Douglas Park, Daily Racing Form, 1916-06-09

past performance

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Douglas Park Entries and Past Performances for Friday, June 9. WEATHER SHOWERY. TRACK FAST. FIRST RACE— 1 Mile. 3-year-olds and upward. Maidens. Selling. 11684—1:37%— 3— 101. Index Course DistTimeTckOdds Wt St % % % Str Fin Jockeys Started Order of Finish AUTOBELL, br. i, 3 107 By Jim Gaffney— Autolee J. S. Ward. mtm Douglas lm70y l:44,fast 26 102 10 1112 10 9i 8"! F Murphy 14 Traction. Capt.Rees, Sansyming 26401 Church 1 3-4 1 13»/5fast 43-10 1M 6 11 9 9 9" F Murphy 12 Sugar King. Mikifula, MissMinu 25920 Lex ton 3-4 1:18 hvy 39-5 106 4 4 4 3 37 F Murphy 5 Lucky R., Blue Cap, Biddy 25S32 Lexton 3-4 1:17 slow 79-10 107 6 4 6 6J 5B F Murphy 12 Ardent, J.W.Klein. SisterSusie MARGARET E., ch. f, 3 107 By Cyclades — Diplomacy N. F. Dortch. 26404 Church 1 3-4 1 :134f,fast 19 115 10 6 5 5* 6" L Gentry 12 Sugar King. Mikifula. MissMinn 23751 I.atonia 3-4 1 :13%tast fid 100 10 10 7 1* ln-lll Stearns 11 Blue Cap, Cardonie, I.oiiiseStone 23565 Latonia 5l. f 1 :09y5mud 62 98 5 5 5 5i SH Stearns II Mary II.. BlueCap. LittleBigger 23484 Church 1 3 4 1:15 fast 16-5 104 6 4 4 2* 3- II Stearns i Dolina, Emily R.. Innovation 2:M50 Churchl 3-1 1:16 hvy 51-10 104 9 8 7 7 Pi H Stearns 10 Veldt, Industry, Dolina 23155 Douglas 5 S 1:02 good 38-5 96 12 7 I 31 B 11 Stearns 12 L. Vandergrift, Owana, EmilyR. 23070 Lcxgton 3-4 1:18 mud 31-5 109 7 6 5 6 6*1 H Stearns 8 Charlie McGee, Cossack, Bernini STEPHEN R., br. g. 3 109 By Disguise— Sadie S. F. J. Kelley. 26132 Churchl 3-11:15 good 36 102 6 6 5 6 5" J Brown 6 Pan Handle. Jerry. Perugino 25300 N.Orlns 3-4 1 :14%Iast 10 114 9 9 9 10 10Hi T Koerner 10 Falls City, T. McMakin, Tze-Lsi 25137 N.Orlns 1 1:41 fast 7 109 4 3 2 4 42 4» L Gentry 7 King K.. C.Maichmont. S.Savin 25079 N.Orlns 3-4 1:14%fast 6 112 4 10 8 51 631 C VanDun 14 Dr. Max, Alley. Politician 24941 N.Orlns 1 l:40%rast 3 105 7 6 6 4 4l 6J J MeTagrt S King K., Prince S., Serf Savin 24870 N.Orlns 3-4 l:15%fast 6 112 10 6 4 21 2" C VanDun 13 Virginia W., Narmar, Insurgent 24707 N.Orlns 1 l:lo%slow 3 114 6 5 4 4 31 3J W Warton 8 Tatiane, Namnr, Alley ROY. br. g. 5 128 By Marchmont II — Tokalon J. W. Fuller. 26594 Douglas lm70y 1:44 fast 72 113 8 10 10 10 91 9-2 C VanDun 10 Sterelle. D.Mdonald. Todorita 26521 Douglas lm70y l:44%fas* 84 110 3 7 7 6 4h 5* C VanDun 7 Bell Boy, Fels. St. Charleote 26404 Churchl 3-4 l:13%fast 56 131 9 8 8 61 6 l C VanDunPJ Sugar King, Mikifula, MissMinn 25521 H.Spgs lm70y 1:45 fast 20 109 3 4 4 6 54 5i F Keogh 6 Reno. Dryad, Kilday 1-5453 H.Sogs 1 l:43%fast 3-5 109 2 4 4 4 3 431 C VanDun 6 Maudie, Blonde, Narmar 25269 N.Orlns 1 1-16 l:47%fast 20 104 3 3 6 2 21 2J C VanDun 11 Birka, Reybourn, L. Spirituelle 25240 N.Orlns 1 1-16 1:48 fast 15 108 9 9 7 4 4" 4»1 C VanDunlS Hedge Rose, Nigadoo, Toynbee POLITENESS, b. h, 6 128 By Star Shoot— Auvergue C. S. Meddis. 26741 Douglas 3-4 1:15 slow 21 108 6 5 4 C- 6«2 P Lowder 7 L.Nephew, Blckthorn, Celebrity PERUGINO, ch. g, 3 104 By St. Vitrix— Perugia P. M. Civill. 26520 Douglas ll:41%fast 32 10114 2 5 6 61 620 W A Carl 8 Jerry. Queen Apple, Welga 264S9 Douglas 1 l:42%mud 64 100 7 5 3 7 11 ll2* W A CarIll S.R.Meyer, Sterelle, H.Gardner 26404 Churchl 3-4 l:13%fast 43-5 112 4 3 3 4= 47 W A Car112 Sugar King. Mikifula, MissMinn 26280 Churchl 3-4 1:15 good 24-5 106 7 8 8 8 612 A Carroll 8 Brooks, Brizz, Mary H. 26132 Churchl 3-4 1:15 good 39-5 102 3 1 2 3* 3i A Carroll ! Pan Handle, Jerry, Old Charter NewtEng. G-8ml40y— good 10 111 7 J Martin 12 Hague, Falernus, Fibreman NewmktEng. 5-8 l:03%good 8 114 13 J Martin 19 Neville, HappyBird, Stanborough J. C. CANTRILL, b. c, 3 107 By Box— Two Lick L. J. Brown. 26207 Churchl 3-4 1:14%fast 252 102 8 7 7 7ll 7SJ A Carroll 10 Booker Bill. Jerry, Tillotson 26136 Churchl 3-4 1:15 good 94 111 6 7 7 7" 71* J McCabe 8 Brizz. Mikifula, Alex Get* 24344 N.Orlns 3-4 l:14%fast 10 106 1 2 3 4* 3" F Murphy S Toddling, Sir L. Joe, Diadi 24308 N.Orlns ll:45%good8 103 112 2 4» 7111F Murphy 8 B.Simmons, Pleasureville. C.Boy 23749 Latonia 3-4 l:16y6fast fid 109 9 7 7 91 6J A Mott 11 Anna Lou. TroutFly, W. Warbler 23673 Latonia 3-4 l:16%hvy fid 103 6 6 12 121 122» J Acton 13 Beauty Shop, Veldt, Paymaster THE CARMET. ch. g. 3 100 By The Commoner — Salaire J. T. Shannon. 26535 Douglas lm70y l:44%fast fid 104 12 9 7 7 51 bn AV Hoag 14 Traction. Capt.Rees, Sansyming 26150 Churchl 1 1-16 l:47V0fast 41 103 8 8 5 6 6" 6 8 C VanDn 8 Old Koenig, S.Susie, J.W.Klein 26933 Lexton lm70y 1:54 hvy 1 104 7 6 4 5 6" 415 F Cooper 8 AllenCain, Galaway, Sansyming 25897 Lex ton 1 1-16 l:53%mud 29-5103 8 7 6 5 4» 3s F Murphy 9 Un. Will, Disturber, Col.McNab 23255 Douglas 3-4 1:14 fast 44-5 106 11 9 9 82 8»i W Meehanll D. Williams. AlPlerce, Asp.Sam 23180 Douglas 51 f l:08Vfefast 19-10 108 Fell. R Goose 7 Count. Wilmot, Bernini, Veldt 22941 Lexgton 51 f l:07%fast 31-10 109 4 4 2 31 3«1 R Goose 9 R. Shooter, D.Williams, J.Bunny ELKTON, b. c, 3 112 By Dick Finnell— Alice Baird J. K. Bedmon. 