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* -J e I t , I jj . i j ■ • •■ J • J j • • ] • J • J • I 1 ■ .i ] . J , , . , ■ . j . . . , - • . 1 I f ; . 1 I . e s 1 e r - • e • ■ + ■ AMERICAN TRAINERS WHO HAVE SADDLED FIFTY OR MORE WINNERS DURING THE PAST SIX YEARS 4,— 4. In the course of the racing of the last six years trainer and owner H. G. Bedwcll has sent the winners of 403 races to the post for a total in money won of 21,220. This is an cveragc won per race of a fraction over 77. In the same space of time James Kowe. who trained nothing in 1011 and 1912. sent the winners of 77 races to the post for a total of 9218,082 and an average per race won of slightly more than 2,838. T. J. Healey is next to Bedwell in race- w n. having ::17 to his credit, with 59,052 won for an average per race of a few cents over 17. Sam C, Hildreth is third with 255 races worth 9288,478 and an average of a bit more than ,123. His totals includes 1810, in which year Novelty and other stars gave him a fat year on his own personal account. The accounts ot those trainers in charge of horses which won lifty or more races in the time named are as follows: 1915. Grand Total. Trainer. 1010. 1911. 1912. 1013. 1914. Wins. Ami? Wins. Amt. H. ;. Bedwell $ 22,180 3,190 2,595 942,806 0,430 07 1,01.". 40.". 21,220 1 , T. J. Healey 87,886 .14.457 27.105 38,880 48,786 53 41,850 317 269,052 . c. Hildreth 148,010 40.41S 8,185 32.540 54 50. .",43 255 288,476 I J. F. Schorr 2.".. 481 32,881 58.110 21.015 40.OS4 38 28,958 251 211.22!* John Lowe 3,505 14.120 28,469 14.. ISO 20.727 37 14.: 328 227 85,828 ] .1. Fltzsimmons 11.490 11,632 20.111 15,420 28,975 61 27.S90 2os 115,518 j I.. W. Garth 2,880 5,385 22,810 15.222 35,820 5.". 32.485 203 113.so2 F. P. Weir 10.222 9.915 1S.C70 38,581 32.031 40 17.394 19S 130,832 ; W. A. Barttachell 8,096 27,120 14,135 11.198 8.075 27 12,845 197 83,865 J. Arthur 1,020 5.214 7.370 38,825 sx 49.940 ls7 100,369 , W. II. Kuckner 10.700 11,750 25.0O4 30,677 21 10.530 181 88,873 ! V. H. Karrhk 22.495 14,108 19.014 18,848 2N.757 20 21.005 179 125.207 I.. Linnell 12.O05 12.714 6,788 5.795 178 37.315 ; J. W. Parker 17.945 13,580 8,810 0.1440 1,712 18 3.795 174 60,592 • G. Denny ..498 19,991 20,243 1v271 24.153 3! 33,588 175 12".. 74.". j A. Simons 23.520 21.858 17.570 13,060 38,235 29 38,015 173 141.850 ! II. McDaniel 25.385 12.425 12.107 10.715 10.470 25 17.7s.". 100 sc.ssT J. S. Ward 14,005 0,841 17.S21 20.108 1S.229 15 14.797 155 85,321 Met onnuck 4.393 19.574 13..",:: 1 10,888 38,338 19 10.656 149 97.382 • William Garth 5,065 34,830 23.440 15.755 7.295 7 5,830 149 92.795 J. S. Brerman 7,137 26,397 24. lis 24.n:i4 s.:i77 15 8,575 147 100,498 1 II. Marshall 3.420 7.550 8,565 42.44.". 10.455 143 7s.4:o . T. B. Munford 12.105 20,350 9.597 12,865 4,685 ". 1,635 145 01.197 B. L. Fitzgerald 1,988 6,848 7.04t 5,194 s.ik;.". 23 7. 