile in 24%. Eagle — Five-eighths in 1:05%. Edna Kenna -Three-eighths in 38%. Fly H. mie— Half mile in 53%. For fair — Three eighths in 38. Grumpy--! hroo-ei".hth- in 30. illuminator Three-eighths in 38%. Indolence— Half mib- in 50%. .lack Beeves Five-eighths in 1:04%. Jim Qrnndl Five-eighths ;:i 1:04%. Judge Wright Hall mile in DO ■ Kilda.v Mib in 1:47%. King Neptune Three-eighths in 30%. Laird o Kirkcaldy— Three-eighths in 40%. Little Higher Halt mile ill ." ;;. Marsbon— Mile in 1:47%. Monsieur I*ercl Half mile in .":;. Mr clem oe Three-eighths m 3S%. our Netts Three-eighths in 30. Ban Eareta— Three-eighths in 37%. Iliil Cagar — Three-quarters in 1:18 . Pollv II Mile in 1 :40%. Bcdland— Half mile in 52%. Bey Oakwood Three-quarters in 1:17%. Kcvhuuni Mib- in 1 :H; ;.-.. Itifle Shooter Three-quarters in 1:10%. Sevillian -Three-quarters in 1:19%. Short Ballot Halt mile- in "I -.. golveig r.n c eighths in :;c; c . S. rian - — M lie in 1 : 15%. Yenghec — Mile In 1 :4.».

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