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Hot Springs Entries and Past Performances for Monday, March 13. WEATHER CLEAR. TRACK FAST. — o o — — — — — The figures under the heading "Rec." in the I I entries below show the best timo of each horse ] at the distance, since January 1, 1911, no matter I where it finished. In cases where record was I made on other than a fast or good track, abbrc-I viatiens show track conditions. I 0 . o Bactag starts at IM p. in. Chicago time, 2:30. XRuns well in mud. ©Superior mud runner. M maidens. Apprentice allowance. First Race— 3 1-2 Furlongs. 2 -year-olds. Maidens. Selling. Track record: OHiOO — 12—2—110. Did. Horse. Wt. Rec. A.Wt.lInn. 2:.::i7-» Wat 101. .72.". 2.-.I1U- Caahap 112 :i:;% 112. .790 24094* Wall Street 113 :42£ HO. .720 2S9J03 Golden Baataai ...KJJ :4J 100. .718 25078 Uladao Belle M0. .719 2ts;:» Caaala Bab ItS :11".% 112. .710 2.",2:i.i War Bride m :*4% 100. .70S 2.-.07S Pair Mary 10J :43% Ml. .000 Z432S San?, P.leu 10O..000 2."I7S Participle 100. .000 2S410 Oohm M0. .076 Genetic, hr. f. hy Marta Santa — Jeisey 109 Wats form is clearly heat. Second Race — 3-4 Mile. .5 year elds. Sellint. Track record: 01700— 1:12/,— «— 113.. _T.3ls l«aa«U 11» 1:11% 8 121X725 2S030* c.deluity MT 1:14% 4 113X720 25413* Cat Ashmeade ...111 1:13% 0 1ISX715 2..::is» Leialoha 114 1:14% 7 111x715 2BSS1 Scrapper 100 1:13% 0 118. .713 2447!» Stellcliff 103 1:13% 7110x713 25411* Piowiistone M ..107 1:15% 5 113. .710 252 10* KiSS Rail f er.l 112 1:1 2 % G 1 1 3 X 705 1.I.-C2 Pedro 110 1:13% 12 11SX7U0 Scbago seems to be rounding into form again. Third Race— 3-4 Mile. 4-year edds and upward. Scllit ;r. Track record: 81700— 1:12%— O— 113. i 2S82C* LACKROSE 10G 1:11% 8 11SX725 2534S Blo Braaoa MM 1:11% 7 11SX715 Ind. Horse. Wt. Bcc A.Wt.Han. 2S0M* Capt Pen Ma 1:13% 5 lis-715 28104 Altamaha 11.". 1:12% S11SX715 24372- Dryad 113 1:12% 5 121x715 25113* Planlaueiiet MB 14% 4 110x710 23175 Chad Gilford MB 1:14% 0 11SX705 Lackrose is in good form of late. Fourth Race— 3-4 Mile. Col. S. W. Fordyce Purse. 3 year-olds and upward. Allowances. Track record: 01700— 1112%— 0—113. 28318 Korfhage 102 1:12% 5 104X730 2I7IS Stout Heart 113 1:12% i PIT 725 20318* Bate Marian 180 1:12% .". 04X720 28412 Greenwood 08 1:11% 3 :»; 120 2540! Base Cap 100 1:12% 3 04X713 28207 Im le Jiinmie 100 1:12% 5 104 X 713 24607* Ba 1071:18% 7 1040710 Korfhage is in good form. Fifth Race— 3-4 Mile. .", year alaa. Selling. Track record: 81700— 1:12%— 5—113. 28848* Par Away MS 1:18% 112.. 725 25301 Clara Morgan 111 1:18% 110X720 253H P.ditician M ...112 1:11% 100X718 25023 Short P.allot 10 i 1:18% 109X710 25193 Itobolink 102 1:17 107.. 705 25359 Ingot 1081108% 112X705 25351 Palls City 1111:14% 112. .705 25158 Irrawaddy 10441:18% 107X700 25190 Insurgent M ...114 1:15% 100.. 880 24730 Muriels Pet 102 1:17% M7X880 25015 Southern Star 97 148% 107X090 Fir Away lias less to beat than in his recent starts. Sixth Race — 1 Mile and 70 Yards. le Soto Springs Co. lurse. 3-year-idds and upward. Sellins. Track record: 83088— 1:43%— 5— 101. 28300 P.lrka 107 1:44% 8 100X728 98000* Alston 1111:45 4 10SX720 2531S Jack Reeves 3 101.. 715 25114 Goodwood 110 1:17% 4 100X718 25119 lteyhourn 100 1:44 9 110X715 28340 Virgiedot 1 104.. 710 211114 nil aaad 112 1:47a 5 112X710 Birfca is dependable when good.