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The Price of This Newspaper Is Ten Cents Every where QMingLMForiT / mil 4YJP Kyi u VOL. XXIII. NO. 28. CHICAGO, SUNDAY, JANUARY 28, 1917. SPECIAL EDITION FOES OF RACING STIRRED UP IMPR0YING — — — IN KENTUCKY LITTLE -""« STAKES TO PLEASUREVILLE Work of the Breeding Bureau As Shown in the Express Opposition at Albany to Pari-Mutuel In- ■ TAKE A HAND IN THE PROPOSED LEGISLA- Official Report of the State University. corporation— Measure Would Be Unpopular. TAKES THE COSMOPOLITAN HOTEL HANDICAP TION BEFORE PARLIAMENT OF CANADA. EASILY WITH CLIFF FIELD SECOND. Lexington. Ky., January 27.— The eleven tlior- Albany, N. Y.. January 27. — Oovornor Whitman onghbred stallions owned by the Kentucky Racing sinee lie took office has pursued a liberal policy Commission and controlled by the University of with relation to the race tracks, but Governor Report of Counsel .-_..__, for Social Service Council Warns Kentucky, covered 311 mares in eleven counties Whitman would scarcely be a factor, should a plan Flne Weather Brings Out a Big Crowd But Track ta** =«-«*d"»8 •!-.• • Hooper professor of be sot on foot to have the legislature the Parliament 1*— pass ,„, Against Wilcox Bill-Says Is De- ! /«• Is Stm Bad_HulDub Defeats Brynlimah J animal husbandry at the university, who has charge the proposal advanced by the Racing Commission, signed to Give Monopoly to Existing Tracks. nf the breeding bureau. The stallions averaged Constitutional amendments do not come Mm gov- — Track Gossip. 1,600 pounds in weight and sixteen hands in height, eri.ors for the exercise of their veto power; they Since they have gone to their different homes they are ratified or rejected by the voters thomsoU. -. have increased in weight considerably and will It would be left for some successor of Mr. Whitman Toronto. Ont.. January 27.— W. K. R.-iney. K. .. probably average now at least l.O.O pounds. Some to act on anv legislative measures that might be "«W Orleans. La., January 27. — There was a de-Whn represented the Moral Reform Association in of them weigh over 1. lot pounils. passed, once the fundamental law had been amended "1*1 improvement in the racing at the Fair the fight against race tracks before the Canadi:.n Professor Hoopers statement follows: M ;,s to render su.-h legislation practicable C. rounds this afternoon. The attendance was in parliament six ye;lrs ago. has issued. .,t the re.piest keeping with other Saturday crowds and the wath-of "Samson at Kdmonton covered thirty mares- John the social Service Council of Canada, a vo.umi- W7oKSr. it S%E££FnuFandZ • WhUm Not E*PeCted t0 Act %£otoHnV, HoVel £*and£? ?2£? and iTJSStoSJt r""Uh- ZTfVSlS* lna"-y- °* -"•-• :"™ Whitman might recommend aneighth "was the" feature from TmcmetaryView1 " ., Em which ft live l f",,r; lWhi ,""1- :f WleUM* ,f,lf»-sx; »*»- to tiie legislature that the constitution be :,mende,l loint. .,000 being KM to it. and a silver cup South f", itt n-d I v ,! Wile ■ , ""• al Islai:1 .lty- twenty -seven; Mirzer at lyner. to ,!1V. tll„ w v f1I. t„„ Iwri.mlltIII.i. ,,IIt it ln,v ,„. also went to the winner, donated by the hotel corn-So, i,h l.-.e. Mr. R.niej declaies v the business « of for eleven: Mad River, at Tompkinsville. forty -eight; s,.,ted on the highest n.ihoritv tle.t he will not pany which the race was named. Pleasureville. race tork gambling is "the most profitable iii Mil.ln_ nt Lowisport. fourteen: Magazine, at Eon- .,J Z. t e,t resV.o sil ilitv the favorite, turned up the winner with Cliff Field lL ""ll- Canada. War contracts are not to be mentioned in lon t,.M- .ln,i |TM Gardner, at Henderson, seven- „",m "I""- ■_ . ; hi second place and Herbert Temple third. the same breath, and even the liijuor business in its teen mare„ total of HI mm Senate leader I. Ion R. Brown said tonight that The handicap at one mile held out more interest palmiest days did not begin ta compare." Today, "j„ niacins these boraea we were careful to select " "*" ilot "■■ KwmM t,lat t!l* ■■*•■* Commission became of the better grade of starters in it. Ilub- ke says, under the pari-mutuel system, the racing nicilitios where there is a need of improviiv the ll:ui "•commended pari-mutuel betting. Brown was bub. which Capt. W. J. Press recently acquired from associations take a rakeoff of about seven per cent IJKjlt ]„,rs. .;took It would be a waste o|°time aske 1 wnat in ,,is opinion would be the fate of any the Ore.-ntree Stable, proved the winner from Bryu- "in other words, occupy precisely the position of u-t.,. ., thoroughbred stallion in districts where 1I"asl" based on their recommendation that might limah and Hob llonsley with Syrian following. Hub- the keejier of a gambling house or race trick pool ,,„. ,„.„,,],. ,,.,. interested solelv in draft horses """ lMf"r tiie legislature, bub led for the entire way and easily withstood loom, with this distinction, that the business of In ,. ,t,iii districts like tint about Henderson "Il ