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r V Hot Springs, Ark., Racing JB % March 11 to April 4 -*- UNDER THE AUSPICES OF THE DAYS Business Mens League V QAKLAWN JOCKEY CLUB ,800 and over in daily purses. No purse less than 00 I Address all communications to JOSEPH E. MARTIN, Manager, Hot Springs, Ark. SUNNYSIDE HOTEL Magnolia Springs, Baldwin County :: Alabama W. H. H. HARDING. Proprietor. In the heart of the Ponce de Leon country, between Mobile Bay and the Gulf of Mexico. Open all the year round. Fine fishing. The Springs furnish a certain cure for kidney diseases. RATES: 5 PER WEEK NATIONAL RACING REVIEW. TODAYS SPECIAL: Maine, Mystery, Mighty, Swallow. Yesterdays Special, Cuneo, 7-1, second. Room 446, 321 South La Salle Street. Chicago. 111. SOUVENIR 4-1 JUSTICE GOEBEL 4-1 won Thursday. See Works. Rook 283; 28 cents everywhere, or mailed direct. SI per month. TODAYS BEST: Gone-West-Zee-For-Not-Out, Book 243. American Thoroughbred, Baltimore Bldg., Chicago. THE STANDARD TURF GUIDE, CHICAGO. For winners, get the Standard. Thats the !»iok thai has the winners. For sale at all leading newsstands at 28 eents. Yesterdays Form Special lost. TODAYS FORM SPECIAL: March— Pear— 12-43-18-58. Book with eode on aie wherever Racing Form i-: 25 cents a week. TODAYS BEST: No. 416 in Book No. 587. THE TURF REPORTER. R. 509 Baltimore Bldg., 22 W. Quincy St., Chicago. | Empire City Racing Association t OFFICES: Broadway and 70th Street, New York. RAGE GOURSE: YONKERS. 1. 1. | i STAKES l| J| To Be Run at the I SIMMER MEETING, 1916 1 A ► JULY 12—29. j To Close Friday, March 10, 1916 il io — o » Empire City Handicap. ,500 Added. o I ! ► FOR THREE-YEAR-OLDS AND UPWARD.-By subscription of K23 each. 130 additional to start. J| I i One Mile and a Furlong. 4 t i 1 Y0N«E?«« 1D1CAP" TARRYTOWN STAKES Selling, j i | !o 300 Added. Vallie 500 j| IO FOR THJIEE-YEAR-OLDS AND UPWARD. _ ♦ i . Bv subscription of S15 each. S;.» additional : FQR 01_ TIIilEE.YEAR.0LDS, , .... , ,. . . . Bj . „..„|,,,., . ___ Itt " W» «*» » «*Btloaal to start. One Mile. to start. One Mile and an Eighth. !E ML VERNON HANDICAP. T Te S000S j[ ,500 Added. jF0R TWO-YEAR-OLDS. -By suhscription of FOR THREE-YEAR-OLDS AND UPWARD.-! ♦ ?.-0 each, ,0 additional to star,. ! of each. B3S additional By subscription .fir, Fivo and 0ne.Half Furiongs. it to start. One Mile, j ELEETWINO HANDICAP. j: Vahe 000 Value ,000. F0R two.year-olds.-V.v ■■mutiM of [ for three-year-olds and upward.- [O hB0 ViU.K hB0 addition:ll f sl;u.r. nt By subscription of 0 each, |2S additional; About gix Furlongs_ V A to start. About Six Furlongs. . ..__._. _ ., A t WAKEEIEID HANDICAP. MFIDlHtF MELROSE «TAkF«i STAKES .Collmn Selling. o J V| ~7 -ftn 0 . value .aoo. x v M n00 * VdlUC l,JUU. FOr TWO-YEAR-OLDS. By subscription of ► ► FOR THREE-YEAR-OLDS AND UPWARD.- sjr, each, additional to start. ♦ U By subscript in of .*1." each, 8 ttdditional f1vc ar.d One-Half Furlongs. 1| 1 *t7ufT,Tu- Tnh DEMOISELLE STaKFS. X ARROW ADDAu/ STAKES Selling. | Va|ue 500 | o Value ,j00. FOR TWO-YEAR-OLD FILLIES. -By tnbarrin o ° FOR THREE-YEAR-OLDS AND UPWARD. - tion of OS each. 0 additional to Start. j[ J J[ By subscription of 5 each, S additional Five and One-H*lf Furlongs. JP to suit About six Furiongs. FRIVOLITY STAKES Selling. :: KNICKERBOCKER HANDICAP. Value ,500. I ,500 Added. FOR TWO-YEAR-OLDS, -iu saa«criptk n of jl O FOR THREE-YEAR-OLDS. -By subscription of1 *l;5 "***• $"3 additional to start. o J | each, $;15 additional to start. Five and One-Half Furlongs. O i HAniAr6 SPRIOHTEIL STAKES Selling. | Mini,MMFD *K ? Value ,500, | Added. **a O ,000 FOR TWO-YEAR-OLDS.- -By subscription of A U FOR THREE-YEAR-OLDS. -By snbscriptkMI of !?1" each. 9 additional to start. ♦ l 0 each 8 additional to start. One Mile. About Six Furlongs. ♦ ♦ 0 A FOR ENTRY BLANKS ADDRESS 0 Z V. E. SCHAUMBURG, Racing Secretary, X Empire City Racing Association. Broadway and 70th Street, New York J