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DISPOSAL OF WOODFORD CLAYS ESTATE. Lexington, Ky.. June S. — The will of Woodford Clay, who died in Louisville last Thursday, lias been prob.ited in the Bourbon County court. The document, which was dated November 15, 1914. directs that hi-, interest in the firm of Clay Brothers and the thoroughbred horses owned by him individually ! •■ e-pi.illy distributed between his three brothers. E. K. Clay. Jr.. Brutus J. Clay and Bitck-ner Clay, and all of his driving iiorses and vehicles he lie-.pjeaths to liis sister. Mary Clay. A number of minor baapaata are made to his brothers Brutus and Buckner. He further directs that his silverware and other jewelry he equally divided between his sisters. Amelia and Mary, and the residue of the estate he leaves to his sister Mary. The court appoinl.-d Mr. Clays father. Colonel K. F. Clay, as administrator. Since the drawing of the will Mr. Clays brother. E. F. Clay. Jr., has died.