Fifth Race [5th Juarez, Daily Racing Form, 1916-03-13

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FIFTH RACE— 5 1-2 Furlcngs. 3-year-olds. Selling. I.".i;s7— 1:03%— 6— 150. BILLY CULBERTSON, br. g. 3 102 By Migraine— Danceress S. M. Henderson. 25385 Juarez "i C 3 : »T last S-5 107 3 4 2 S«i 2| II Shilling 7 Lola, Jennie Small. Wilis. Hope 26312 Juan /. I 11:13 fast 3 M z fi 4 4»" 3 3 It Wlllma 6 Violet, Hoaeyeat, Circulate 26214 .luanz 7 I 1 ::r. fast 1 17 4 1 1 2 8*1 t*| B Willins B Originator, lantern. Virco 25147 Juarez 6 t 1 .n7~fast 2J 3 i t 3 2 2 2J Itll Willins 5 Lola, Veldt. Lachis 25124 Juarez 7-8 l:26Vfefaat LJ 96 4 3 fi 6 4 2n 0 Hunt 5 Lad. rii. Antoinette. C.Mel", rran 25076 Juarez 51 f 1 :06%fast 4 9fi 4 3 3 3 l3 C Hunt ! Niftv, El Mahdi. Ian 25034 Juarez 3-4 1 :13"5fast 21 95 2 fi fi fi4 3". C Hunt 13 Vanllom. Zenotek. P.illikonsW. 25003 Juarea 3-4 l:13-.-,fast 7-5 M7 4 1 1 23 23" 0 Hunt 6 0 Pickett, W.Hopc, Toastmaster 24-17 Juarez 51 f l:0S£fast 8-5 105 2 2 3 fin* fi" ?.W SchornlO Indnstry, Kap.Mtiy. Meal Ticket 23744 I.atunia 61 f 1 :073*fast 29 Ml 4 S I 8» 7~W W Tlorl2 S. of Pleasure. P.. Fellow. A. Gets 23552 Latonia 3 4 37-5 HK 3 4 4 6J 6-J K LiipaillcU D. Williams. H. Gardner, B.Sliop Dead heat Purse divided. LOLA. tr. f, 3 108 By Sir Huon— Binda J. C. Ferris?. 253X5 Juarez 6 f 1*1 Cast 5 mi 1 1 1 i. 1] c Molesth 7 B. ColtNrison, I. Small. W.Hope 25244 Juapea 61 f l:07%fast 4 0 ins l 13 3 4i G Moleath 8 Barka, Jen. Small. Tuaatmaster 25167 Juarea 61 t 1 :«i7-..lust 1 107 1 1 1 11 11 A Piekens 5 I.illv Cullierlson, Veldt, Lachis 25089 Juarez 1-4 1:13 fast fi M 2 1 1 1" l3 C Kirschin ; W.Hope, Kug.Snos. Toaslina-tcr 26003 Juarea 3-4 1:13% fast 7 110 1 4 5 and■■ 6»»|M Moleath 8 G.Pickett. B.Cbertson. W.IIope 24759 Juarea I I l:13%faat 15 MS 4 7 6 6 7"iG Molesth 7 Bed Cloud, Circulate, Dash 24600 Juarea 51 t l:ii7-..iast 15 104 3 1 2 34 ** G Moles th 6 Savino. Sin. Maggie, Staranlse 24404 Juarez 51 t LoTV.fnst 15 103 2 3 3 3»* 31! O Molesth 7 Cabiria, I.eali Cochran, T. Marie 24338 Juarea 3-4 l:13%faat 8 103 2 3 3 3"k t"! c Moleath 7 Lit. Blues. Th. Marie, Circulate 21217 Juar.-z 51 f Losufast 6 110 1 6 5 6?, ,i G MolestlilO Industry, Rap.May, Meal Ticket fDead heat, lurse divided. BARKA. eh. f, 3 100 Bv Dr. Leggo— Napa Girl J. H. Adams. 25385 Juarea 53 f 1 "7 fast 3 n-i :, :, :, 51 :,", m Buxton 7 Lola, BiUyCalbertnon, Jen. Small 25278 Juarez T- 1:28 tast I M 3 2 2 2 2=. 