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I . : ; . - . • ; ! : . . I " • I • 1 1 " - • i I - t 1 1 t s - • t HAVANA FORM CHART. HAVANA. CUBA, SUNDAY. MARCH 12, 1916.— Oriental Park. Seventy-sixth day. Cuba-American Jockey Club. Wint. r Meeting of S2 days. « 13 I ks on. Weather clear. Presiding Steward. C. J. Eitzgerabl. Presiding Judge, P. A. Brady. Starter, James Miltou. Racing Secretary. M. Nathanson. Badag starts at 2:30 p. 111. Chicago time 1:57 p. m.l. "•Indicates apprentice allowance. QPJ/1 QQ FIHST RACE— 5-8 Mile. 242-C— 50%— 5— 114. Purse 00. 3-year-olds and up- —3 fJ _Q O ward. Selling. Net value to winner 25: second. 359; third. 5. lniloy Horses AWtlPSt Vi % % Str Im Jockeys Owners o p S 25300 PENANCE I Ml 2 2 3- 3*1 3 l1 S Wolstm II Herdel _• I 7, 2-3 25418*JAN_ w 4 102 S a 2] ]i I1 M M MountaN B Davis :; .1?. ; :, 3-3 25221 WANDER w 10 109 0 6 V V V. P* T ConaellyC E Hamilton 12 12 I -". 25288 A.iax wr. 5 100 r, 4 t r.nk :,i 4" C Whymk R Haatey 20 20 s 4 25330 HUGH W 4 110J 8 3 Ik 2- VI "■ E Taplin A I, Riley 0 7 2J fi-3 25337 PHIL CONNOR w S 112 4 0 9 S1 S_ 4«1 ft Watts G Palmer 12 12 3 2 25391 BOREL w 4 M9J 7 I 3*7* 7 7- W Hlnphy J Eckert r, I 2 1 25379*PROTAGORAS WB MB 3 7 7 » fi?. G S1 J Sterrett J Wirth 3 3] 3-3 S-i 25999 JIM MAI. LADY: WB 10 10S 1 1 # 9 3 3 R HargCnJ J Hurley I M 12 C Time. 24%, 59%, 1:02%. Track fast. mutuels paid, Penance,!0 straight, 93.80 place, .50 show; Jane, .70 place, .50 show; Wander. $ ;.40 show. Equivalent booking odds— Penance, 245 to 100 straight, 00 to 100 place, 05 to 100 show; Jane, 135 to PHI place. 75 to 190 show: Wander, 220 to 100 show. Winner — Br. 1. by Sain — Ashes trained by 11. Herdel. Wont to post at 2:31. At i ost 7 minufW. Start good and slow. Won handily; secaad and third driving. PENANCE followed the leaders closely until Straightened out in the homestretch, then linished fast and won going away, but was jumped on Ix-hind and cut above the hock during the race. JANE raced HUGH into defeat and "tired after taking the lead in the stretch. WANDER improved his position steadily and linished fast. A.IAX finished close up. HIGH set the early pace and tired. Scratched— _195*Misa Primity, W8, Overweights — l-nance, 1 pounds; Hugh, 4; Phil Connor, 5; Br.rel, 1. QPT/I Q A SECOND RACE— 5-8 Mile. 9089—0914—5—114. Purse 00. 1 year-olds and up- ag *-* t O ward. Selling. Net value to winner ggBj second. 0; third, jg. liidex Ib.rses AWtPISt 1 % Sir Pin Jockeys Owners o c p s 253S4E_MND AD-AMSwi: S 117 1 1 5i P. ll l1 R Troxbr J B Goodman 3-2 3-2 1-3 out 24232 ENVER BEY wis 0 112 I 6 lh 3 3- 2* W Hlnphy U .1 Hah t; 7 2 C-5 25491SUREGET we 9 112 4 3 21 P 3* V R Watts E B Parsons 0 i • 1 25399*CHITRA 4 102 3 2 9* 41 51 41 K WeathyH Van Ry 12 12 I 2 25399s PARLOR BOY wn S 112 I 5 fi- «i 7 3* 8 Wolstm G A Alexandra I 31. fi-5 1-2 25999*ADA ANNE w 5 113 7 7 7 7 BA 3] E Taplin K O Egan I 4. 3-3 4-3 25231 INDIFFERENT WB 4 107 5 4 ?fi 5 4»t 7 C Whymk B B Rice C 1~ B ti-5 Time, 24, 48%, 1:01%. Track fast. mutuels paid. Edim aid Adams, .80 straight, . 