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WHITNEY MEMORIAL TO BE RUN JUNE 3. New York. April 14— The Whitney Memorial Steeplechase, which will be run at Piping Bock June 3. the second day of the Piping Rock Ka-ing Associations meeting, promises to lie vested with more than usual interest, for the reason that the number of jumpers in training this year is greater than ever and includes a much better class of horses than ever before. Not alone will all the old-time stars lie seen at the post, but with them will be a number of new aspirants for fame in this line of sport, many of them imported horses that have been purchased at big prices for the purpose. Another feature of the race is that it will be the richest of the years prizes for the junipers. Harry Payne Whitney generously adds £3.000 to the race. The Piping Ro.k Racing Association gives 00 in plate nnd with the entrance and starting fees, which will go to the winner, the race will have a value of about,000. Entries for the event will not dose until April 25, but many have already lieen received and. judging from the interest and enthusiasm of owners and trainers, the list of eligibles when closed wiU mean an arr:iy greater in numbers and quality than ever lief ore shown in a steeplechase in this country. Leonard Jacob has purchased a three -year -old by 8ea King from John E. Madden for this particular class of racing. Mr. Whitneys turf interests .ire on the flat, yet year after year he manifests his approval of stecplechasing and his desire to materially aid in its upbuilding by providing this rich race.