26667 Douglas 3-4 l:12%fast fid 97 9 8 8 9l 7»i F Fuerst 11 LadyJ.Grey, Nobleman, Un.Hart 26535 Douglas lm70y l:44%fast 37 107 1110 11 9 ll1 10l» W A Car114 Traction, Capt.Rees, Sansyming 23535 Latonia 3-4 l:14%fast 29-10 106 10 10 10 11 lHlK Martin II Tnksgivlng, Asp.Sam, Circulate 21318 Latonia 5-8 l:04fehvy 21 112 5 4 4 5* 5T F Murphy 7 Pan Handle, SolidRock, Traction 21209 Latonia 41 f 54%fast 18-5 112 5 10 6* V L Gentry 12 J.C.Welch, Miss Atkin. Traetiou 21120 Latonia 5-8 l:02%fast 19-20 112 1 4 4 * 2" A Pease 10 C.F.Hnberger, Circulate, L.Cove 209G6 Latonia 5-8 l:03%hvy 28-5 112 3 3 1 2» 21 A Pease 9 OldCharter. Llt.Cove. Greenwood DEHRA, b. f, 3 102 By Sir Huon— Rosemaid J. P. Baker. 26501 Douglas 1 1-16 l:4SM good 106 891 4 4 8 8 8 S2« T Henry 8 Syrian. Surpassing. Transit 23319 Douglas 51 f l:0S%mud 74 103 6 3 3 4 912 F Judy 10 Al Pierce, Ingot. Beauty Shop 22161 FortErie 5-S l:02%slow 230 103 9 9 9 9 91" W 01 ert 9 C.Gutelius, PeepSight, M. McGee 21906 Ham* ton 6-8 l:02%slow 60 100 11 11 U 11 ll32 R McDottll Lucky R.. Will Cash, Yennak 19835 Bowie 1-2 49 fast 20 109 14 14* 15281J Metcalf 15 Sand Pocket. Iolite. Irrawaddy ANTHONYS LASS. b. f. 3 107 By Forfarshire— Obelisk II. H. H. Selby. 26449 Churchl 1116 1:48 good 203 96 8 7 8 8 8 812 F Fuerst 8 Guide Post, Pan Handle, L.Paul 26404 Churchl 3-4 1:13%faat fid 115 8 5 6 71 7" W Andressl2 Sug. King, Mikifula. Miss Minn 26133 Churchl 1 l:40%good 37 101 5 3 3 4 410 418 F Jenkins 5 Ipressive, Tsgiving, ILGrdner NewmktEng. 5-8 hard 25 113 12 Trigg 2.3 G.byPhaleren. Parley. B. of Arts NewmktEng. 5-8 hard 10 120 12 J Childs 15 Farigold, SirAmyas, Fly. Beauty SECOND RACE— 5 1-2 Furlongs. 2-year-olds. Selling. 11618—1:06—2—117. HOT TODDY, ch. c. 2 112 By Toddington— Idle Day W. H. Baker. 26497 Douglas 5-S l:02%hvy 8-5 110 1 6 5 6« 67i R Goose 7 Miss Jazbo, S. Helen. OurNetta 26151 Churchl 41 f 54%fast 31 118 4 7 7 71S R Goose 7 N. Walcutt. G.O.Love, Dr. Turk 26098 Churchl 4J f 56%mud 21-20 111 2 1 ll Is R Goose » HestcrSmith, Milbrey, TheDuke 25987 Lexton 41 f 55Vfefast 2 107 5 2 23 2i R Goose 11 Miss Jazbo, Juvenile. Bessanta 25836 Lexton 41 f 56%slow 32 110 3 9 9 916 R Goose 9 Jocular, JackWiggins, TheDuke POMP. br. c, 2 112 By Hamburg— Pageant E. R. Bradley. 26700 Douglas 5-S l:02%mud 43-5106 1 3 G 41 ¥% C Kirschm 7 J. Wiggins, May W.. N. Walcutt 26472 Douglas 5-8 1:02 mud 14 112 2 3 3 3l 3*4 C Kbaum 8 Evelvn V., Dr. Tuck, Jocular 26250 Churchl 5-8 1:03 mud 14-5 112 1 1 1 ll 1» C Kbaum 12 Sweet Helen. Milbrey, Phoeion 26131 Churchl 41 f 55%good 12 115 4 3 32 2l T McTagtl4 J.Wiggins, Lit.Spider. TheDuke 26084 Churchl 41 f 65 mud 111 115 1 5 7* 61J T hicTagtlO Guy Fortune, James, Dr. Barlow MONOTONY, b. c. 2 107 By Ogden — Tenotomy L. J. Brown. 26737 Douglas 5-8 1:0.5 hvy 129 104 7 7 6 6 4i F Willms 7 Money, Perseus. Bob Dundon 26250 Churchl 5-8 1:03 mud 71 107 3 10 10 8l S» A Carroll 12 Pomp. Sweet Helen, Milbrey 26131 Churchl 41 f 55%good fid 115 7 11 101 9" J McCabe 14 Jack Wiggins. Pomp, Lit.Spider 25922 Lexton 41 f 56 hvy 34 113 11 7 61 5» J McCabe 11 Frigcrio, J.Wiggins, N. Walcutt 25867 Lexton 41 f 56%mud 64 112 3 fi 5" 41* J McCabe 7 Green Jones. Buckner. Midway WAT, b. g, % 104 By Marta Santa— Anne Conyers P. M. Civill. 26537 Douglas 5-8 1:01 fast 29 100 4 6 6 5J 5" W A Car 11 7 May W.. Little Spider. Jocular 26472 Douglas 5-8 1:02 mud 46 112 6 5 7 8 810 T McTagr 8 Evelyn V., Dr. Tuck, Pomp 26405 Churchl 5-8 l:00%fast 21-5 102 7 6 5 61 610 W A Carl 7 Miss Jazbo, Juvenile, Our Netta 26276 Churchl 5-8 l:02%slow 38-5 101 4 3 2 4 4» A Carroll 6 Dr. Tuck, Trusty. Geo. C. Love 25578 H.Spgs 41 f 55%fast 1 110 1 3 2 ll A Carroll 8 Lobelia, Rey Ennis. Cashup 25540 H.Spgs 1-2 49 fast 9-10 108 8 6 2s l2 A Carroll 8 G. Bantam, Eden Park, CuRhup 25463 H.Spgs 1-2 48%fast 13-5 103 1 1 l1 2" A Carroll 0 Lobelia, Eden Park, Cashup SANG BLEU, ch. g. 2 109 By Tony Bonerc— 0 Co E. E. Wackier. 26276 Churchl 5-8 l:02%s1ow 83 105 3 5 6 6 613 R Guy 0 Dr. Tuck. Trusty. Geo. C. Love 25589 H.Spgs 1-2 49%fast 6 1071 6 6 41 4J L Gaugel 6 Cashup, WallStreet, EderiPark 25564 H.Spgs 1-2 49M fast 13-5 109 7 9 8» 8lu L Gentry 9 Rey Ennis, Cashup, Colza 25523 H.Spgs 1-2 49 fast 4 109 6 4 43 P F Murphy 8 Eden Park, Rey Ennis, Jeanette 25474 H.Spgs 1-2 48%fast 20 106 7 7 61 4«i F Murphy 7 MarieMiller, D.Tuck, G. Bantam 24325 N.Orlns 3-8 35%fast 30 115 7 7 7« J Pengast 7 F. Fancy, T. Sally, Conowingo THIRD RACE— 3-4 Mile. 3-year-olds. Selling. 20775— 1:10%— 3--109. HARRY GARDNER, b. g. 3 114 By Dick Welles— Fluid M. C. Moore. 