General News Notes of the Day, Daily Racing Form, 1916-03-16


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GENERAL NEWS NOTES OF THE DAY. The Ge-rman official statement at Berlin yesterday reads: Near Neuve Chapello we blew up an advanced British defense position, with the oe-cuparits. British artillery directed a heavy fire on Lens. French artillery is active opposite our new posi tions near Ville Aux Pois and opposite various sectors of the Champagne. On the left bank of the Mouse Verdun front Silesian troops, with a strong swinging onslaught, pushed forward their lines in the region west of Corbeaux wood, on the heights of Le Mort Homme. Twenty -five officers and more than 1.000 unwounded men were captured. A cemnter attack, four times repeated, gave the Friin b no sue -cess whatsoever. They suffered con-sielerabh hisses. On the right banks of the- Meuee anil on the eastern slopes of the hills, artillery on both sides kept up a bitter duel without interruption. In the Vosgis the French undertook numerous small attacks with reConnoitering parties, which were repulsi-d. North of Papaume. Lieut. Leffers shot down his fourth enemy aeroplane, a Pritish biplane. Poth near Vimy. of Arras, and in the neighborhood of Sivry. em the Mease northwest e f Verdun, French aeroplanes were brought deiwn." From London a dispatch says: Allieel aviators have- raideel Esse-n. home of the- Krupp gun works, ae-eoreling to dispatches from Amsterdam. Other air sejuadrons have attacked Munich, capital of Bavaria, ami the e-ity eif Gladhacn, tin- dispatches saiel. The- allieil aviators destroyed six she-els at Bssea, the Amsterdam TVkgraf reported. The-news has not been ceinfirmeel by the war esTice, but aroused givat enthusiasm hen. Since tin- beginning of the- war aeronautie- e nerts have been urging a great allied aerial raid on the Krupp works at Lsscn. which lies about l"o miles north e f the- Preach lines at Verelun. The- fl I ■■■■ are known to have taken great precautions to guarel Sgalnat air raids, both on Essen anil on iladbaeh. about thirty miles southwest of Essen. Where German machine guns and munitions are manufactured in large quaatHies. If reports of tin raid on Munich are ranflrmed, the raiding livers have made one of the longest bomb-dropping expeditions of the war. Munich lies nearly 250 miles east of the French lines in upper Alsace. Officials of the Corn Products Refining company-expressed an opinion yesterday that operations would be resumed tomorrow at their Argo plant. where 250 employes of the starch department ureat on sirike feir higher wages Monday and tienl up the entire factory. Two hundred and fifty guards, consisting of deputy sheriffs freun Chicago, patrolled the- proiH-rty and prevented anyone from entering yesterday, outside- tin strikers congregated and refused to allow those- inside to leave. Superintendent F. L. Jeffries declared the situation was acute, but expressed the belief that matters might be adjusted by tomorrow. No official instructions have yet been received freun the New York offices. He declared. Just what settlement weald be made was not stated. The- faet that the- strikers are- not organised anel that most of them eb act speak English makes it difficult to arbitrate with them, he said. From Douglas. Arizona, a dispatch of ye sterday says: Tension along the- border was relieved when the following telegram was received by general Calh-s from general Alvare Obregon, just appoated secretary of war in tin- Carranaa cabinet: Mexico City, March II General Pluarco Elias Callea, gov-irne r ami military commander, Sonera, Ague Priita. Souora : A treaty having been effected be-tween our Mvernaseat and tin- Halted states eif North Ame-rica in oreb-r that troops eif each country may cross the- international line- in pursuit e.f the- bandits whieli are- committing depredations along our frontier, I hereby ad thn. all officials eif these privileges and lush uc I them in every ease to place themselves in co-ooeratioa with the military authorities eif the United States, tei the end that the pursuit of these bandits may result in the beat possible termination. Signed Al.aro Obregon. Minister of War and Navy. While b-aeling a charge by tifly armed men in attempt te steotm tin- s ekade surrounding the plant of th - Corn Products Ketiuing roan puny, at Argo, yesterday a striker was shot through the leg by aae of the- guards. The dash across a small fiilel toward lie Stockade came at the- close 1 a bombardment with bullets by strikers Intrenched behind the railing of a bridge near the plant. Tin- wounded man is George Nudman s, a Greek. While the- battle still raged about the stockade, Leo. .1. Winiecki of Chicago; i-wis McGovern eif Freeport, and Hairy If. Powell of Peoria, members of tin- state board if arbitration. conferred with leaders of the- strikers in an attempt to indue.- them to settle tin- e-- ntroverny bj arbitration. The- strikers refuse-el their offer. At Paris yesterday the war office niaeli the following statement: To the- west of the- River Mens,. the- eliemy Baade no farther endeavor to advance last night. Along our front between Bethincourt ami Cttmieres, counter attacks at the bayonet and | with hand grenaeles maele it possible for us to re-oecupy a portion eif the trine he-s captured yesterday by the- enemy in the elireetion eif hill No. 285. We bow hold Bethincourt, the height of Mort Homme, the southern boundary of tin- wood of Cumieres, and the- village of Cumier.-s. The beim-bardment has continued with int-nsity in all this sector, anil the fire of the e-ni-my has been answered with energy by oar artillery. There has been nothing of Importance tei re-port irom the riht bank of the- MeaSC nor in the WoeVTC district, where- the- artillery exchanges have been iute-r-niitte-nt. Th* senate yesterday approved unanimously the joint resolution adopted by the- louse- Tuesday to bring the- mobile army up to its full strength. Which would add about L0.000 men to the- present establishment. The resolution now goe-s tei the president for his approval. A roll call em the- res,. lution was ordered on request of Senator GaUiager, who explained that in- asked it for the- purpose- eif •eh monstratint, that there is 111 ilivision in the senate over measures to provide for protection of the country." There was not a dissenting vote on the roll calL The Turkish government has deckled, in view eif the dancer eif the Russian advance, to concentrate all tin- available forces of tin- empire against Run sia. according to seml-oshcial advices received in Athens from Constantinople-, says a eorre-spondent. A majority of tin- troops in Thrace, on the Smyrna COBSt, OB the- COBSt of the Sea of Marmora in Asia Minor, the- e-orrespeinelent adds, will be- sent to Asia Minor. The Egyption an 1 Miseipotamian expeditions are saiel tei have been abandoned. An Athens iiispateh to tin- Bxchaagc Telegraph Company of London sa. s it is reported that Ismail u.ikki. president of tin- fommnflal admlalstratloa, has been appointed Turkish minister of war. Rumors have recently been in emulation that Haver Pasha, Turkish minister of war. the military leader who was asM to be tin- deciding force iii the entry eif Turkey into the Europe-au war mi the-siele- eif the central empires, has been snaanslnwtod. The rumors, however, have been contradicted.

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Local Identifier: drf1916031601_2_8
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