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GERST STUD PASSES TO NEW OWNER. arm I,I.irsif 1,as. ■SK"* :lU thp "-ires owned by William Gerat, mehill Stud. Nashville. Tenn t,,,1 iV, st:llli,,n "-"bridge. The sale M.nsists -,n" „f tl„. foUowing mures ami stallion- -iuniuri. br. m. 1903. by Pirate of Penzance— Alary Moore. Celle.i|iiy. b. in. 1904. by Russell— La Tour He Ima S.. b. m. 1907. by Cesarion — Bppie FavormBeneK""": " *"* *" Vlst,ilfil""-Oriental queen, b. m. 1905. by Greenan— ahageesa Iternaise. b. m. 190S. by Sempronius— Marete. riirl1S " VM ~ hy Wools,ll,,n» — Lady Au- bert111"1 Ik "* 19°9 hy Sir mrm TBdj AI" Salla,"e *" "• 191°- b-v Hastings-M,in Sihib Re»s- Gold. b. in. 1911. by Gold He-els-Kin Rose ■aaaern, b. m, ion. by knrta Santa-Anna „,,- Anna Mirl. oh. in. 1911. by MeOee— Josie- Cohan m. 1911. by Ceaarion— Magnificence. Ple;;V.fBay°:!Sl,r" " "• "J "*»*— Woolly Mason, b. m. 1910, by Woolsthorpe— Ma-nola Mason. Nethersole. Ruby Hastings, br. f. 1912. by Hastings— Unby ■ Mountain PenrL b. f. 1912. by The- Com, 1-r— Mountain Mist. _■** Tr*"M. b- f. 1913, by Dick W.-lIes— Corus-Ilanbridge— eh. h. 1905. by Banastar Debacle. Mr. Hirsig will remove these mares te. his Seaside Stud. Nashville. Tenn.. when- they will be mated with lUnai sign anil Charivari