267:18 Douglas 1-4 l:16%hvy 12 111 1 2 1 lJF W Andress « Pan Handle, BlueCap, Lindly 26672 Douglas 1 l:41%fast 14 110 7 9 9 9 9 921 K Lapaille 9 Sauterelle Jerrv Queen Apple 26520 Douglas 1 l:4t%fsust 33-10109 3 1 1 1 2 4J W Andress 8 Jerry, Queen A*pple Welga 26469 Douglas 1 l:42%mud 17 971 5 3 4 3 31 38 F Fuerst 11 S.R.Meyer, Sauterelle, Wproof 20321 Churchl 1 1-16 l:47%fast 49-5 102 3 3 4 3 6 722 T Henry T Jes. Louise, Lit.Bigger, Malabar 26255 Churchl 1 3-16 2:0:,%mud 3.J 96 2 4 6 4 31 ?«1 C Hunt « I.Gleman, S.R.Meyer, Iression 26123 Churchl 1 l:40%good 31 111 4 4 4 3 312 3* F Murphy 5 Ipressive, Tksgiving, A.sLass HIGH HORSE, br. c. 3 112 By Hastings— Hautesse H. Williams Bros.. 26368 Churchl 3-4 1 :13%rast 21-20 102 9 8 Lost rider. 11 Shilling 9 Billows, M.B.Thurman, 0. Lady 26212 Churchl 3-4 l:12%fast 23 94 5 4 4 3 23 C Hunt 8 Hawthorn. Ratina, Klebume 25S08 Lexton 3-4 l:17K;hvy 48 10217 7 7 8 8" H Shilling 8 Father Riley. BillyJoe, S.Heart 2*120 Bowie 6 f l:20%fast 41 94 7 5 4 51 7*1 P Lowder 8 Pontefract. BetwnUs. T.asSteel 23982 Bowie 61 f 1 :21Vsfast 20 102 4 2 3 5l 9»J M Garner 10 Favour. Candle, Broomvale 23909 Bowie 3-4 l:14%fast 41 106 2 1 3 5 5" E Haynes A Daddys Choice, Candle, Bigtodo BUSY JOE. blk. f. 3 107 By Sain— BandeUo E. R. Bradley. 26592 Douglas 3-4 l:12%fast 26 97 4 4 3 2J 2 J Brown 4 .I.J.Mdock, Pkichoo, B.Trooper SH £-2r!;ns , 1 :H2K!2 ?n !£ I 6 I I 1J 3* J Brown 8 c- *«*». L.Bigger G.Counsel 3-4 10 107 4 ZS2H N.Orlns l:13%fast 3 6 4»* 4 J Brown 9 Souvenir, M.Hrmann, R.Mrian 25210 N.Orlns 3-4 1:14 fast 7 102 6 6 3 M m J Brown 7 Belamour. Tribolo, Capt. Ben £2 5-2E£m H i: 2Masi H 25 I f 6 4 4* J Brown T *• Maria*. LuekyR., PanHandle 2o062 N.Orlns 3-4 l:13%fast 12 106 6 5 6 8 81 J Brown I Lucky R., BlueCap, Illuminator INSURGENT, ch. g. 3 114 By Dick Welles— Lady Martha A. L. Kirby. USSg-iE8 IJJJ:n?o2Mn i»t ! I £ " ,l:""""- s ""tliiii. Incle Jlmnilc. Lyndora S2 5-K«" 5H;?-7asI ;° 7 ? «k 3 ll Haaatr « Billy Joe, BuckShot, Un.Jimmie 25553 H.Sp gs 3-4 1:1a fast 1 107 3 1 1 ja g f, Gentry 7 Short Ballot. Scrapper. M.Robleo S£ S-§p.B8 I I i oTHa8J ?o ?S f ? « !f 2 J h 5"""-y « rrisky. Paymaster Hazel Dale S5S-Si5 -8, :1as J! S? i Vk r 9 "»try 10 H.Dale, Politician, T.MeMakin 3-1 l.Milast 20 109 5 4 6 mmUAtM 6" 8«i L Gentry 11 Far Away, Clara Morgan, Ingot SAVINO, b. c. 3 117 By Voorhees— Corlnna G. Barnes. 24033 Juarez 3-4 l:luV5fast 21 10 2 6 5 .3 4:|J II Shilling 7 Circulate Veldt Thankseivine 24800 Juarez 3-4 l:15%fast 4 113 1 3 3 2" S R Pauley 7 Rapids Veht Circulate 24741 Juarez 5-8 1:01 fast 12 108 2 6 4 4" P .IMorvs S BaSBrooks. Vktot LSJ,uarez SJJiSHCZ L i4 fL !a*3 ;r,V09 S Vcldt- Rt« Cloud, C.M..Tohnson 24500. 4-5 «t 111 1 a 4 -f i M i» uarez 51fl:07j4fast M shilling 6 Smil. Maggie, Loia. Staranise g*2 i2S tii2*£2 ? SJl P ftus * "** ? Sl L.Cochran, Staranise 24263 Juarez 3-4 1:1a fast 3 113 m 3 ■ 8 « 6 02 Ink j L„ftus » Meal Ticket, Cahiria, Th. Marie BLACK BEAUTY, blk f 3 107 By The Commoncr-Hawkslight H. J. Seidenick. 28667 Doug as 3-4 .W** 61 914 4 4 4* +1 P 11 LadyJ.Grey, Nobleman. Ln.Hart "fi • K i fi SI L k?W lftr U Brt* WandaPitz.,r. Langlwrue 2CC.hurth, iJJ-JSHSS U-S in inn 2 J I I i 2!Jf Garner 9 WandaPitzer, Liberator, Brisa mm Cjiurch JriV£8and£ S"h,m I 5- 1 6 P L»w ier 6 MarsCassidy, Soslus. Hawthorn 234, 1 Churchl 51 f 1 :07%fast f Id 106 8 r 5 n 31 2"k E Potil 13 Impressive B Velvet Eulocv 23347 Churchl 3-4 1 :14%good 29-5 97 5 4 3 H fi T Henry 11 Tnka Paymaster Rifle Shooter 23260 Douglas 51 f l:07%fast 24 97 6 7 7 41 p" K Lapaillell II "tJardn«. L Worthton. SSter WELGA, br. f. 3 112 By King James — Wealth J. P JoneO iruK!:,s li:2££2 I 1 1 I £ ??«S •SmSkl ££? *-*_**» 26520 Douglas 1 1 11 pr 107 .34 3 4 !•» P S Jerry Queen Amile II Gardner 26174 Douglas lm70y l:46».,mud 279 «•*« 3 IM P Lowder 8 D.MN ..i ifi Id !"• rett , M Fide Ji.2sn Church I 3-4 1:15 good 36 107 2 5 6 7 7* R Goose s Brook" Brizz n M 26207 Clmr. hi 3-4 1:14=,fast 32 102 10 10 8 C! «« K lapaille 1.1 Bktr BiM Jerry Tillotson 26104 Churchl 1 1-16 1 61 89 4 4 4 5 7* 7--P Lowder 8 Transit St Chirlcote S ofLore MSX N.Orlns lmLOy 1 : ISrLmud a 98 1 1 1 8 8 S»iF Hopkins 8 I.yndora, Irrawaddv, investment M. BERT THURMAN, b. g. 3 114 By Bean atcher— Aimee C. W F. Cisco. 264M Douglas 3-4 l:14,hvy 13 102 I 1 4 4 4 K Liipaill- li Brizz, Sosius. Billy Joe 26;:i;s Churchl 3-4 l:13%rast 40 102 1 11 ji « K Lapaille 9 Billows, Col. Lady. Un. Jimmie 26212 Chun hi 3-4 :12%fast 112 9a a 3 3 62 5| P Lowd.r S Hawthorn. High Horse. Ratina 26136 Churchl 3-4 1:1a good 41 107 1 2 2 5* 5i K Martin 8 Brizz. Mikifula. Alex G»ta S25*i!°B J~ll% ,nU7?01a5i? 5 I 8 9» E Martin ! Billy Joe. Blackthorn, B.Quince 25792 Lexton 51 f 1:09 mud 105 92J o 4 6 6» 62« T Buckles 8 Wblossom, EdHowd, M.Cassidy WATER WARBLER, b. f. 3 US By Waterboy— Soliloquy M. Rieser. 26589 Douglas 3-4 DBifast fid 98114 10 8 G"i- 5=1 B Martin 14 Brizz. WnndaPitzer, Langhorno 26368 Churchl 3-4 1 :137sfast I If I 7 7 8 8"" E Martin 9 Billows. M.B.Thurnian. 