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WARMING UP FAST IN MARYLAND. Annapolis. Md.. March Di. A delegation led by Dr. John M. T. Kinney was here yesterday advocating legislation to put the race tracks of the state out of business. The delegation was given a hearing be for • a suli-committee of the senate, to which i had been referred all the bills dealing with the race track ueesUoB. This committee will report a bill to the senate during the week and the program seems to 1m- that t this bill will authorize a daily license fee for the ml r tings at each of the tracks in Maryland. It was said in the senate Committee by S -n:i1 •:■ Johnson that racing is under lite from the former bookmakers who have bf const offended by the substitution of the pari mutuel machines. These machines i will hereafter, it is salted, he in use in every race track in lie slate. Men interested in racing contend that tie use of this, machines will eliminate many of the evils thai have heretofore existed. Members of the delegation ami some of the committee engaged in a debate concerning conditions surrounding he race tracks. Opinions differed as to what they are. Senator Johnson explained what t was done at l.aun 1. The judiciary committee of the house today voted 1 to Mag out the Hall anti-gambling bill without t recomniendat ion and it is expected to come before the house at tonights session and precipitate a hot t fight, It had not been reached this afternoon when • the house took a recess to S oclock. The report t of the action of the committee by a tie vote of 5 S to .i started the activities of a strong race track 1 ibby and they were soon bustling around for votes s to order the hill back to the committee for a hearing asked for by William D. Riggs. representing the race people. The motion to send the bill hack will be fought by William Durnell Hall, the author of the hill, on the gTOSUMl that no bearing was asked for on the bill until this morning, though the , measure has been in the hands of the committee , for more than a month. It is rhargtd that the effort of the race track people will Ik- to prevent a i direct vote on the whole race track question. The measure, which it is expected a sub committee of tie- finance committee of the senate will I present to place all the tracks under slate regulation, with a license tax sufficient to hrinj; some revenae to the state, will be pitted against tie bill and a similar measure offered in the senate by s mater Williams.