530 140 35,468 ! ;. M. Odom 20.801 22.793 0,867 1.40 » 12.i«M 11 0,145 138 77.:2ii ! W. B. Carson 10.250 21.350 4.575 2.475 138 44,656 ! V. Walker 18.545 12.550 4.347 7.705 8,920 2s 13.411 157 63,536 R. E. Watkins 9.285 17.270 16,810 20.075 21.41.". 0 0.215 133 !12.Kwi .!. I mensetter 2.745 1.055 6,815 15.540 10,348 54 16,701 133 52. 804 J. C. GaUnner 4,866 13,407 14.7.".l l2.osr. 13,065 13 10.175 130 89,338 c. Hammoa 2.421 8,520 20.02s 27.606 23,216 10 ir..042 129 88.436 ! J. W. May 27.152 17.201 12.073 11.724 9.350 14 10,358 129 S7.s",ii W. II. Baker 10. ISO 2T..093 15.522 44 2."..703 120 7S.20S ! W. H. Flzer 5,495 11,956 11,615 11,033 2.221 12 5.74S 128 48.067 T. Hatfield 14,945 5.180 2.720 2,680 5.020 10 0.47t 127 57.521 [ J. Whalen 37,395 22.815 4.075 10.000 17,085 lit O.snr, 120 108.435 J 1. M. Taylor 4.010 24,480 55.117 15,391 17.333 2 1.090 120 .17.421 , W. T. Martin 3.217 6,368 12.407 :;;.2!i4 20.O21 18 13.925 12.". 94. 232 ■ S. Judge 4.300 8.047 9.131 7.S21 7.375 IS 6515 122 43.1S0 ; V. C. Westmoreland 25.873 3.504 2.9.N0 4.955 2,625 24 8,060 121 5S.747 , W. O. Joplin 2.!K2 11,618 11,768 13.019 3,836 0 2.240 110 4."..203 [ U. C. Itensoii 2.700 3.055 4.080 1,275 69,315 27 22.949 118 94.014 | Johnston 3,146 10.490 11.445 23.015 2.012 12 4.510 118 54.017 I. Striker 2,850 1,795 8.510 7,990 5.775 21 8.635 117 31.515 B. F. Carman 9.303 33,940 29.4." 5 18 10,003 110 ss.7.",0 ; W. S. Heath 2.200 7.0!H 8,539 11.200 1.825 — Ill 31.817 .V 0. Weston 11.24 » 0.07.". 6,800 18.165 10,635 22 15.475 110 09.390 J. S. Healy 11.424 0.513 4.125 2.i.372 50.040 14 10.." 75 108 81,849 M. Dalv ."..495 5.210 S.200 18,966 14.275 17 14.7.V. 108 04.S.-.0 1 I. B. Freeman 9,988 4.540 2,660 5.275 2,650 10 3.20.5 107 2o.7r.1 L II. Iennv 11.520 8,835 11,315 0.720 3,720 » 155 199 43.345 ! F. Krnest 04.520 105 64,526 J. P. Mavberry 7.400 3.000 15,185 22.255 5,930 jl 0.490 105 60.900 ! I. I Adkins 2.255 7,350 17.30S 15,181 31,862 13 9.152 108 83,158 !f J. Itandolph 2.250 1.030 3.986 8.725 7.510 21 5.8T.5 101 29,075 . S. Iolk 3.105 2.170 0.7 M» C..S25 8,830 0 2.445 101 2S.17". £ J. Powers 50.205 7.5SO !. ri2 1.410 1.910 13 0.55:: 100 65.398 K. Spence 1.175 700 900 14.033 14.917 59 28,313 ItiO 80.038 " I!. S Newman 1.950 1,888 18,389 14.038 4.27.". 5 1.000 lOO 5! .445 V. Cabill 7.495 7.0.4 4.177 3.270 9,480 ." 2.4.",.". mo 33,901 M. Qarrity 11.900 4.7." » 1.7IN» 7.590 4.110 7 1,875 KH 51.72.". ■ • .. H Keene 1.495 11.31.". 5.9ST. 14 7.27" 99 2s.l7o Jj N. K. Moodv 5.07,5 5.750 0.57.". 5.020 0 1.425 OS 24.445 ! II. U. Brandt 15,330 13,800 5,930 0.558 7.07s 21 25.010 07 70.398 [ 0. A Blanch! 0.580 11,685 8.553 10.499 1.947 2 1,186 97 40. 3.49 ; 1.. Whyte 15.305 3,400 4.215 8,050 12. Mo 21 10.750 95 00.500 A. J. ioldsborough 2.545 1,875 4.»:75 16,705 37.535 20 30,715 95 94.070 T P. Haves 4.075 6.565 6.789 28,687 10.636 15 12,878 93 68,231 1 M. Ilirsch 10.797 5.S75 5,088 4. ".ISO 4.255 24 14.055 93 45.050 "J M. Ooldblatt 9,998 100 2.388 11344 17.550 20 8,819 92 45.279 [j s. M Henderson 10.030 13.683; 288 2s 14.019 92 I5.iss • .1. Ihillips 3,906 4. M0 8,286 4.530 19 0.500 92 27.221 2 A. 0. Blaketey 