Havana Entries, Daily Racing Form, 1916-03-04


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HAVANA ENTRIES. Probabilities: Weather clear; track fast. Racing starts at 5:50 p. m. Chicago time. 2:37. XRuns well in mud. ©Superior mud runner. . M maidens. Apprentice allowance. First Race — 1-2 Mile. 2 vear olds. Selling, i Track record: 25248 4sr. -2—112. Ind. Horse. Wt. Rec. A.Wt.IIan. 25248* Manokiu 112 :40 188. .725 23229 Lantahs 186.. 720 I 25248* May Bock 112 :40% 00. .715 j 1 25200 1 Voces 104 :49% 98.. 715 j 2524s Hasty Vra 112 :48% M8. .705 1 Manokin seems Improving. Second Race — 3-4 Mile. 3-year-olds and upward. Selling. Track record: 24252 -1:11% — 4—111. 25271** Tie Iin HO 1:13% 4 ins. .725 25288 Dancing Star .... s5 1:1.;-, :[ oo. .720 i 25272* Stonington loi 1:14% 4 106. .715 , 25289 Flat bush 109 1:15% 5 K»TX715 , 25221 • C.ilethumpian If 0 1:13% Tin:: 71" 1 25115* Archery 91 1:14% 5 ins©705 , 25117 Lady Rankin 117 1:13% 7 I11X7O0 ! 25218 Him- Bock 87 1:17 3 100x000 25113 Hugh 105 1:14% 4 110x690 I 25252 Sottish Knight ..101 1:16% 3 105 880 23220 Doran Bird hi.. 3 101.. 875 Tie 1* in has loss to beat than in his recent races. Third Race — 5 1-2 Furlongs. 3 vear-olds and upward. Selling. Track record: 24694—1:08 — S— 108. 25240- Dr. H. L. Swar eager loo 1:07% 7 ill. .715 252SS- Bustle Maid 100 18% 4 00 Tin 1 252ss Tiger Jim 105 1:08% 10 100X710 1 25240 Dakota 1 7 1 :0S 5 107X710 I 25275 Euterpe 107 1:08 6 110x710 1 25240 s.ii Vanity mi 1:07% :: ot Ti 5 25Ls!i* Hns-ell McGUI ...112 1:06% T 101X703 p 25249 Jane iMi 90 1:08% 4 1ii2..7o5 25230 Phil Connor loo 1:07Jr. 8 106 703 25240 Kettledrum 10M 1:08% 5 oo G90 25102 Bord 107 1:07% 4 106X690 -"240 Avs Trovato M.MO 1:11 5 M..880 1 Dr. R. I.. Swarenger should race better. Fourth Race — 1 Mile. ". vear ilds and upward. Selling. Track record: 2507I 1:50 5-114.1 25251- Aiitnan 112 1:42.-, 8 111X715 • 25198* liner 1031:42% 5 101. .710 I 25251* Wat.r l.ad ill 1:43% 5 ln!x71u 1 23220 : Muzanti its 1 :42 4 100. .705 25305* V.ii, a Byes 120 1:30% 7 104x705 25251 Argument M2 1:43V. 5 83.. 700 Autumn only needs to repeat his last race. Fifth Race— 1 1-4 Miles. Uyear-oids and upward. BeHing. Track record: 24574— 2:06%— 4— Ml. 2S235 TA.MKUI.AM-: M0 2:07% 4 188. .725 25199s* Kay o Light s 2:08% 5 108.. 715 252521 CliarlcR irancis .. 4 Ins.. 715 25275 Luther 6 108X715 25252 Baby Sister 100 2:11% 5 80X705 . 25308* K.nenal on 2:11-,m 6 101X705 1 Tamerlane ha been showing improved form and is right good.

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1910s/drf1916030401/drf1916030401_2_7
Local Identifier: drf1916030401_2_7
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800