0. Lady 26210 Churchl 3-4 l:13Vifast 75 96 7 6 6 65 6"J P Lowder 7 Blunchita, K.Tea, I ncleJimmie 26972 Lexton 3-4 l:13ifast 19 102 11 9 9 9 9»» E Martin 11 Droll, Brizz. Uncle Hart 26178 Juarex 51 f 1 :0~Vfcfast 9-6 98 4 1 1 1» 1* E Martin 13 Smiling Maggie, Zolzo. Anita R. 25121 Juarez 3-4 l:13%fast 8 100 10 8 9 7» 6«i E Martin 11 El Mabdi, Lesbia, Zenotek 24552 Tijuana 5-8 1:03 slow 6 876 6 4 6 6" H Watts G RoundUp, Vignola. L.St.Patrick WATER WAR, b. g, 3 114 By Waterboy— Lady Ilsley W. T. Martin 26249 Church-1 3-4 l:14%mud 129 102 6 6 7 7 6" J Callahan S Billv .foe, Morristown, Mex 22174 Wdbine 3-4 l:13%fast 8 108 11 6 9 9 105J T Rice 12 Greeting*. L. Bigger. A.Mancini 23077 Wdbine 3-4 1:13%fast 29-5 110 5 2 2 71 9»1 J Callahanl.1 Candle. Iolite, Philistine 22793 BlueBon. 3-1 l:15%slow 19-5 107 5 1 1 4 78j J Callahan 8 Anita. Candle, Reserve 22411 Windsor H f l:07«ifast 9-10 103 1 3 3 41 6«J J Callahan 7 Anita, Milestone. Port Light 22251 Windsor 51 t l:07«*fast 31-10 103 6 6 6 31 21 J Callahan 9 Anita. Port Light, Jack ODowd 21723 Windsor 6-8 l:00%fast 23-6 104 3 1 1 Is 1» J Callnnan 9 Servia. Tnsh Tush. Mary Estelle J. C. WELCH, br. g, 3 114 By Bearcatcber — Torsido F. Gering. Jr.. 25322 N.Orlns linT-iy l:4l%fast 12 103 C G 5 7 S1 S"i J McTagt B Ycnghee, M.llrmann, L.Bigger 26241 N.Orlns lm20y 1:42 fast 20 102 6 5 4 4 51 4J M Garner 7 La Mode. Ormrth. Redlaud 25193 N.Orlns 1 l:41%fast 20 111 3 1 1 1 l4 11-W Andress S Larkin. R. Juliette. C. Morgan 2T.1S9 N.Orlns 3-4 1 :14Msfast 15 ]n4 7 5 9 91 7«J M Garner 11 Meelicka. Rubicon II., Zin Del 25045 N.Orlns MLlwut 20 110 5 8 7 92 9" F Adams M L. London, PhilCngar, Sennata 24958 N.Orlns 3-4 l:13%fast 60 111 3 16 10* 10«1F Adams 11 Blue Cap. Rose Marian. Tribolo ETHEL MAY, b. f. 3 107 By McGee— Virginia Moore J. H. Stamper. Jr.L MB Lexton 3-4 1:17 slow CUM Left at the i ost. M C.arnor 12 Ardent. .T.W.Klein, SistcrSusie 22907 Lexgl on 5Sl:01%fast 111 115 2 2 6 P 7" C Ganz 12 Eulogy. 11. Thompson. T. Giecii 22887 Uxcton 6-8 14! fast fid 112 1 11 B fi-1 ■ Mariin 12 TrappoM. II. Tliompson. Bernini 219S0 Saratoga 51 f 1:0S fast 30 Jll 2 11 62 712 M Buxton 10 Col. Vennie. Flcuro. Trnnipator 20271 Churchill 41 f 54slow 46 112 3 2 3= 3» R Goose 11 Kathleen, GypsvBlair. B.Shop 19322 N.Orlns 1-2 48 fast 30 109 2 7 7" 72 L Gaugel !1 Ru.-vAliec. LewinOpper Gloamei 19235 N.Orlns 31 f 42%fast 30 111 8 8 8» 8»1 L Gaugcl 10 lady Atkins. L. Opperi B. Alice MARGARET N„ ch. f, 3 112 By Stalwart— Lady Hope J. S. Hawkins. IliWChunlil 3-4 l:!4rt.fHst 22 .- 7 6 5 51 7,:R .Simps. hi it C.Orine. Sauterelle. J.B.Mnvlow M377 Churchl 3-4 1 :14.slow 14 109 I 3 3 5 5" W W Tlor 7 Ioppee. anionic. Disturber 26212 Chun hi 3-4 1 :12% fast 96 97 7 5 5 61 7" R .Simpson R Hawthorn. High Horse. Ratina 23651 Latonia 51 f DlflVr.hvy 8 112 8 6 8 9 P* K i.ap.iille 9 Poppee, L. Winston. C.Wilmot MNUtMlla S-i t:15-V.hvv fid 9:. 10 9 7 B« 12" J Morvs l.r. Big Smoke, Cosmic. Checks 23538 Latonia 51 f l:06%rast 48 96 10 10 10 10 in-- n Stearns 10 M. H-nry. Milestone. L. Always BARTON, b. g, 3 114 By Marchmont II.— Three Per Cent J. W. Fuller. First start. FOURTH RACE — 3-4 Mile. Tavern Club Handicap. 3-year-olds and upward. 2077" — 1:19£ — 3 — 109. LEO SKOLNY, cb. h. 5 120 By Star Shoot— Lady Alberta CR. J. Mackenzie. MOIDoiclU 3-4 l:ll%f«at 101 M 2 5 5 31 1" D Conn By C Chalmers. Bringhurst. C. Tower 2649s i ouglas 3-4 1:13 slow 14-5 109 2 5 4 4" 31 F Cooper 7 Chalmers, B. Baggage. Fleuro 26279 Churchl 3-4 l:V.m.gooa 15 106 5 4 4 4* 1" F Cooper fi P.Hermis. Chalmers. M.Cassidy 2611s:, Churchl 51 f l:05%fast 25 120 7 6 6 6 » 6S1 T McTagt 7 Con. Tower, Dr. Larrick, S.Star 2379S Laurel 1 l:40%good 14 100 7 7 7 7 7 5 T, Mink 7 Flittergold, R. Bradley. Comely 2375S Laurel 1 1-16 l:45%fast 22 100 3 3 4 5 6 510 W Lilley 0 ShortCJrass. Waterbass. D.Shore ROSCOE GOOSE, b. g, 4 110 By Dick Welles — Please Adair and Baker. S67W Daosfau 3-4 i:1.0.-.slow 8-5 110 3 2 3 P 4*1 K Goose 7 C.George. S. Hughes. M.Cissidv L640S Churchl 3-4 1:12 fast 1-2 IK. 1 2 2 ll - R Goose 7 Liberator. M. Declare. L.J. Grey 26281 Church-1 3-4 l:14M;good 3-4 108 1 1 1 I2 11 R Goose 8 Sosius. Billy Joe. C. on Delivery 26085 Churchl 3-4 l:14*4mud 7-10 112 1 2 2 21 43 R Goose 9 Skiles Knob, Billy Joe, Sosius 23754 Latonia 3-4 l:12%fast 28-5 106 4 4 4 3" 31 L Gentry S Mar. Goosby, Converse. C.Tower 23739 Latonia 11:39 fast 15 91 3 2 1 1 2» 6" J J Morys 9 Hanovia. Schemer. Mars Cassidv 23672 Latonia 51 f l:08%hvy 14-6 107 1 11 1* lh E Pool I D.Larriefc, M. Goosby, D.Carmen BARS AHD STARS, b. g, 4 110 By Helmet— Follies Bergeres E. B. Elkins. 