89 place, .70 show; Enver Bey, .00 place, .50 show: Barege*, $.:..K show. Equivalent booking odds — Edinand Adams. 140 to 100 straight, 00 to 100 place, 35 to 100 show; Enver Bey, l to 110 place. 75 to BMI show; Sureget. K to IbO show. Winner — B. g. by Baa sell — Memorial rained by J. B. Goodman. Went to post al 2:.~ 7. At post 10 minutes. Start goad ami slow. Won handily: second and third driving. EDMOND ADAMS saved ground on all the turns and. lacing into the lead, hung on resolutely and holding his advantage in the final drive. F.NVER BEY was in close quarters in the early running, but was taken to the outside when entiling the homestretch and made a fast linish. SUREGET ran well, but tired in the final drive. INDIFFERENT wis in a jam alter entering the homestretch. CHITRA and PARLOR BOY finished gamely. 2PT/1 Q PT THIRD RACE— 5-8 Mile. _89— 5!i%— 5— 114. Pane 9499. 4-yi ar-olds and up-_* _• OO ward. Selling. Net value to winner 25: second. j59j third. 5. index Horses AWtl.St ■ % % Str Fin Jo.-keys Owners O C P S 25274 OROTUND W S 110 1 2 P 9 2» F W Ward II G BedweU 3-3 . 1 vT 25336 BUNICE w 6 107 7 I ID. 1- |] 2* s Wolstm R D Carter fl 3 3 S-5 25401 *Ml/.ANTI W 4 Ml 3 3 4 9 3?. 3* M Mountn.I M Btowe 12 12 G 2J 25979QUICK WB 4 113 5 4 7 fi1 5* 9* R Watts WF.nwick 2 ] 4-5 2-5 25935 REGULAR a 4 do 4 5 l 3] 1 5* E Taplin W Gargaa 8r 8 5 2 1 25401 -LORD WELLS W 8 112 2 1 31 4?. 63 63 R HargfnP E Fitzgerald 4 5 2 1 25334*PALM LEAF w I 1M 0 7 5l 7 7 7 D Connelly F G Martin 5 5 2 1 Time. 23%, 48%, 1:01%. Track last. mutuels paid, Orotund, S4V80 straight, 94.99 place, .10 show; Bunice, 38.99 place, SC89 show; Maaaatt, 97.99 now. BqalTaleat booking odd-— Orotund, 240 to MO straight, 130 to 100 place, 105 to 100 show; Bunice, 330 to 1O0 place. 210 to 11*0 show; Maaaatt, 2so ;« MM show. Winner — Ch. m. by HippodrOBM — Olevia trained by II. G. Bedw 11. Went to post at 3:29. At post .. minutes. Start good and slow. Won easily; second and third driving. OROTUND followed the pacemaker closely until straightened out in the homestretch, then linished fast and won going away. BUNICE showed the most early speed and tired in the last sixteenth. MUZANTJ raced forwardly, but was losing ground at the end. QUICK was badly outpaced for the lirst three-eighths, but was coming fast r.t the end. The winner, en tired for 00, was bid up to 9505 and bought in. Of/l Ql IOIRTH RACE— 3-4 Mile. 24232— 1:11%— 4— 111. Purse 00. 3-year-olds and up- QtOO ward. Selling. Net value to winner $.".25: second. 0; third, 5. Index Horses AWtPISt ■ _• ■"■■ Sir Kin Jockeys Owners o ■ [» s 25199 VOLANT wa 4 1M1 2 4 :" 5 ll 1" E Taplin J B Goodman 8-5 4-5 2-5 oat 25390 J YELLOW EYES WB 7 111 7 1 1«1 2» - -- D Connolly.1 W Dangle 8 10 4 2 25S99UNITY wa 4 Ml 12 41 3. 3 X1! W Ward H G Bedwell S 8 I S-5 25389 ARGUMENT WB 1 Mti I 7 I* «iJ 31 1:: R HargfnO D Woods 15 13 I I 25399FELINA wu G 111 5 5 3l 41 4l 53 R Watts M W Duck 3 3 . 