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QUEBEC-BRED TWO-YEAR-OLDS. Montre-al. Quo.. May 5. — Now that training ac-Uvlttel have ecenananced at Blue Bonnets a great deal of interest is lieing evtacad in the two-ye-ar-olds bred in the provine-e of Que-bec to be prepared for the summers campaign. This year will not. perhaps, find as many in training as a ye-ar ago. ieut their ctam will be battel. Thane to !«• trained this soring and given a racing e-duc-atic.ii throughout the summer are all Banned for the Blue Ihnuneta Bree-elers Stakes anil are- also eligible for the Provincial sursery to be run next fall, at Blue Baa-Bete, The majority of the provtece-bred two-year-olds will be fitted at Blue Bcameds. the- onlv one that has left Montreal being Dr. Charles McE le h an- Lo-t Bird, which is now being trained at Woodbine Park. Toronto. Those in training are: Adoniai. br. f. by Allow-maise— Adoration, owned by Sam Nesbitt. All Amiss, hr. e-. by Allowmaise — Lady Leota. owned by I. A. De-nault. Athena, b. g. by Athel — Sans Coeur. owned by D. Raymond. Javato. eh. f. by Ben Trovato — laffa. owned by Sam KeeMtt. Lost Bird. eh. f, by — Destitute, earned by Dr. Charles MoCachrai]. Magyars, eh. f. by Ishtet — Marys Aunt, owned by Sam Nesbitt. Recorder, eh. e-. by Bassetlaw — Gargle, owned by D. Raymond. ■