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TIJUANA FORM CHART. J TIJUANA. MEX., SATURDAY, JANUARY 6, 1917. Fiftieth day. Lower California Jockey Club. Win- i ter Meeting of M0 or more days, ill hooka on. Weather cloudy. • Presiding Judge, C. 11. IVttiugill. B tarter, gdwsrd Tribe. Racing Secretary. Edward Jasper. J Rating starts st 2:00 p. m. Chicago time 4:00 p. in.. Indicates apprentice allowance. ~*d~ FIRST HACK 3-4 Mile. l ec 20. 1910— 1:11 -r. —3—110. Parse 00. 3-year-olds 3-| 1 VJO/ ami upward. Selling. Net value to winner 00; second. $ ,.; third. 5. ! Index Horses AW"tSt~4 jjj - Str Fin Jockeys Owners O C P B 3 0807 STALBRIA WS213 3 3*1 3i SI 1*1 R Doritv Marmet Stable 4 5 2 1 3091.-, .MISS LOLLY a i; 113 5 I] 1- ll H W J OBnV R Lawrence 6 6 2 1 30*28 .MARK G. W 4 11:. G 5» C 4* 3- A Pickens K J Ramsey 4 J 6-5 3-5 30K30 FAR CATHAY WB 7 113 1 2*1 2*1 l1! 4* R Carter A Neal 3 4 8-5 4-5 30926 BOON W I 114 4 7- 7-i G- 53 R Hartonb H Trowbridge 6 7 21 G-5 30897 LADY BLANCHE v n 4 108 2 8 8 71 8" R Pauley B T Miller 15 20 8 4 31001 III KIELS PET wa 4 108 7 4 a3 5h ?! E Pool W A Wright 3 8 6-5 3-5 2.V259 MISS KNIGHT w3 9.1 8 6i «• 8 8 S McGraw S Higgins 50 25 12 6 £0764 JOHN WALTERS WB 5 114 I Palled up. E Martin J W Byrnes 30 50 20 10 Time. 2525. *1%, 1:19V " Track heavy. Winner — It. m. bv Stalbria — Northumbnu trained by F. C. Mannct; bred by Mr. Garrett D. Wilson. Weal to post at 2:04. At post 1 minute. Start good and slow for all but JOHN WALTERS. Won easily; sscoai and third driving. BTAI I.RIA. lose up from the start, raced into the lead in the stretch and won going away. MISS POLLY set a good pace and held on well after being passed. MARK G. made up ground and linished fast. FAR CATHAY showed speed, but tired. The winner was entered for 8289; so bat. Scratched — 30730 Fort Johnson. 114. U.vorwfjght- Miss Knight. 1 pound. O "I AOI BBCOKD RACK 3-4 Mile. Dec. 20. 1910— 1 :11 --- 3— 110. lurse 00. 3-year-olds Q X J O JL and upward. Selling. Net value to winner 00: second. |6Bj third. .,. Index Horses AWtSt i _■ -H Sir Fin Jockeys Owners C 1 S 30970-1. AHV ROWENA I R 2 V 1-?. 1-J 1- R Moore C W Gaaaa* 4 3 11-2 :.097l CARO Nome w8MV 7 4" 8* 2i 2 A ftaf Granada stable 2 Q 4-52-5 K0945 .MAID SMITH WB 1 M 8 3*. 4" 3" ■ S McCraw L D Gentry 8 12 5 21 30999 C.1FT w 8 114 6 7i 61?. 6-1 4i C Gross il Goodpaster 20 30 12 6 30914 CAMIA wit 7 112 9 9 8-1: 71 5 W Taylor T. R Knifong 10 10 4 2 28073 JOSK WB41M 1 2 2 C| 6 V Kelsay A E Patterson 10 15 6 3 309 15-PROSPEROUS BABY W 5 110 5 5 53 ;,-! 