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DECIDE TO DECLARE A FAT DIVIDEND. _ 1 New Orleans. La.. March IB. The director! of ] the Business Mens Racing Association nave do- ■ .i cided io declare a twenty per cent dividend on all of its outstanding stool; for March 24. The . surplus in the treasury will remain until March 30. When I In- stockholder will decide what to do with J it. One faction favors baying tin- Flench opera bowse, while another desires to erect an auditorium. , Joseph A. Murphy, presiding Judge and general , manager of the Business Men- Racing Association, sailed today on the steamer Comas for New York. . Hi fore departing Judge Murphy renewed his offer to organise and start on its way an annual live , ■ stock and agricutural fair for the city of New . Orleans in November next. He said: "I do not know what the stockholders of the association will j decide to do witli the surplus, but if they decide . to give an annual fair. I will offer my services without compensation and. after it is under way. turn it over to local and state people to operate. My idea would be to form a separate organise- t ion with loo directors, so that those, who. for . personal or other reasons, should not care to become actively identified with racing, might at the . same time become directors of the fair. None , would be so thin skinned as to refuse the money - made from racing to finance the fair."