26519 Douglas 3-4 1:12 fast 46-5 110 2 1 1 11 2» D Stirling r. Amazon. Othello. Sparkler 2C445 Churchl 3-4 l:ll%fast 14 102 5 5 5 5 510 K Lapr.ille 5 Chalmers. Hawthorn, Bringhst 26185 Churchl 6i f 1 :05%f ast 22-5 109 4 3 4 31 45 W Lilley 7 Con. Tower, Dr. Larrick. S.Star 25976 Ix" ton 3-4 l:12%fast 23-20 112 8 4 2 2J 2* C Kbaum 8 Hawthorn. W.Pitzer. Tlebearer 25854 Lexton 3-4 1 :12%fast 32 107 4 3 4 4= 6" C Kbaum SB-ink. Conning Tower, Chalmers 25792 Lexton 61 f 1:09 mud 14 108 3 6 5 65 518 C Kirschm 8 Wblossom, EdHowd, M.Cassidy 21431 Latonia 3-4 l:16%mud 1 116 1 1 1 V 2» C Ganz S Converse-. Lindenthal. UncleBrjn J J MURDOCH, b. c. 3 102 By Contestor — Grotesque Milam Ic Levy. 26592 Douglas 3-4 1:12%fast 17-20104 1 1 1 I" 1° F Murphy 4 Busy Joe. Pockichoo. B.Troopor 26446 Churchl 3-4 l:ll%fast 38-5 10416 4 4 5* 6JF Cooper ft Old Koenig, B. Baggage. John.Ir. 25991 Lexton 3-4 1:13 fast 1-2 112 2 2 1 l2 l5 F Murphy 7 .T.W.Klein. Eulogy, B. Simmon* 25857 Lexton 3-4 1:13 fast 21-5112 8 4 2 l1 2"* F Murphv 10 Hufraker, John Jr., Dr. Moore 23538 Latonia 51 f l:06%fast 24 98 9 9 9 92 9" K LapaillelO M. Henry, Milestone. L. Always 23507 Latonia 51 f l:06%fast 41-6 1011 3 3 3 21 25 E Martin 7 Kathleen. Cosmic, Phil Ungar RED CLOUD, cb. c, 3 100 By Chuctanunda — Oriska K. Spence. 2.".3".6 Juarez 51. f 1:07 fast 6-5 106 5 4 2 ll 22 M Buxton 5 Striker, Mex, Little Jake "5091 Juarez 3-4 l:13%fast 2-5 115 3 11 V l1 J Morys 4 Veldt, Circulate. Honeycut ■ 4759 Juarez 3-4 l:13%fast 1-2 110 2 11 1« 1* J Morys 7 Circulate. Dash. And. Johnston "4689 Juarez 6* f l:12%hvy 7-10 103 3 3 1 1=1 21 J Morys 8 Veldt. C.M.Johnson. Circulate 24538 Juarez 3-4 1:13 fast 9-6 95 3 1 1 l5 I3 J Morys 10 C.M.Johnson, Lit. Blues. Circulte 24447 Juarez 3-4 1 :13Vfefast 2 95 2 6 6 6l 6141J Morys 7 Babv Cal. Savino. Leah Cochran 24367 Juarez 3-4 l:12%fast 4 98 8 6 6 6* 48i J Morys 9 G. W. Kisker, Eck Davis, Type FIFTH RACE — 1 1-16 Miles. 3-year-olds and upward. Selling. 20777 — 1:43 h — 3—95. GRASMERE, ch. g, 9 117 By Meddler— Rotha II. W. V. Walsh. •W9 Douglas 1 1-iK 1 :46*ifast 6-5 110 2 11 1 1= ll F Murphy 8 Jea. Lmriac; C.Francis, L. Pan! * t;Wl Churchl lm70y l:44%fast 34-5 112 3 3 3 3 2* 2i F Murphy S S.R.Meyer, Impression. Rkfield 20498 Douglas 1 1-16 1 :49%mud 19-20 104 2 2 2 2 41 524 M Garner 7 Tavolara, Loveland. Thtreader •"Oil" Churchill 3-4 l:12%fast 29-20 110 1 1 1 3- 3* E Martin 14 Inrlauntod. Mex, Colle ■ 0o42 Churchill 3-4 l:13%fast 6* 107 2 8 7 42 41 E Martin 9 T. Norman. OHaean, Undaunted 14040 H deGce lm70vl:44%fast 7-10 108 5 11 1 1! !» J McTagrt 9 R. Meteor. I.Gentleman. PoIlyH 13949 H.deGce lm70yl:46 fast 1-4 100 3 1 1 1 l5 1« J McTagrt 9 Sepulveda. Gerrard, EllaGrane GEO. ROESCH, cb. g. 4 113 By Star Shoot— Olive Fant J. M. Henry. Jr.. 26743 Douglas lm70v 1 :46%slow 41 106 2 2 2 2 1 1 R Goose s Q. Apple. L. Bigger. Surpassing £1541 Douglas 13-16 2:01 fast 27-20 108 5 6 5 6 7 7" F Fuerst 7 Sam. R.Meyer. Amulet. Billows 26369 Churchl 1 3-1G l:59%fast 32 107 3 1 1 1 11 2i F Fuerst 7 Olga Star. Flitaway, Penalty • 62l:l Churchl 1 1-16 l:46fast 11 106 3 5 6 5 71 7M R Goose 9 Venghee. Jes. Louise, Hard Ball 26090 Churchl lm70y 1 :47%mud 31 107 7 9 9 9 7l 718 J Kederis 9 Commauretta. Dolina, Hard Ball 17856 Churchill 51 f 1:07 mud 9-10 108 3 6 4 21 21 J Collins 8 Dr. Carmen. Rodland, Malabar SAUTERELLE. br. f. 3 96 By Dorante — Sauteuse J. H. Baker. :.W 7" Douglas 1 l:41*f,fast 9-5 10S 3 3 1 1 1 U P Lowder 9 Jerry. Queen Apple. Welga MEN Douglas lm70yl:44 fast 61 92 3 1 1 1 1= I8 P Lowder 10 D.Mai-donald. Theodorita. Clubs 26469 Douglas 1 1 :42%mud 34 94 6 2 2 2 21 25 P Lowder 11 S.R.Meyer. II. Gardner. Wproof 26403 Churchl 3-4 1 :142sfast 116 10415 5 2 2- 2* F Cooper 9 C.Orme, .T.B.Maylow. T.Norman "6137 Churchl 1 1-16 1 :472f,good 95 94 4 2 5 6 6» 6° A Collins 7 KrisKringle. QenApple, Rapids "604 lexton 1 1-8 l:52%fast 135 96 6 5 4 6 6 5" T Henry 7 II. Howdy, "mauretta. Brkfield 25937 lexton 3-4 l:17%hvy 198 1001 5 6 8 8 715 K Lapaillc S Billy Joe. Talebearer. Transit BILLOWS, b. m, 5 110 By Cunard — Princess Titania T. M. Murphy. 2MB Douglas 1 1-16 l:47%fast 23-5 109 7 3 2 1 l1 11 H Shilling 7 L.Bigger. Tksgiving. "auretta 2tS41 Douglas 1 3-16 2:01 fast 20 115 6 5 4 4 31 ! T Henry 7 S:m. R.Meyer. Amulet, Camellia 26368 Churchl 3-4 1 12 110 3 4 2 3J l1 ft tioose 9 M.B.Trman. C.I-idy, Tl.Jimmie 24313 Church*] 1 1-16 1 3 M3 6 4 4 8 9 920 C Hunt 9 Venghee. Jes. Louise. Hard Ball 26156 Churchl lm70vl:44*j,fast 36-5 108 8 4 3 3 3 2 C Hunt 10 Giiidelost. Brookfield. Flitawav 26102 Chunhl 1 1-16 l:50femud 18 103 1 1 1 3 32 2s H Shilling ft EL Ball. J. Louise, Pleasureville JESSIE LOUISE, ch. m, 6 115 By Marta Santa — Dollie Mc J. M. Goode. 2M.-9 DoMCiaa 1 1-16 1 61 114 1 3 2 2 2* 21 W Mcehan f Grasmere. Ciias.Franeis. L.Paul •*650O Douglas 1 1-16 1 :4SRgood 12 113 2 3 1 3 4 . 4" W Mechan 8 Syrian. Surpassing, Transit JOB Churchl 1 1-16 l:47%fast 13-20 10S 2 11 1 1» V W Mechan 7 Lit. Bigger. Malabar, L.II. Adair •Wl". Churchl 1 7-in 27-5 MB 111 1 11 2" W Mechan 9 Venghee. Hard Ball. Flitaway 26102 Chunhl 1 1-16 l:50V.mud 18-5 108 3 2 2 1 2h 2i W Mechan Jl HnIB.