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JUAREZ LARGEST SUNDAY ATTENDANCE. Fine Weather Responsible for Big Crowd — Mutuel Machines Kept Busy. El Paso. Texas, January 7. — Ideal weather attracted to the Juarez course the largest Sunday attendance of the meeting and the mutuel machine operators were kept busy. Among the big throng wen- many new faces, who took advantage of the sunshine to view the race course and enjoy a fair program of six races, prepared by racing secretary Shelley. R. J. Mackenzie, the well-known Canadian owner. passed through here today enroute to New Orleans. Castries Ilensliall was a visitor today on his way to Havana. He stated that the new Havana track, in whi h he is interested, will t« ready to race over on March 4. The ball park will be opened some time this month. Bobolink was advanced from 00 to 00 after winning the second race today and sold to Kay Spenee. Certain Point was bid up from 00 to 30 by R. S. Plunkett and was retained by owner K. Spent e. General Jose Murgeria. who is in charge of the Juarez garrison, anil his staff, were interested spectators and guests of the association this afternoon.