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ACHIEVEMENT CAPTURES C0NNAUGHT CUP. Golden Bantam Wins in a Big Field — Cadillac : Claimed by Sam Louis — Track Gossip. Montreal. Que.. June 8. — The Connaught Cup. one of the annual fixtures of the spring meetings at 1 Blue Bonnets, was offered as an attraction I13- the * Montreal Jockey club this afternoon. It brought f one of the best fields of the season in Canada to tin-post and Wilfred Viau. a local man who only lately went into racing furnished the winner in Achievement, which beat Schemer by a couple of lengths. E. J. Crawford saddled the winner of the two-year-old race in Golden Bantam, which beat a band of thirteen youngsters in the second race. She was ridden by Byrne, came from behind in the stretch and won easily. Cadillac, which finished second, was claimed by Sam Louis out of the race for 320. William Snyder, starter Dades assistant, arrived from Baltimore, whore he did the starting at the Gentlemens Driving Park meeting. Snyder will finish the season on the Canadian circuit. Arthur Edwards, acting for James Lumsden of Ottawa, purchased from Howard Oots this morning the impored two -year-olds Lynette and Joanna II. The latter is carded to start in the second race tomorrow. There will be a meeting of the Horsemens Protective Association on Saturday in Montreal. A committee to look after the interests of the association on the Canadian circuit will be appointed. The big string that It. F. Carman shipped here from Toronto will be sent to Jamaica immediately following the close of the meeting at Blue Bonnets. The horses racing in the name of W. Viau will go to New York witli the Carman band. The Viau establishment showed up a promising two-year-old at Blue Bonnets on Wednesday, in the first time starter Amalgamator, which came from behind in tie- stretch end won like a real race horse. The Pinkcrtons have been engaged by the Con-naught Park Jockey Club to police the grounds of the Ottawa track during the coming meeting. Captain Rogers and his assistants larker and Shev-ly will go with him to Ottawa and with these three men in charge the patrons of the club will be well protected. George M. Hendrie. who was here for several "lays, reiiorts that all of the improvements to the Windsor plant have Ix-en lully completed. Besides building 200 new stalls, new chutes were constructed an 1 the entire track resoiled, which makes the going better than ever. Steeplechase jockey Harvey Boyle, while school - ing Chevron through the field this morning, suffered a dislocated collarbone when his mount fell at one of the jumps. C.ipt. W. F. Presgrave has presented the steeplechaser Indian Arrow to Jerry Murphy. The stewards are keeping a strict check on equipments here, with the result that several owners were fined yesterday for the inconsistent use of equipment. A new paddock will be constructed at Pimlico this summer and the grounds about the large clubhouse laid out in flower beds and shrubbery. The long shed behind the clubhouse will be demolished and a new roof will lie built on the grandstand. The jockeys building will also be remodeled.