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HAVANA RACING GROWING IN FAVOR. Another Big Attendance at Oriental Park — Speculation Improving. Havana. Cuba. January 0. — A tremendous crowd turned out at Oriental Park this afternoon, the at-tc ndance being a record one for a Saturday. Three extra books cut in which brought the total Itooks up to eighteen. The new- layers were George Orant aad J. Smith of New Vork and A. L. Foster af Havana. The sport In re is growing every day ai.d the ini.ting is a big sin cess. Droll showed a good performance in the five and a half furlongs handicap in which she came from l.i hind and beat some fast sprinters. The fractional time of he race was 23 M 2-5. 17 Mt 1-5. J. Fabian, builder of the Polo Grounds diamond was an arrival. lb- is here to superintend the construction of the diamond being built at Oriental Park, John McGraw and Christie Mathowson are expected to arrive hen- Monday from .New Vork.