15.930 7.475 4.oi » s.2.".o 4,480 10 4.7so !1 44.925 ■ vV". Perkins 0.05s 898 5,623 13,666 10.045 24 22.888 80 05.701 1 F. Farrar 5.555 3,420 5.865 0.050 0.00.3 14 8.25a !m 33,113 o W. J. Young 4.809 0.07: 6,795 9.242 12.577 22 22,086 88 01.057 S. Veiteh S.225 9.0S5 lO.tlO 5.2!t5 7.5S5 s 8,886 89 4S.090 0 .1. B. Bespeaa 4.039 9.52 7.020 8,185 8.472 17 11. ISO so 42.372 - 1. W. HelTncr 0,920 S.121 9.023 9.3S0 7.8SO 29 28.685 88 70,008 •| M. Iierdel 475 0.035 Is.liOS 5.325 1.40O 7 2.525 88 35,030 0 0. Keene 5.308 8.988 17. MIS 24.0! I 28,987 87 81.295 ■_ . Freeman ."...",30 0 500 0.4S5 0.055 S.7M 7 3.525 87 .".7.255 ■J W. Short 5.790 5,480 5.325 1,788 1.125 27 s.505 87 24,085 3 F. J. Kamscv 020 55 3.4MJ 8.200 S.4!X 12 2.S77 S7 23.747 • 1. S.lielke 23.155 S.ssl 4.010 85 30.040 Jj William Martin 2.450 5.186 10.086 9.925 8.645 12 0.175 - S2 42.4S5 O. W. Crippen 4.430 910 1.720 2.392 3.040 10 4.095 82 17.7s7 • W. S. House 1.525 520 1.688 18,465 10.402 5 1.970 81 44.512 - F. I.uzader 14.080 18.IH1S 8,930 81 4U 2M 4 . N. Freeman 2.020 2.365 2,385 2.77o 4.9!»0 19 5.010 81 21.740 0 B. John 4,200 3.855 9.2SO 5.204 80 22.530 J. Throe 2.490 1.575 4.275 5.386 5.590 13 4.750 70 24.060 B N. K. Heal 3.327 4.205 0.040 12.275 1.005 12 4,688 7S ::2.772 "- I . Hill 5.501 5.757 5,817 1,836 0.430 is 5.450 78 3U.771 1 W. M. Cain 3.810 998 3,780 7.525 2 » 7.231 7s 22,656 0 Jami-s Kowe 55.540 45.950 41.190 19 75.590 77 21s. n;2 A. Swing T.3.447 12,587 289 1.886 5 1,168 77 5o.so7 A. Ztmmer 1.S55 210 9389 15.195 4.110 s 4.000 77 35.230 B P. Dennison 3.100 5 415 3,865 4.170 2,380 4 1.415 77 20.345 5 I.. C. Kvans 2,030 0.254 1.075 1.105 5.000 0 275 70 17.059 • K. N. Vestal 5.74» 3.005 1.910 3.820 0.505 12 4.230 75 25.810 0 II W Bone 2398 1,180 3,595 7.4si 4.725 :t 3,585 75 23. 405 [5 r Blnehart 3.090 4.290 1.150 1.245 5.425 14 3.032 75 10.432 12 A .1. Johnston 10.23V 8.192 8.050 9.518 7.872 1 155 74 44.030 JO I. Huestis 0.117 8,380 7,096 2,486 8 1,868 74 26,067 • .1. J Quinlau 4.720 3. 110 3.705 3.245 3.070 3 955 74 18,403 •5 .1 Nixon 11.153 10.200 9,100 33,388 3.050 9 14.070 73 80.96] ;1 I Woodford 24,045 10,940 15,780 73, 51.705 •" I A. Dwyer 5.125 .",.045 1.175 8.013 5.205 72 10 223 53 W. 11. Broaka 8.905 5.995 c.777 7.535 4.205 4 2,706 71 36,122 ■~ W. C, Clancy 55 3,108 8,180 4.380 4,866 4 1.917 71 211 112 2 . B. Morris 5.770 3.945 6325 4,300 4.030 1 515 70 25 391 n M. C. Kellev 2.910 1.570 5.3SO 7.240 8.330 5 1.440 70 24 070 [0 W. A. McKinney 1,868 915 2360 7336 1.455 25 7.240 70 21.350 0 IJ. Kiplev 2,410 100 2.310 2.545 5.772 15 3,815 70 16.952 V. Shields 8.735 1.750 2,598 10.250 3,800 0 2.055 lis 28.246 10 O. S. Fountain 2.075 2vs5 6.740 3,820 3. OH 4 905 0s 90386 »5 i; Wentworth o.77o 1.270 5.020 2.290 5,186 4 1.530 68 ".in;-, ". W. V. Casey 0.425 2.407 2.405 2,930 4.S45 s 3,405 88 17.882 2 C. T. Patterson 899 18310 2.545 9.735 9 4,990 07 .".0275 r5 J A Strode 510 1.754 2.204 2.912 Hi. 245 17 7.575 07 25 260 » A. Baker 3.891 4.S24 8,580 9,017 10.O47 14 7.014 89 