0-5 3-5 25117*SAN JON w 5 103 4 S 8 S 7l 6l W MorseyA L Taylor 20 20 8 4 25376 TIS TRUE wn 0 111 6 6 6* r.s 6 7« S Wolstm W A Carter U 3 1 1-2 25272 FBONTIER wb 5 106 S3 51 7- S S J Bterrett J U Strode 12 15 0 3 Time. 24%, 49%, 1:15. Track fast. mutuels paid. Volant, 33.00 straight, .00 place, .70 siiow; Yellow Eyes, .00 place, . SO show: Unity, 35.10 show. laiuivalciit booking inhls — Volant, SO to 100 straight, 45 to 100 place, 35 to 100 show; Yellow Eyes, 2S0 to 100 place, 140 to IO show: Unity, 153 to 190 show. Wiaaer — Ch. g. by Canard — Estimation trained by J. B. Goodman. Went to post at 3:47. At post :: minutes. Stai ; good and slow. Won easily; second and third driving. VOLANT moved up rapidly while rounding the far turn and. racing into an easy lead after entering the homestretch, was easing up at the end. YELLOW EYKS set a good earlv pace, but gave way readily when aught. UNITY was a forward contender all the way. ARGUMENT closed a big gap. The winner, eatered for 09, was lid up to and sold to II. G. BedweU. Scratched— 25105 Margaret Meise, 101; 25410 Water Lad, 100. Overweights — Volant, 21 pounds; Argument. 4; Pelina. 2. OP»/1 Q7 EIETII RACE— 5 1-2 Furlongs. 24004— 1 :00— s— los. Purse 00. 3-year-olds and _j O _■ O I upward. Sidling. Net value to winner 25: second, 0; third. 5. index Horses AWtPISt ■ _• % Str Kin Jockeys Owners o c p g 254 00 -EDITH BAUMNN W 3 M01 7 • 6l 3* 3 1" S Wolstm G A Alexandra 1 8-9 3-5 oat 25419 PRINCE CHAP k 7 114 1 2 3* 2D D 2* J D.-nnisonT K Wilson U IS 6 3 29988 BLUE ROCK w si: 3 102 3 1 P P 2 3" u k Hargtnlt D Carter I 7 2; 0-5 25398- 1 ALETHLMPIAN w 7 106 5 4 4h 4" 4i 4D J Sterrett A Lezama S 10 4 2 24285 ELWAH WB 7 100 0 5 5J 63 O" 51 W Ward H G Bedwell I 7-5 T-M2-3 2599S*ARCHERY W 3 111 4 3 3- 3* 3" 6s D Connelly.! V Strode 5 6 2 1 25191*LADY BRYN w 4 10S 2 7 7 7* 74 7- A NickhtosJ E Nash 10 12 S 2 25231 KAYDEROSEROS w 6 111 S S S S S S E Taplin R J Wilson M M 8 4 Time. 24, 48%, 1:02%, 1:08%. Track fast. mutuels paid. IMith Rauniaiin, 34.30 straight, 33.00 place. 82.09 show; Prince Chap, 0.70 place, 2.00 show: Blue Rock. 33.50 show. Bqniralent booking odds— Edith Baamaan, 125 lo 100 straight. SO to 100 place, 30 to 100 show; Prime Chap, 3385 to 100 place. 500 to 100 show: Blue Ruck. . .". lo loo show. Winner— Ch. f, by Prince of Melloinni — Rose Prim traSSCd by II. Beady. Went 10 post .it 4:08. At l»ost 5 minutes. Start good and slow. Won driving; second and third the same. EDITH BAUMANN began slowly SBd was on the oatslde all the way and was forced wide when entiling the homestretch, but finished with a rush and got up ;o win in the final stride. PRINCE CHAP forced the eartj pace and raced into the lead in the stretch, but tired light at the end. BLUE BOCK set the pace lo the stretch and lini-hed gain dy but .iriiiL:. ELWAH was on the inside through the last eighth and in dose quarters. The winner, eatered for 33U9, v;s bid up to 05 and bought in. Bcratcbd— 25231*Haberdash, 100. OrerweightS — Edith Banmann. -F pounds; Lady Bryn. 2. O K /I Q Q SIXTH RACE— 1 Mile. 25971—1:39 8 114. Purse 9999. 3-year-olds and upward. £ O _ O O Selling. Net value to winner 0o; second. 0: third. 0. " 1 1 nh • Ho l-ses A WtlPSt 1 j % Str Pin Jockeys Owner- o c p s 25309 RA Y-1 LIGHT W S M 1 3 1"k D D D 1» R HaFgFnJ W Stewart 1". 2*. 