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HAVANA ENTRIES. 0 0 The figures under the heading "Rec." in the 1 entries below show the best time of each horse at the distance, since January 1, 1911, no matter I where it finished. In cases where record was madj on other than a fast or good track, abbre-| viations show track conditions. 0 © Probabilities: Weather clear; track fast. Racing starts at 3:00 p. in. Chicago time, 2:30. XRuns well In mud. ©Superior mud runner. M maidens. Apprentice allowance. First Race — 3-4 Mile. 3-year-olds. Maidens. Selling. Track record: Dec. 28, 1915— 1:11%— 4— 111. Todays Ind. Horse. Wt. Rec. A.Wt.Han. 81005** Safe and Sane 95.. 700 81038** Marhtehead 107 l:21%h 101x695 30987 Madtour 107 1:16% 105. .690 31005 Freshet 103 1:16% 107X090 25497* Bray M . . MO 81005 Sister Riley MS. .086 30781 Delos 110 1:19 106. .680 Band of slow maidens. Second Race — 5-8 Mile. 4-year-olds and upward. Selling. Track record: Jan. 1, 1916— 59%— 5—114. 3100S rt.l.i 105 1:01-- 4 107X725 MOM Smirking 109 1:02% 4 107. .720 30584 Marie OBrien 1111:01 5 110x715 31023* MeAdaaM M 106 1:01% 4 104. .710 31007 Bulgar 107 1:01%, 6 112X710 310073 Frigid 112 1:03%s 8 112X710 •1025 Mrs. Me 110 1:01% 6 110X705 MSM Cherry Seed 109 1:00% 8 112X700 Lola is speedy and good. Third Race — 5-8 Mile. 3-vear-olds and upward. Selling. Track record: Jan. 1, 1916— 59%— 5— 114. 31025 Lord Byron 112 1:02% 3 102.. 725 30818 Buniee 110 1:01 7 110X720 310O0 * Elizabeth Lee ...1111:01% 4 102x715 31026 BhOQti 109 1:00% 7 112X715 29665 J. b. HarreU 107 1*0% 5 112x710 31007 Flute 105 1:02% 4 109X705 30S36 King Stalwart 100 1:01% 7 1120705 31009* Bank Bill 109 1:05 6 112X705 Lord Byrons last race was fast and good. Fourth Race — 3-4 Mile. 4 -year-olds and upward S lling. Track record: Dee. 28, 1915—1:11% — 4—111. 308S9 K1NC TUSCAN ...109 1:13% 4 110X750 31051 Murphy 108 1:13 4 115. .740 •0821 Liberator 105 1:12% 5 115x740 810M Al Pierce 104 1:12% 4 102x735 30990 • Owana 109 1:14 4 103.735 30923- Outlook 1011:12% 5 107.720 King Tuscan has the best of the weights on his recent HMOS, Fifth Race — 5 1-2 Furlongs. 3-year-olds and upward. Selling. Track record: Jan. 23, 1916 — 1:06 — 8 — 108. Todays Ind. Horse. Wt. Rec. A.Wt.Han. 30990 Nellie B 107 1:06 4 1MXT25 30922 Barer Bey 118 1*0% 6 H5®72o M675* Bird Man 102 1:05% 6 112X715 3KM9 Silver Bill 7 116x715 30S753 Arcene 109 1:07% 7 112x710 30951* Casco 100 1:08% 4 101.. 705 310051* Twinkle Toes 101*1:09% 3 88. .700 30922* Dr. Zab 109 1:08% 4 103X700 Should be a close finish here. Sixth Race — 5 1-2 Furlongs. 4-year-olds and upward. Selling. Track record: Jan. 23, 1916—1:06—8—108. 30952 Dromi 108 1:06% 8 112x700 30921* Envy 107 1:06% 7 105x695 310OS Southern Cold 1111:08% 10 112and095 30950* Eddie Mott 108 1:07% 9 107X690 30415 Ethan Allen 106 1:08 5 112x090 30880 Big Lumax 100 1:06 6 110X685 31964 Plate and ColdM109 1:09 4 MS. .SM 31007 Paulson 103 1:08% 4 1MX08Q 27964 Hesitation M ... 5 112. .OM Race of doubtful outcome. Seventh Race — 1 Mile and 50 Yards, 4 -year-olds and upward. Selling. Track record: Jan. 5, 1916— 1:42%— 5— 104. MSM Hedge Rose 10 112and725 3 1923 Zodiac 6 1 1 2 X 720 31010* Pin Money 108 1:44% 5 104x715 30965* Supreme 105 1 :44% 6 107 X 715 •SMS* Scorpii 104 1 :43% 5 1 12 X 710 31027* Thomas Hare 107 1:45% 6 107.. 705 MSM Maxentius 106 1:45 8 112X705 31052 Re 105 1:46% 8 112X700 30965 Stonington 5 112 . . 700 Hedge Rose is in good form.