51,873 "3 T. J. Shannon 7,000 1,835 1.090 5,440 27 22.095 00 37.560 10 •. K. Hrvsou 4.073 3.335 3.7 2 3.30O 5.:;50 10 7.5*tO r,i! 2si ]2 12 I.. Havmaker 425 2.55. s.200 5.145 10 4.210 00 20,530 :o C. L. Snyder 3.083 2.555 4,025 5.205 1.7S0 3 688 00 17 870 54 H. Giddings. Jr S.4so 6,965 23.826 ls.s70 8 7,390 65 05 530 io 0. R. Tompkins 11,350 12,000 5,875 15.130 9,899 5 4.100 t;.", SO T. F Coles 8.940 5.717 4.405 2.010 8.745 2 1.420 06 29 297 7 J G. Wagnon 5,745 4.475 3.490 7.015 3 1.435 i;5 22 100 E. Wilkerson 5.977 7.422 7.105 2 OOo c,5 21.104 14 P Covne 4.000 2.022 9.231 12.555 5.752 15 10,988 84 45.348 A. Allen 5.290 7.025 8.530 0.100 1.145 1:4 2V150 .O K. F. Wright 3.820 9,485 10.155 225 736 2 575 04 24.990 io W. F. Presgrave 9.«25 9.730 10,850 13.415 8 7.150 03 50.970 ro 3 W. Flvnn 8.105 13.115 0.500 .SO 1.150 ,i:; 28.960 .» J. I. Paul 4.300 3.920 5.515 3.905 7.S15 12 4 BBS 89 89.100 IO I J Miles 2.925 825 4.225 3.344 10.072 15 8.168 02 27.557 ,7 V. S. Trevev 9.355 2.075 10.825 10.415 4.405 0 2.4KI 01 40.145 15 I Feustel . 740 710 15.075 20.510 1,086 Io 5,783 60 12 7s:: 13 A I. Kiibv 4.877 5. .",55 s.415 s :;..;.-, i an 21.808 u; J W Davbl 550 1356 8.881 0.775 2.125 o us 00 P.i 771 n N liver 10.145 3.010 830 9,810 5.140 12 0.275 50 •.,,,,,, Io P.* T. China 14389 B.527 5.185 5 2.5o.: 59 :s.2lo 10 H. Kitts 0.353 9,748 S.7S". 7.HM» 1.550 1 450 59 27.978 rs LContinuud ou secund page.] AMERICAN TRAINERS WHO HAVE SADDLED FIFTY OR MORE WINNERS DURING THE PAST SIX YEARS. [Continued from first page.] 1915. Grand Total. Trainer. 1910. 1911. 1912. IMS. 1911. Wins. Amt. Wins. Ami. J. L. Browa :;.77i I.fdO »,ffI8 1,315 59 1.21;:: C. W. Oaaset 2.295 4.414 4.070 SB 0,150 59 20.345 P. T. l.ittletield S.SS5 0.275 5,045 0.29O .s.790 15 0,002 5H 45.517 S J. Kellev 2.905 3,700 2.980 4.7!M 725 0 21s :.s 15.406 O. P. Romelgh 275 1.U70 5,035 4.575 14 3.O07 58 14.022 W. St. Vincent 1,790 4.065 SvSOO 2.215 2.905 1 71111 57 15.735 A. h. Austin 3.090 :..00o 7.100 22 20.540 50 :!4.352 W. K. Sallee S92 3.000 7.537 5.095 9.2M 6 4.020 50 30,431 C. W. Carroll 4.530 4.710 1.275 2,7:14 100 1:; 5.830 50 18,900 E. Itterback 055 6,195 3.445 440 545 1e; 1,900 50 10,100 W. Ilawke 5.230 1,190 525 2.170 1,585 12 ::.770 55 14.77" J Owens 2.725 0.390 10.170 ]i 15,220 54 34.305 G. W Scott 0,020 3.035 4.045 4.740 5.325 0 2.055 54 27 i 2n L. Blunie !-• 5.745 20.:;40 o 220 54 20.7"0 ,T Gass 2.140 4.010 1,500 2.722 11,284 lo 4.935 54 20.097 J. T West 0X5 8,918 895 3,294 3.315 4 1.120 54 13.227 T. Welsh 90.225 ,-,.•, 90.225 S. A. Clopton 21.180 5.575 * 53 31.755 If. Powers 1L044 4.520 4.505 3.410 .-,:; 23.539 E Lutz 2.342 7.792 4.2s.-, 4.590 5 2.055 53 21.004 E L Jones 3.010 3.535 5.310 1.120 1,000 ;; ;,10 53 is 70 •v. htbriel 2.soo 5,980 5.400 325 53 1 |,osn A. Rick 5.0S0 3.775 .-,:; 0,455 W. Hurley 11.271 2.047 5.S10 1,750 975 4 1.120 52 2.: :.7:i J P.lute .* S.75S 7.925 3.732 525 53 20.940 i: T. Cotton 3.437 12,808 20 0,819 51 20. 124 C Martin 330 2.040 S.83S 7.905 1.025 ,1 10,373