7° G Alex/draG Alexandra 3-2 2 4-5 2-5 81927 *DR BAMBERGER wl 92 4 71 71 Si 8= F HopkinsJ Cri.sp 6 8 3 8-5 ANTWERP w 4 112 I I* 9 I 9 R Dority F Brown 50 40 15 8 Time. 251s, 504i. 1:18%. Track heavy. Winner— R. f. by Sir Huon — Cutter trained by C. W, Qasser; bred by Mr. G. I. Long. Went to post at 2:28. At post 2 minutes. Start good and slow. Woa easDj : second and third driving. L.!V ROWENA showed the most sliced throughout, but swerved out in the stretch and linished next Jo the judges* stand. CARO NOME raced forward!/ and finished fast. MAUD SMITH made up ground and finished gamelv. GIFT and CAM1A closed big gaps. The winner was entered for 00; no bid. Scratched SOOflOMatches, 97. Overweights Maud Smith. 1 pound; Antwerp. 2. O | fr*i THIRD RACK 5 1-2 Furlongs. June 2S. 1910— l:0oV:. — 3— IIS. lurse 00. O 1 I /O and 3-.vear-idd-. Selling. Net value to winner 8300j second, gBSj third. 5. Index Ilorses AWtSt ■ M: % Str Fin Jockeys Owners C P S 80000 NASLBDOVATl w m I li 1- 1*1 1; A Pickens Smith £ Dority . 2 5 1 1-2 30900 GERALDAfME 109 2 A - Sl 2* 2% W Kelsay T C Williams 4 5 2 1 30909 in i.Ml.MOX 1ARK WB 102 5 2- V 8»| V J MclntyreHiter 1- Ford 2 G-5 3-5 1-3 3094b SOLVER; w 109 G !". , f 4- «» A Palms R Martin 10 12 5 2£ 30703 PERSEVERE 103 4 3 42 515i G ScherrerK E SLanfield 8 6 .2 1 28153 HARRY D. vv 107 1 7- 7- 78 GH E Pool Y A Wright 15 20 8 4 30946- BIX GEN WB 109 7 61 55 6i 7" A HullcoatJ M Stowe 4 5 2 1 30946 LIGHTER W 112 I 8 I S 8 W J OBnO M Van Gorden 20 30 12 6 Time. ZbVs, 50*5. 1:05, 1:12. Track heavy. Winner— Rr. g. by Luke War*— Succeed trained by J. Rriley: bred by Dr. I. E. Clark. Went to 1 ost si 2:55. At post 2 minutes. Start good and slow. Won handily: second and third driving. NASLKDOVATI. showing high speed, set a good pace and stayed it out gamely. GERALDAMK made up .round and linished fastest of all. DOMINION PARK tired badly. SOLVEIG ran a good race. PERSKVERE quit early. The winner was entered for 1917.sh00: no hid. Qerv. eights Goraidamo. 3 pounds: Harry P.. 1: Fighter. 3. O "I ii* * FOIRIII RACK— 8 1-2 Furlongs. June 28, 1910— 1 :05 V.-.— 8 — 118. Purse 00. 3-year- O 1 I / OO old" and upward. Handicap. Net value to winner 00: second. 1917.sh5; third. 5. Index Horses AWtSt U U «A Str Fin Jockeys Owners O C P S S0W9 TIAJAX w 4 102 4 4° «» 2*|r l1 R Harton G Alexandra 4 4 11-2 80»8 wx A KRTTER w 8 181 I V V • J 1 " I G BcherrerFraaler iV Karris 3-2 2 3-5 out 80*18 GRAPES HOT w 8 Ml L 2] -: -"■ V W J OBnO W Gould 4 4J -6 1-2 30972 ROLLIN I.Ai.RD WB 3 93 3 1- ljlilj S Median J Fuentz 4 Q 1 2-5 30929 iSAYOXARRA W 4 1"S ■" E E 5 S .1 MclntyreF Goring Jr 2 3 7-101-4 Time. 24%, 49 5. 1:03«5. l:104i. Track heavy. %| Winner— B. C, by Solitaire II. — OratOSSS trained by Q. AleMiidra: bred by Mr. J. S. Rarbee. Went to post at 3:20. At post 1 minute, start fair and slew. Won driving: second and third the s Me. TIA.lAN began slowly, but moved up fast in the stretch and wore the leaders down in a bard drive to win going away. ANNA KKI TER ran well and lini.