-ill. Billows. Ileasureville 25924 Iexton 1m70y 1 :Mi%hvy 12-5 112 4 3 3 3 4 6M W Mechan 7 Commauretta, ButyShop. Fidget 25363 N.Orlns lin20y l:41%fast 10 115 1 1 1 2 62 67J J Hanover 7 M. Herrmann, Orpcrth, BlueCap IMPRESSION, b. g, 7 117 By Wild Mint — Inspiration J. H. Stamper, Jr.. ■670: Douglas 1ui70y 1 :472-,niud 23- 107 3 3 2 2 l|U I Stirling 8 Intone. Galaway. Grosvenor 26594 Douglas lm70y 1:44 fast 14-5 113 5 S 3 3 6 8*« R Gooso 10 Sten-lle. D.Mdonald, Todorita 26..41 Douglas 13-16 2:01 fast 15 112 2 2 2 3 4" fi« W Hoag 7 Sam R. Meyer, Amulet, Billows "6409 Churchl lmWy 1:44 Vfefast 43-5 107 4 2 2 2 31 .".■?. F Willms 8 S.R.Meyer, Grasmere. Brklield X255 Churchl 1 J-M 2:0::ai.mud 83 112 5 11 1 4s 4?. W Meehan i I.Gleman, S.R.Meyer, H.Gdner 20075 «hurchl 1 1-16 1 :46Vof ast 8 103 4 2 2 2 62 512 F Cooper 9 MoneyMaker, G.lost. C.FrancU 21979 Saratoga 1 1:41 fast 41 110 8 6 6 4 41 S4 M Garner ft Lindenthal. Amain, Grosvenor HELEN X., br. m, 6 115 By Hermis — Estimate W. H. Hogan. MM" 11 Sngs lm7ov 1:46 fast 5 1»4 6 6 6 6 6 64 E Burns g Alston, Flitaway, Harwood ■5361 N Orlns 1 1-16 1 :46*4CaM 8 109 5 5 5 5 62 CJ J Hanover 8 M. Fannie. M.Kniter, Cnterpar.t •2.5258 M Orlris 1 1-4 2: l7%fast 6 111 6 6 6 6 6 6" W W Tlor 0 G.M.Miller, HLauder, Astocrat ""176 N Orlns 11-16 1:4S fast 5 110 5 6 5 4 35 lh W W Tlor 7 Miss Fannie. Kelsetta, Kneelet SlMNOrtM 1 1-16 l:4«%last 8 107 2 4 4 4 3 2" E Burns 7 Orperth, Intone. M. DulwelM-r 25*i66 N Orlns 1 1-4 2:0fi%fast 10 107 1 7 7 3 4h 4j E Burns 7 Brian Ken:. Ataboy. H. Lauder 25031 If. Orlns lm70y l:45%fast 12 107 8 8 6 3 l1 1 F Kcogh S Chad Buford. River King. Clubs BOOKER BILL, cb. c. 4 116 By MrGee — Ron© Lady M. C. Moore. -.,,4, uougias laahiy l:4S%alo« 33 112 7 5 7 7 6l 62 W Andress $ Geo. Roescli. Q.App , L.Bigger MCH Douglas 1 1-16 l:47*5fast 71 115 3 4 3 3 6h 6" W Andress 7 Billows. L.Bigger. Tnksgivinu 26449 Churchl 11-16 1:48 good 36-5 109 5 3 4 a 61 s:i W A Carl S Guide Cost. Pan Handle. L.Paul "6207 Churchl 3-4 1 :14?sf ast 14-5 116 4 1 2 21 B W AndresslO Jerry. Tillotson. A. C. Haley 26085 Churchl 3-4 l:14%mud 118 115 5 6 7 7* 715 W Andress 9 Skiles Knob. Billy Joe, Sosius 22262 Saratoga 1 l:42%good 15 107 3 6 6 5 61 581 C DishmonlO Consoler, W.s Wonder. Obolus SIXTH RACE — 5-8 Mile. 2-year-olds. Fillies. Allowances. SS22— ."S~,— 2— 115. AUNT LIZ, cb. f. 2 110 By Chantilly— Antioch C. W. Clark. MM Douglas 5-S 1:01 Ufa st 37-20 11 J 3 3 3 22 21 F Murphy 5 Judge Young. Satin. B. of a Devil 26539 Douglas 5-8 l:00%fa«t 18 109 1 11 2 21 C VanDunlO Grcentrce. Sunfl.ish. Midway 258;:; Lexton 4 f 56=-.slow 8-5 112 7 3 32 4»3 M Garner 7 Auriga. Bed. Stories. May W. 25797 Lexton i"2 497f.mud 39-10 106 5 3 3s 3-i M Garner fi WestyHogan, Sedan. Grn Jones S4M H Spgs 1-2 4S%fast 1-5 111 3 1 1» l8 F Cooper «" Casliup, Fizer. Colza 2T.299 N.Orlns 1-2 47%fast 31 111 5 1 1« 1» M Garner 10 Cuneo. Lady Ward, Wat MAY W.. br. f. 2 110 By Ben Trovato — Belle of Mayfield F. D. WeirL 267 HI Douglas 6-8 lKU%9aud 6 106 3 11 ll ll 1! Marco 7 J. Wiggins. Nct.Wahutt. Pom]i "*,".;7 Douglas 5-8 1:01 fast 41-5 101 2 2 2 ll 1" P, Marco 7 Lit. Spider, Jocular, Geo. C.Love "6472 Douglas 5-8 1:02 mud 11 109 3 8 8 6»J F Murphy S Evelyn V.. Dr. Tuck. Pomp 26252 Churchl 5-8 1:01 %mud 53 94 2 11 V 3"* B Marco 8 G. Fortune. N. Waleutt, H.Oear "6151 Chunhl 41 f 54«/sfast 10 110 5 2 31 4»i F Cooper 7 X. Walcutt. G.C.Love. Dr.Tuck 25869 Lexton 41 f 57%mud 31 115 4 6 5- 78 T McTagt 8 Yermila, Jocular, BieveMeBoys AMERICA, ch. f. 2 105 By Voter — Bracegirdle T. C. McDowell. 2662N Douglas 51 f 1 :07"-f ast 43-10 112 6 3 3 2 21 E Martin 10 Rosewood. W.H.Pearce, Vel.Joe EVELYN V., br. f. 2 110 By Jack Atkin — Metzie C. C. Van Meter. ■ 26472 Douglas 6-8 1 :ft2 mud 27-5 109 7 4 2 11 1:1 R Goose S Dr. Tuek. Pomp. Twilll M278 Chun hi 6-8 1:02 slow 4-5 112 1 11 1:-110R Goose 7 In. Inez. E.Thompson. JessieC. "6181 Churchl 5-8 1:01 fast 10 110 7 3 3 3- 3*1 F Cooper 14 Diamond, High Gear. Sol Gilsey 26088 Churchl 1-2 4S%mud 82 110 7 8 7 t" A W Bker ft Rosabel, Jocular. Bel. Me Boys 25811 Lex"ton 41 t SSVthvy 33 104 7 7 7 726 F Murphy 7 Xrumbega. Midway, F.Coleman ROSEWOOD, ch. f. 2 110 By Magneto — Rose Tree II. J. W. Parrish. "67it Douglas 5-X 1 :01-"V.hvy 41 109 2 2 3 3?. 35 P Lowder ." GreenJones. SolGilsey, G.C.Love •"t,6"S Douglas 51 f 1 :07=V.f ast 34-5 112 3 11 ll 11 F Murphy Hi Ameri.a. W. H. Bear e. Vel.Jcx; " H6S Douglas 5-S 1 :02%mud 14 110 1 2 2 2* 2* H Shilling 9 Betrovna. Fan G., Outfit 26364 Chunhl 5-S 1:00 rast 46 I06 i 5 4 52 5° H Shilling 9 Buford. Greentree, Sol Gilsey 25869 Lexton 41 I 57%mud 3 110 0 7 7 6« A Mott ft Yermila. Jocular. Bi veMeBoys 25807 j Vton 1-2 52/thvy 28 112 7 4 S3 82 D Connllyl- Satin. Sweet Helen. Lynette PETROVNA b. f. 2 110 By Peter Quince — Micaela J. 0. and G. H. Keene. 