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: p l. e I v r ,. ,1 ,. H d h ; 1 ! • , j I j . .; 5 I I [ _- . ", " II 5 1 - ■ i L ■ ■ « •• ■ 2 ; • _! • " 1 • DELIGHT AT HOT SPRINGS CITIZENS CONFIDENT RACING WILL NOT BE MOLESTED AND WILL RECUR ANNUALLY. Many New Arrivals and More Expected as the Stability of the Meeting Becomes Apparent — Al Koenigsberg Reinstated. Hot Springs. Ark.. March 12. — Yesterdays auspicious re-opening of Oaklawa marks the- "i-ome-back" of another track that will probably in future enable horse am a to earn names at a time of the year when there is little racing elsewhere. The revival of the apart lure is on a solid basis and, unless something unforseeu occurs, raring will be a feature at this famous resort every spring. A more encouraged gathering could not !»• found than that which witnessed yesterdays opening. Hot Springs for a long period has been in tin- throes of despair aid the heavy influx of visitors, attracted here by the resumption of raciag, will cause a concerted effort 011 the part of the citizens here to safe-guard it should the- sport again be threatened. Political changes, which soon will transpire in the state, will also be favorable to the permanent re-e establishment of the sport, according to the- claims of those professing to be- familiar with conditions. 1 he intention of the Business Mens League, uiide-r whose auspices the raring is annually t, he conducted, is to continue its present plan of following tie- Xc-.v Orleans meeting. It is believed that when it becomes thoroughly clear to owners of raring staid. s all over tin- isajiilij that raciag will not meet molestation hen-, many will ship to Oaklawii to winter. Oaklawa is one of the most spacious and up-to-. date plants in the- country, with facilities supbrior to all tracks in the matter of arrommodn Hon for stable help. When the Messrs. Stuart. Dugan and Condon built the plant, they were unsparing in e--, pense and built on lasting lines, Arrivals this warning were agala numerous and, when turfdom in general is satisfied that the sport is here to stay, it is expected that the followers of raring will flock here in even g renter numbers. The attendance at the Hot Springs opening was estimated at ." . «M . Jockey MiDermott. who has been engaged to do the lightweight riding for James Butler, reported to trainer John Me-Cormaek at the- Empire City track Saturday. Jockey J. Loftus, who has been e nur. ;r el t- eio the heavyweight riding for the stable, will report within a few elays. Al Koenlgsberg, who was barred at New Orleans a year ago, has been re-instated by tin- beard of appeals of the- Business Mens U.: -inj; Association. The rein rati me nt was ordered on the- innjnd that he had been sutlicie-ntly disciplined for his Infraction of tie- rates. The board of appeals de-cided not to reinstate the Baker Brothers, who had also appealed. According to returns just made to the New York authorities, the late J. B. Haggla left an estate of 0,080,008 in that state. This is ,000.- DIM more- than the estimate made when the- will w.r. filed. The Mew York apiu-iisai is exclusive of the value of real estate in California. Newport, R. I., and the Elmi-ndorf Stock Farm in Kentucky. Training gaBspa ove-r a fast track this —mini. were: Alston Three-eighths in H. Ailsa Paige— rive-eighths in 1:04. Ataboy— Three-eighths in 37. Den Ilampson Three-eighths In 3X. Revelry James Half mile in 55. I.eaumint Lady Three-eighths in 41%. De-rt I.. Quarter mile in 24%. Cliff Stream Three-quarten in 1:20--,. Chad Diiford Three-eighths in 3s1 -,. Celebrity — Three-eighths In 3S-,. Clara Morgan — Half mile in 58. • apt. Den Half mile in 59%. Dr. Carasea Three-eighths in 49%. Dave Montgomery Three-eighths in 98. Dick Deadwood --Three-quarters in 1:21. Falls City Half mile in 52%. Frank ONeBly — Five-eighths in 1:04. Father Riley -Half mile In 51%. Glaaaer Three-quarten in 1:19. Hard Ball Three-eighths in 41%. Injury Three-eighths in 97%. Intone- Quarter mih- in 25%. Jim Ornndy Half mile in 51%, Kilday Mil- in 1:45%. kootonay Three-eighth I in •!." . Half mile in 59%. Osaple Three-eighths in 3S. Old Hob -Five-eighths in 1:3:!:.. Paymaster Three-eighths in .ll-r,. Reybonra — Pive-eighths in 1.98%. Rio Braaea -Three-eighths in 89%. Uosi- Marian Three-quarten in 1:20. Roy- Mih- iii 1:49%. Ste 1,-lilT Half mile in .,2. Serena; i Thri e-qiiarters in 1:18%, Sol ciba-y Three-eighths in 3s. Smoky Dave Three-eighths in 99%. Shyness — five-eighths in 1 :0S. Stout Heart Half mile in .".1%. Scallywag Half mile in 59. Theresa McMakin— Three-quarten in 1:17--,.