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ESSEX PARK MEETING SEEMS CERTAIN. Writing from Hot Springs. Ark., under date of June 20. a gentleman who iias inspected the Essex Park trnck. where it is proposed to hold a fall meeting, says: "The clubhouse property has been repainted inside and eat, the redecoration is no.-, going in. and the water wrks system, from the large taak at the corner of the property near the Jiilpha creek, has Iieon ri built to where the water works system is complete for the property and grounds, furnishing stables end all with water. "The posts for a new fence, both inside and outside of the mile oval are not only on the grounds. but are set in the holes, and the lumber is laid along side them for eaeaatettag the fence at once. The work of completing the fence is under progress now. "There are live of the stables, the five larger ones, which have been remodeled and which have been re-roofed throughout, anil which today are prepared to stable horses. The lumber is on the grounds for that string of stalls reaching from the stabling ground properly down to the paddock door on the Berth fence line. All together 500 stall rooms are provided, this number not being a guess. but covered in a contract, two-thirds of which is finished. "The grandstand and paddock are alsiut to get attention now. The flooring has been all taken out and a new concreted floor is to replace that. The press box. the judges stand and the grandstand. are all to be practically rebuilt. There- will be a timers stand built on the inside of the oval patterned after the one at Oaklnwn. "Taking the whole situation into view, there is net a doubt but that Essex will be prepared to re-reive shipments of stables at least a month licforo the opening on Thanksgiving afternoon. 1ndcr stress of circumstances horses could be received and stabled there by the loth day of September, and have first-class stabling facilities and a thoroughly prepared course to work over. "As to the financial end. . Every dollar of the large e£peaae borne so far has l een paid promptly. The materials are all bought on a cash basis and paid for. The labor is paid promptly. Furthermore, thirty days before the time for racing, there will be deposited in a ocal bank a sum sufficient to guarantee the payment of all tiie purses programmed. "The matter of a fall meeting has public favor, just as might have been expected from the success of the spring meeting. The fall meeting will operate until Docomlier 23. and in view of the situation at Juarez, there seems no doubt but that there x ill l e plenty of horses and sport for all sections of the southwest where it is permitted. "The matter of railroad facilities has been taken up by the Rock Island, which railroad guarantees that its full-st co-operation may be expected. Also Mr. Davis has taken up the matter of the improvement of the highway to Essex, which is perfect as far as the golf club. The remainder of the improvement will l e done soon. County Judge Moouey lias given his word this will be taken up next."