26468 Douglas 5-S l:02%mud 11-5 IM 3 1 1 1= 11 W W Tlor I Rosewood. Fan G.. Outfit BIT OF A DEVIL, b. f, 2 110 By Helmet— Melton Mowbray E. R. Bradley. "6668 Douglas 5-S 1:01 /if ast 111 H5 2 2 2 3 4=J C Kirschm .". Judge Young. Aunt Liz. S tin "Wish Chunhl 1-2 4S,mud 11-5 115 5 4 8 S« J Loftus ft Rosabel, .local ir. B*L Me I-o.vs 25053 Lexton 41 f 557ifast 19 112 2 1 Is iu C Kbaum 8 Miss Jazbo, BourbonLass, Jovial SEVENTH RACE — 1 Mile and 70 Yards. 3-year-olds and upward. Selling. 11767 — l:42i — i — 110. FLY HOME, ch. r, 4 104 By Armeath II.— La France C. T. Werthington. 21788 Douglas lm70v l:452sgood2l-20 102 7 3 2 2 1 11 F Murphy IS L.Paul. L.Wthla«tOB, l-litaway 25858 Lexton 11-8 1:4 rast 34 104 6 6 2 2 1 32i F WillmslO Cadenza, Olga Star, Injury 25838 Lexton iMTlj 1 MTCMlW 12 107 7 5 5 4 21 2"8 K Willms 8 lLIIowdy. HardBall. Comuretta "4t61 N Orlns 1 1 1 2"7.fust 41 107 5 4 3 1 II 1" .1 Hanover B Atabov. Noras. Harry "4S91 Norlns 1 1 16 l:4;fast 10 I08 5 6 6 5 3 l»i .1 Hanover 9 Ellal.i vson. M.Kruter. 11. Lauder "46S1 N Orlns 1 1-4 2:11 mud 10 ln9 3 3 3 4 4« V* T Koerner f Bus. Agent. Maislion. Colly H "•149" N Orlns 1 14 2-17 .fast 4 108 2 1 1 2 4-k 48 J Kederis 5 Old leu. I.-lly II.. Ringliug 244J0 X. tnlns 1 1-10 l:*6%taM 3 109 8 5 6 2 S* 1" .1 Kederis B Oraap?, Counterpart. Helen M. MISS FANNIE b. f. « 102 By Marathon — Ethel Carr W. W. Woodard. • :-«■■ Douglas 3-1 1 :15 -.slow 19 Ms 6 5 6 41 2- V Andivss l Marl re. MoirMov. 11. Choctaw 265"l" Douglas lm70y 1 2 l 111 7 3 3 3 6U 0-K lipailb- 7 Bell Coy. Iels. St. Cbarl.-ote 26474 Douglas lm70y 1 limud 81-10 110 3 3 1 1 21 4T1 W Andress ft Welca. D.Mdonald. Cmauretta 26369 Churchl 1 3-16 1 :.,92-.f ast 78 105 6 4 4 6 7 7" W Hoag 7 OlgaSt-r. Geo.Roeseh. Flitaway 26137 Churchl 1 1-16 l:47%good 17-5 104 2 4 4 5 5 4- C Hunt 7 Kri Kiingle. QenApple. Rapids 2G086 Churchl lm70y l:47%inud 46-5105 13 3 3 4» 46i F Cooper 9 H.Gdner. S.R. Meyer. P.Handle 26075 Churchl 1 1-16 l:46%faat 7 97 7 7 7 7 7 J« W Uoag 9 M.Maker, G.lost, Char.rrancis BLACKTHORN, b. g, 4 104 By Broomstick— Margerique F. Gering, Jr. 26741 Douglas 3-4 1:15 slow 8-5 106 1 11 2i 2J R Goose 7 L.Xephew, Celebrity. Originator 26407 Churchl 3-4 1:13 fast 21 108 5 4 5 7 77 F Willms 7 F.Roberts. C. on Delivery, Luzzl 26365 Churchl 3-4 l:13%fast 37 105 1 4 6 6h 6"3 C Hunt 10 Martre, Theodorita. Ratina 26182 Churchl 3-4 l:13%fast 117 109 2 6 6 8» 6» F WillmslO Miss Declare, Nobleman. M.Bird 26071 Churchl 3-4 1:12 fast 24 112 2 3 3 6 722 W Lilley 9 Impressive. M. Declare. Roy.Tea 25918 Lexton 3-4 l:16%hvy 41 112 1 11 3a 3J K Martin 8 C.onDelivery, Talebearer, Ancon 25866 Lexton 3-4 1:16 mud 24 108 1 11 ■ 21 W Lilley 9 Billy Joe, Ben Quince, Blarney AMULET, br. g, 3 94 By Hastings — Mias Simplicity Gallaher Bros.. 26541 Douglas 1 3-16 2:01 fast 18 102 4 3 3 2 2s 2J F Murphy 7 Sam. R.Meyer. Billows, Camellia 26369 Churchl 1 3-16 l:59%fast 28 101 5 2 2 2 4 5" J Callahan 7 OlgaStar, Geo.Roeseh. Flitaway 26187 Churchl 1 l:40%last 61 10911110 9 9 9* 8!0 W Andressl2 Brooks. Dolina, Little Bigger 25936 Lexton 3-4 l:18%hvy 29 106 6 6 8 8 8" F Murphy ft King Gorin, J.Reeves, John W. 20742 Dougias 5-8 l:01%fast 21-5 109 6 4 1 ll l2 W Andress 8 Ralph S., Lynn, Disturber 20649 Douglas 4J t 54Vfcfast 41 112 6 4 3»1 3» W Andressl2 Buck Shot, Infidel II., Rochester 20493 Douglas 5-8 l:03%mud 19-5 114 7 7 7 7 72,1W Audress 7 Har. Gardner, V.Worth, Yermak DONALD MACDONALD, ch. g. 10 108 By Sombrero — Berriedale F. E. Brown. 26594 Douglas lm70y 1:44 fast 24-5 113 12 2 2 24 28 L Gentry 10 Sauterelle, Theodorita, Clubs 26474 Douglas lm70y l:4t%mod 6 107 4 6 6 6 4 2» C VanDun 8 Welga. Commaun-tta. M. Fannie 26409 Chur"hl lm70y l:44M rast 49 112 2 6 4 4 5 610 T McTagt 8 S.R.Meyer, Gsmen-. Impression 26249 Churchl 3-4 l:14Vandmud 33 111 7 7 6 6" 7» T McTagt 8 Rilly Joe. Morristown. Mex 23744 Laurel 3-4 1:14 fast 44 113 13 13 12 122 138 R Troxler 14 Striker, Tontefract. Outlook 23397 Laurel 1 1-16 l:53%hvy 2J 111 6 4 4 6 6 6191J Butwell 6 Balfron. Robinetta, Orperth CAMELLIA, b. m. 7 101 By Stalwart— La Mujer J. L. Paul. 26541 Douglas 1 3-16 2:01 fast 63 110 1 4 6 7 5 4" R Davics 7 Sam. R. Meyer. Amulet. Billows MM Chunhl Im70v l:4M%fut 29 Mi 6 7 7 8 7* 712 II Shilling 8 S.R.Meyer, Gsmere. Impression 26183 Chunhl 1 3-16 2:01:Kfast 19 109 1 4 8 8 8 88 F Fuerst 8 K.Kingle, C.Fances, L.H.Adair 26076 Chunhl 11-16 1:47 fast 47 106 4 4 4 4 6 6"J. F Hopkins 7 Sb-c-tli. Brookfield. I. Gentleman 25977 Lexton 11-16 1:46 fast 23-5 110 5 4 4 4 31 3i W Lilley S Injury. Brookfield. Billows _-.2S7 N.Orlns 1 1-16 1:47 fast 21 W 3 2 1 1 22 11 V Keogh ft Intone, I-a Mode. Counterpart SMS N.Orlns 3-4 1 :14%fast 15 110 7 6 3 3"» 21 W Lilley 10 Gabrio. Dr. Kendall. L.London ROYAL TEA, b. h, 7 111 By Rirht Roval— Tee-Ky-Tee G. S. Kerr. :"6591 Douglas 3-4 l:13,-,fast 25 108 5 7 7 61 5» W A Car1110 lpressive. Mistown. I.Jimmie MM8 Churchl 3-4l:13%fast 29-10 no 8 9 8 7* 7« W A Carl 9 Billows. M.B.TIiurm in. C. Lady 21210 Churchl 3-4 1 :l:l,r,fast 11-5 10S 5 5 5 3 21 C Hunt 7 Bnehita. I.Jmie. C.onDelivery 260S6 Chunhl lm70v 1 :47"-.tnud :i7 109 9 8 8 9 9 9-" W A Carl 9 H.Gdner. S R.Meyer. I*. Handle 26071 Churchl 3-4 1:12 fast 21 112 9 7 7 4h 316 W A Carl 9 Imprcssive.M. Declare, Tarlctonl. 