-hed gamely. GRAPE8HOT tired after seemini; a winner. ROLLIN LAIRD quit badly. BATON AREA could not extend herself in the going. Scratched— 3031 Maud Bacon, 103. Overweights- Tiajan. 2 pounds; Qrapeshot, 1. ff~* /% FIFTH RACK 5 1-2 Furlongs. June 2S. 1818— 1:05%— S— 118. lurse 00. 3-year-Jl 3| J O 41: olds and upward. Sidling. Net value to winin r 00; second. $;. : third. ." . Index Horses AWtSt 4 j jt Str Fin Jockeys Owners Q P S SM71 BARON DE KALB wT5S I lh U U I1 E Smith T Mills 4 6 2 1 30814 SIR DYKE W 8 112 7 6 6-* 5J 2» A HullcoatJ M Stowe 3 4 8-5 4-5 307341 MARION RUSE II. w m 5 112 2 2- 21 2i Z J Metcalf V J Allen 6 4 2 1 31039 KINO CHILTON WSB 8 109 S 4i 3? 4»k K Pauley Prior fc Sulhvan 8 8 2 1 31003 ADA ANNE w G 107 3 4 I* 41 B«* A us. y W Walker 3 3 11-2 30928RARA i:Z WB « 109 1 TJ 71 h 6i C Gross V OR.illv 6 8 3 85 30973 BALM A w 10 107 8 8 8 7- 7 J Del oistrBronx Stable 1" 18 12 C 3I0033JEX.ME CRAWFORDw 7 112 4 5* f.l 8 S A Hiekens L Stone 2 t 1 1-2 Time. 2525. 51. 1:05. 1:11%. Track heavy. Winner — Ch. g. by Ort Wells— Katie H.nlin trained by R. btchell; bred by Mr. John P. Chinn. V.ent to pool at 3:43. At post 3 minutes. Start good and slow. Won easily; second and third driving. BARON DE KALB took the lead quickly and. after rating MARION ROSE II. into defeat, garni lv ..utstayed StR DIKE. The latter closed a big gap and made a Cast finish. MARION" ROSE II. ran a food race, hat tired in the final drive. RARA YE/ was in close qaaiten in the stretch. KING CHILTON ran v.. II. ADA ANNE tired. The winner was entered for 00; no bid. Qer.cigl ts— Marion Rose II.. 3 pounds. rfl-vA SIXTH RACK— 1 Mile. June 17. 1910—1:38-3-95. lurse 00. 3-year-olds and 31 A J 3 O npward. Sidling. Set value to winner 00: second. $»■.- ; third, 5. Index Horses AWtSt4 -■ % Str Fin Jockeys Owners O Q P S 3081.5 BOXER wa 5 107 1 lh 1*1 1*1 1" 1" tl AhxdraG Alexandra 4 2l. 1 2-5 30931 AM:!. I wbb 8 288 I 8* 8»| VI 8 2*| B Pool J Woodard 6-5 8-5 3-5 out 30974 JAWBONE « I 128 I G 5- SI 41 3-i W Lilley Sunnvsid. Stable 231 l-:l 30970 TREOWEN WB 2 8G 4 4- 4i 4i 53 4i R Moore C A McCroan 4 7 2 4-5 31004-Fi:lAR NOUGHT B 4 246 2 li Si 21! 2ft 6* F HopklnaC W tls— lir 3 4 7-5 3-5 30974 LADY SPIRITUELLE w a 106 5 U ..» I G I A Casey AY Walker 8 8 3 G-5 lime. 254, 51. l:18Vfe, 1:46%. Track heavy. Winner B. g. by Star Shoot -Cremorne trainetl by U. Alexandra: lired by Mr. John E. Madden. Wuil to post at 4:0*. At post 1 minute. Start good and slow. Won easily; second and third driving. BOXER, suddenly imi. roved, led from start to finish and won easing up. AMI.RI raced gamely, but was easily held safe. JAWBONE came lroin far back in the last quarter. TREOWEN ran well. The winner was entered for 00; no bid. Ben tehed 81088 Glsassr, lov Overweights Boxer. 2 pounds: Lady BphitaeUe, 8.