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NOMINATIONS TO THE KINGS PLATE. Entries Fewer Than Customary, but Nearly All Sure to Go to the Post. Toronto. Out.. March 15. —The entiles for the Kings Plato this year number only sixteen, the smallest list iu a considerable period, but that does not signify any probable falling off in the number of actual starters, which is sure to be quite up to the average. Only eleven OS nets are represented. am! on notices at once tin- absence eif a rather numrous class that used to fill up the list, without anj great addition te» the qaallty. Tin deadwood is thi- year practically eliminated ami there is not a Singh I else in the entry list that has not had racing experience. The discontinuance of the sales regularly held by Mr. Seagram and the Valley Farm accounts to no small extent for the comparatively lightness of the nominations, and but one-entry, that of Joan Peel, has been made of a Waterloo or Hamilton horse except by the breed-• is. This years Plate entry, is. therefore, made up to a far greate-r extent than usual of horses tiiat will be s en in action when race day comes. The noiainat ions for the other stakes, which closed this month, give eloquent testimony of the growth f Canadian breeding. Por the Breeders Stakes ;f ai . t year no fewer than fifty-three-Canadian-bred two year oldn are named, far but-passing all records. The filly event, the- Maple Leaf, is likewise-, ahead "f anything ill its long history, and received thirty-two nominations. In He Stanley Produce stakes, a futurity event, for feiais eif this year, eighty-four mares have been earned anel th • Improvement is not alone in num-bers, but in the more valuable strains of blood. It will be tie- fifty-seventh running of tin- Kings Plate, which is the- edelest fixture run continuously en this continent. The- entries and weights an- as follow- Harbour. M. A.. Toronto, eh. g. Johnnie Austin. I. by Kapanga colt Specs 124 Brookdale Stable, Barrie, ch. g. Mr-Bride, S, by Kid l*OX 11 Depends 111 riw. c. A.. Scarboro, ch. c. Old Pop. S, by Mutilans Canute Maid US GVMlngs, II.. Oakville, ch. f. Armlne, 3. bv— My Beaey 106 Classed. E.. Windsor, b. g. F. E. Caietv. 3. by Makaland Miss Gaiety 105 Headrie, Sir John, Hamilton, ch. g. Last Spark. 4. ay Martimas Flicker 120 Hendrie, Sir John. Hamilton, b. f. Good Shot,. 6, • by Martimas — Percussion 108 Melntyre. G.. Hamilton, ch. g, John Peel. 4. bv Martimas- The Lintie 105 Millar. .. Toronto, b. e, Shrovetide, 4. by Stanhope II.— Scote-h Mist 124 Seagram. J. E.. Waterloo, ch. c. Manelann. 3. bv Havoc— Royal China 113 Seagram. J. E.. Waterloo, b. e-. Jala Day. 3. bv Gelatine— Court Maid. II 113 Seagram. J. E.. Waterloo, br. c. Gala Water. 3. by Galatim — Sea Wall 108 Seagram. J. E.. Waterloo, b. f. Sweet Collion. 3. bv Havoc— Irish Lass II 10S Seagram. J. E.. Waterloo, b. f. Dehavca, 3. by Havoc— Devts 108 Thorneliffo Stable. Teironto. br. g, Thorneliffe. 3. bv Polsovor— St. Ceeilia II 105 Wise-. .. Toronto, br. f. Offertory, 4. by Bas- setlaw — Widows Mite 121