25866 Iicx ton 3-4 1:16 mud 11 105 9 9 9 9 8" F Cooper 9 Billy Joe, Blackthorn, B. Quince DISTURBER, b. c, 3 92 By Nasturtium — Meddlesome She Williams Bros.. 26743 Douglas lin70y l:46"*s!ow 83 92 8 6 5 6 a1 07 J Brown 8 Geo. Roesch. Q.Apple. L.Bigger 26672 Douglas 1 1 :41%fast 28 105 5 5 I 6 6 5° H Shilling 9 Sauterelle. Jerry. Queen Apple 26520 Douglas 1 l:41%fast 17 107 6 6 6 5 53 514 F Cooper 8 Jerry. Queen Apple. Welga 26474 Douglas lm70y 1 :46%mud 111 97 1 2 3 2 54 6» T Henry 8 Welgn. D.Mdonald. Cmauretta 26277 Churchl 3-4 l:14%slow 17 107 6 6 6 4l 3*1 H Shilling 7 Poppce, Cardome. Cane Run 25963 Lexton ll:41%fast 16-5 106 12 3 3 4h 5»1 R Goose ft Rapids, Harry Gardner, Lynn 25S97 Lexton 1 1-16 l:53Vfemud 9-4 105 3 2 2 2 3* 2 H Shilling 9 Un. Will, TheCarmet, C.McNab TYPE, b. g. 4 104 By Singleton— Typical F. D. Weir. 26403 Churchl 3-4 l:14%fast 11 11619 9 9 9 8IS L Hartwell 9 C.Orme. Sauterelle. J.B.Maylow 24902 Juarez 3-4 l:13Vfcfast 6-5 115 1 3 2 1J 1=1 J Loftus 9 Quid Nunc, Bird Man. Superl MM Juarez 7-8 l:26%fast 4 109 1 7 8 6 42 31 L Hartwll 8 ft McFerran, Gano. M.B.Haibor 24760 Juarez 7-8 l:26%fast 3 109 5 5 4 3 ll l5 W Ormes C M. B. Eubanks. B.A.Jones. Rej 24742 Juarez 3-4 l:15Vfcfast 3 105 7 3 2 22l 1» W Ormes 13 Originator, Superl, Kn.oflythias 24700 Juarez 1 l:46%hvy 8-5 103 7 2 3 2 221 2* J Mulhare 10 First Star, Downland, Skinny B. MG92 Juarez 1 l:47%hvy 8 100 5 5 4 6 45 221 J Mulhare 7 Lad. Zim. Tactless HARWOOD, ch. jr. 5 108 By Fror.tenac — Poetic H. L. Crain. 26704 Douglas lm70v l:48Konud 83 107 8 7 8 5 5 4«1 II Stearns 10 Reno. Juliet. Borgo 26517 Douglas 3-4 1:14 fast fid 109 10 10 9 91 T- H Stearns 11 Erin, Tillotson. Mikifula 25923 Lexton 3-4 1:17%hvy 12 112 7 7 5 3» 4i H Stearns 8 Mex, PanHandle, WldsWonder 25S38 Lexton lm70y l:46ssslow 90 112 2 6 8 8 8 8" H Stearns 8 II. Howdy. Fly Home, HardBall 25606 H.Spgs lm70y l:46%slow 6 110 4 4 4 3 4l 44J W Obert 8 M.Dulweber, Fairly, Scallywag 25575 H.Spgs 1 l:41%fast 8-5 109 5 4 5 4 41 583 H Stearns 7 Bdweiser, Originator, P.Dumas L. H. ADAIR, blk. g. 6 " • By Bannockburn — Hand Bell R. P. Brooks. 26704 Douglas lm70y l:4SVimud 36 107 2 4 5 8 72 7" E Martin 10 Reno, Juliet, Borgo 26473 Douglas 1 3-16 2:01%mud 41 111 3 4 5 6 5l 412 E Martin I Shyness, HardBall. I.Gentleman 26409 Churchl lm70y l:44Vfcfast 42 112 8 8 8 6 61 5S1 E Martin 8 S.R.Mever, Gsmere. Impression 26321 Churchl 1 1-16 l:47%fast 14 110 4 5 3 4 45 4" E Martin 7 Jes. Louise, Lit. Bigger, Malabar 26183 Churchl 1 3-16 2:01%fast 131 116 7 2 2 2 31 35 E Martin 8 K.Kringle, C.Frances, Cauretta 26086 Churchl lm70y l:47%mud 60 111 8 5 6 6 72 7» E Martin 9 H.Gdner, S.R.Meyer, P.Handle CHOCTAW, b. k. 6 103 By Pentecost — Iroquois Belle J. N. Mounce 26742 Douglas 3-4 l:15%slow 52 108 3 4 3 3t 44i F Murphy 9 Martre. MissFannie. Morristown 26595 Douglas lm70y l:46«/5fast 28 111 4 3 3 3 52 T" W Hoag s Hrooktield. York Lad. Flitaway 26517 Douglas 3-4 1:14 fast 39 104 6 6 7 8 62i F Willms 11 Erin. Tillotson. Mikifula 26368 Churchl 3-4 l:13%fast 136 107 5 5 6 51 54 F Cooper 9 Billows, M.B.Thurman. Col.Lady 25977 Lexton 11-16 1:46 fast 43 107 6 6 6 8 8 82» C Hunt 8 Injury. Brookfield. Camellia 25872 Lexton 1 1-16 l:53%mud 29-5 101 5 3 4 6 42 3" C Hunt 6 M.Dlweber, H.Ilowdy, Tillotson COL. TOM GREEN, ch. c. 4 107 By Cunard— Bandello Mrs. J. S. Evennan. M743 Douglas lm70y l:4C%slow 15 107 4 1 1 5 8 S-- D Conn My ft Geo. Roesch, Q.A] ple. L.Bigger MSM Douglas 3-4 l:13%fast 5 113 4 5 6 92 12° R Goose 14 Brizz. WandaPitzer, Ianghorne 20714 Douglas 1 l:39%fast 35 103 4 6 7 6 53 4° D Stirling S Dortch, Fleetabelle. W. Witch 20653 Douglas 3-4 l:12%fast 14 104 5 6 7 7S 7" E Pool 9 Liberator. MarsCssidy. Converse 205S9 Douglas 1 1-16 1:50 hvy 37-20 99 1 3 4 4 4" 511 M Garner 5 Tetan, Greville. Bonanza 20494 Douglas 1 l:41%mud 121 103 3 4 3 3 320 32 E Pool 4 Leo Skolny, Bonanza, Pan Maid TAPER TIP. blk. g. 6 108 By Wax Taper— Kate Zitt M. Quinn. 25604 H.Spgs 3-4 l:15%slow 25 110 3 7 7 62 6" D Stirling 7 York Lad. S. Ballot. Undaunted 25563 H.Spgs 1 1-16 1:48 fast 20 106 3 7 7 7 62 62« D Stirling 7 Linbrook, Fairly, Budweiser 25549 H.Spgs 51 f 1:09 mud 25 10S 6 6 6 6 522 D Stirling 0 Bev. James, Un.Jimmie, Osaple 25314 Juarez 3-4 1:13 fast 10 104 4 8 8 7 6J3 W Schorn 8 B. A. Jones, C.Ward, QuidNuuc 25170 Juarez 1 1-8 l:5:;y5fast 5 107 2 3 3 3 3"k 3« E Cullen 5 A Ida, Barnard. Marcus 25136 Juarez Z-i l:13%fast 12 105 9 9 6 41 l2 H Shilling 10 Real Worth, Valladolid, Cecil 25015 Juarez 1 l:40i£fast 3 100 4 6 6 6 4j l1 T Hayes 7 Electrowan, Smiling Mag, Teeto

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