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New Orleans !! BIRD LORE... 30-1 WON FIZER 5-1 2ND and three losers so far. Owing to bad track I h?_ve not sent om anything the past week. I have Three Occasionals the coming; week and patrons will get word on one that goes for the money first time out on any kind of a track. This horse is a Maiden, but a good one. Upon receipt of your subscription. I will send you the name of this horse. Watch me as soon as the track gets good. I have the goods. Occasionals only during the meeting, three or four a week. TERMS: THREE DOLLARS, GUARANTEED TO WIN. OR NEXT ONE FREE UNTIL YOU GET A WINNER. EX-JOCKEY MARSHALL Initials E. J. Room 413 Fort Dearborn Bldg.. Chicago. 111.