2= M P.uton 8 C. M. Johaaaa. Jen. Small, Jose II .luanz 51 f l:07*£fast 21 Hi 3 3 2 2" I* II BaxtOB 6 .IlinieSmall. Toastmaster. Lola 26110 Juarea 6] ■ f 1 M last S SS fi 1 1 21 3* B Marco 8 Old P,ol . BeaJ Worth. peeU 26077 Juarea 51 f 1 :»6%fast 2 MS 4 4 4 3- 31 A Picheaa 10 Violet. Jen. Small. Sea. Pickett 24984 Juarea 5. f 1 :0t; 6 100 2 5 5 510 L-i T Haves . llonevcut. Violet, Jose 24898 Juarea 6-8 lK»%faat 4 OOIO 9 10 S iJ W Itichev 11 O. Favorite. Thats Me, I.esbia 24770 Juarea 61 I l:0» Ef;»st 8 106 1 1115 1"* W Onnes 11 G.Pickett, Grey foot. SisMnllory 24575 Juarez 5-S 1:01 fast 6 105 6 3 3 4S1 54J A Pickens IS Violet. Jennie Small. Jose LACHIS. b. f. 3 100 Bv Sandrjngham— Caddie F. M. ftuinn. 25420 Juarez :; 1 1 :l:..-.fa.-t 7 MS 4 11 1 . 1.. 11 Shilling; 8 W. Hope, Lit.ltlues. A. Johnston 25385 Juarea 51 f 1*1 fast 7 no 4 fi fi v fi", T Buckles 7 Lola, BillyCuIbertson, Jen. Small 25315 Juarea 6-8 5J fast 8 ;i7 I 7 7 fi1 fiT,.T ISorya 11 O.Mina, Lit. Blues. Pajaroitall. 26264 Juarea 3 4 1:11 fast C ! 5 1 11 V 7ll.T Morvs 7 I.eslda. Ural Worth, it. Mantell 252M Juaivz 51 f 1:»7 fast 5 09 5 fi fi CI fi:i ■ Martin 10 Jose, LesMa, i:i Mahal 25M7 Juarea 5- f 1:07-=.-, fast 6 ]nr. 4 3 3 M 4- T Haves 5 Lola, liitlv Culhertson, Veldt 25*77 Juarea 61 f 1 :0fi,iast 8 106 3 7 7 7-. 7Ti T Haves 1«J Violet. Jennie Small. Barka 24889 Jaaraa 3-4 1:11 fast 3 yfi 7 3 2 lj 1* II Stearns 12 Vanllorn. BeaaCeh, NobleGiand 24.3r, Juarez 5-S l.-01%faat 2 MS 2 5 4 42 4-J 11 Stearns V2 Honevcut. Sis Mallory, Jose 24740 Juarez 6-8 l:01%fast 10 93 12 6 5 5=1 4» B Marco 13 Ulelus. Zenotek. Eel WHISPERING HOPE. b. f. 3 97 Bv Abe Frank— Whisper Low J. W. Hunley. 25420 Juarea 3-4 l:13%fast 7 1111 5 3 3 V 81 0 Gentry 8 Lachis, UtuBlaes, A.John8ton 25385 Juarea •" f 1 :"7 fast .". 141 0 2 3 9 4", T Hajea 7 Lola, BiUyCalbertson, Jen. Small 25357 Juarea .".. 1 1M fast 15 s:: 4 12 8 8*1 W Biehey S Caroadolet, CarityWard, Ledac 25276 Juarez 51 t l: Mf,fast 3 MS 1 111 l1 II Shillinj;ll Intidcl II., S. Kim. Toastmaster 25246 Juarea 3-1 1:1. ".if, fast 7 M 7 4 4 33 4", J Morvs 11 BngraTer, K.ofPhias. D.Dariea 2517S Juarez 5 f 1 : 8 10b 10 9 12 11 11 ■■ O Ilotalini: ]:: W. Warbler. SnlLMaagie, Zolzo M8M Juarez 3-4 1:13 fast 6 108 8 5 4 31! 23 1 Hotnlj; !l Lola. Bugeae Bues, Toastmaster 25003 Juarez 3-4 1:13%fast 15 110 5 3 I 33 3:J 1 llotalin? G J.Pickett, B.Certson. Tmaster 24935 Jaurea 6-8 15 110 7 4 10 9 913 I Hotalinzl2 Honeycut, Sis Mallorv, Jose 84880 Juarea 8-4 1:l4Hfast 8 93 5 13 4" SJ IV Bicfacy 14 GUbert Hose. Teeto, Waxemall 24795 Juarez 61 f 1 :09-Kfast 8 S9 7 4 3 3=1 6«i T Buckles 14 Lady Younjr. Koeman, Smil. Mag 24701 Juarez 3-4 l:19tthvy 15 85 5 3 3 31* $«* W Rickey W M. Ticket. K.ofPvthias. M. Brush 244S2 Juarez 51 f l:07 4fast 7 110 3 2 2 4:i 7J S Itamsey 12 .M.Johnson. Quiz. JennleSmall 2424S Juarez 3-4 l:14y6fast 10 117 4 11 2=1 21 R Shilling 4 Leah Cochran, Houeycut Pan i

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Local Identifier: drf1916031301_5_2
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