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NO KENTUCKY RACING COMMISSION ACTION. Matter of Regulation of Purses and Other Propositions Laid Over for Full Meeting. Lexington. Ky.. January ti. — The Kentucky State Baring Commission, with chairman Camden. T. B. Talbot and C. W. Young present, met here this afternoon and discussed a resolution to the effect that no pane at the Louisville and Latouia meetings shall have less than 00 added, and that the added money to every purse shall average not less than 00; that at Lexington no purse shall be for less than 00 and the added money shall average 11.. t less th.lll BHCl, The question of naming a supervisor for the pail mutuel betting system was discussed to the extent of getting a line on npplieants and indorsements. but it was decided to defer a selection until a nie-ting at whieh a full board can be present. A btter from president Hal Price Headley of the Thoroughbred Horse Association, expressing the desire of the members of that body for the revocation of the rule prohibiting the racing of two-year-elds before April 1. was read and filed. A resolution t the effect that the commission will give a premium of 0. at each fair held in a county in which a Kentucky breeding bureau stallion stands, for the best of the progeny of that stallion aa weanlings, the prize to be divided |28 to first. 5 to second and 0 to third, was considered and laid over.