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HAVANA CLOSES WITH BIG ATTENDANCE. Havana. Cuba, March 30. Tin- second annual winte-r meeting of the Cuba American Jockey Club came to a close with the running of yesterdays pro gram. Eight races were carded an I the Immense crowd that turned out w;is rewarded by some interesting sport. A big detegati f horsemen and followers of the sport will leave for Howie tomorrow. Ih.. meeting has been a successful one ami will show a handsome profit for h,, stockholders. Many improvements will be made during tie- coming sum mer on the plant, which i- alreadj one of the best in tin- western hemisphere. Jockej s. Wotetenholm wis rined 8 and sus-pended until April IS by tin- stewards for cnttiag across in front of the others at the start of the fifth race.