1 IT 26340-QUEEN APPLE w3 us S 1 31 SI -h ■,- 2«| M MountnW P Reel 2| | 1 • r, 25380 LOCHIEL wn S 102 3 4 5" B»» 5 J 2 1 3* W Ward HO Bedwell id 10 4 7-5 25S33*LUTIIER WB 4 Ml 6 2 2= 2D 311 4;i P* s Wolstm 1 C Johnson 2. 2 1 2-5 25310 MER. JUBILEE WSB 4 11*1 1 5 4l 41 l! 5- 3] E Taplin A N Carve* 2I 2| 1 2-5 24739 BILLIE BAKER W 4 MS 2 6 6 C 6 6 C D Connelly.I F Strode s" S 3 3-2 Time. 24%. 4S%. 1:15%, 1:41%. Track fast. paid. Ray oLight, 38290 straight, .70 place, .10 show: Queen Apple, .20 place, 33.99 show: Lochiol. .20 show. Eipiivalent booking odds— Ray oLight. 345 to 100 straight. 83 to 100 place, 33 to 100 show; tun en Apple, 110 to 1 H place. SO to 100 show: I.neniel, 190 lo 100 show. Wiaaer— Ch. g. by Peep oDay — Freyja trained by O. M. :ray. Went to post at 4:31. At p si 4 s. Start good and slow. Won easily: UfSBll and third driving. RAY OLIGHT outran the others to the lirst turn and. setting a goinl pace to the stretch turn, shook LOCHIEL off in the hut sixteenth and won going away. QUEEN APPLE came through on the inside in the bomestreteb and made a fast linish. LOCHIEL went around the leaders ..11 the far turn, but quit after getting to the pacemaker at the eighth post. MERRY JUBILEE aras sore when going 10 the pi st. The winner, eatered for 00. was bid up to 3706 and bought in. OrerweightS — Merry Jubilee. 2j pounds. P£ A QQ SEVENTH RA E— 1 Mile and 50 Yards. 24839—1:42%— 3— 194. Purse 9499. 4 vear- £ QrJb Q j olds and upward. Selling, get value to winner 3JS25; second. 359j third. 325. Inde« Horses AWtlPSt %. % Str Fin Jockeys Owners- o ■ [• s 29899 AUTUMN wr. 53 7 !i B» 5- :;in* ::■. ink n Cuun.-llvl: D Carter 8 1 s . 1 ■ . 35492S*ALX. LAWRENCE 4 198 3 I V * 2 V V M MouniiiD Rector I I 9-5 3-3 f 25377 SPRINGMAS9 w 8 M3 6 5 ll 1»J 1»1 1_ 3* 8 Wolstm 8 J Baioccal 8 I " 8-3 25377 SOUTHERN GOLD w S 111 1 4 C 1 7* •* I] 4:1 R Watts W Penwick 7 ,r 3-3 25998SEARL OF SAVOY w G 111 r, 3 n jn 41. 51 t k Taplin E R Bryaoa 1 4 s";, 4 •-, 25052 FLYING FEET w s 111 S 7 4 81 B* 4* 6- W Ward 11 G BedweU 1 S I 1 25289 BLUB MOUSE wb 8 101 2 1 51 9* 7:: 7l 7" C Whymk J L Jones M 12 5 2 25399 •CLARIB9_ wb 5 M4 3 S 7" S S S S .1 Bterrett F Holman 0 n s 1 25300 BELFAST w S 111 4 1! Pulled up. W Hlnphy I" .1 link 6 4 8-5 15 Time. 25, 49%. 1:15%. 1:41%, 1:45%. Track fast. mutneis paid. Autnnn. 0.90 straight, 35.00 place, 33.73 skaw; Alnieda Lawreace, .00 place, .30 show: Springmass. ..o shew. i: ■ptivalent booking odds — Autumn. ISO to 100 Straight, 150 to 100 pin IT. 88 to UK show; Alnieda Lawrence. 100 to lOO place. 05 to 100 show: Springmass. 133 t , loo show. Winner— Ch. g, by Dick Welles— Winter trained by R. D. Carter. Weat to post at 4:" 7. At posl .: raiantes. Siari good and slow. Won driving: second and third the same. AUTUMN was cIT slowly, but worked hi- way np oa ll utside and after having closed a big gap linished last and oatgamed AI.MKDA LAWRENCE. The latter tired after disposing of 8PK1NG-1 SS. The latter was rushed to the front while rounding the Irsl turn and set a good pace but tired ill the la-t eighth. SolTHERN GOLD ripped a big gap. BELPAST was jumped on and cut down.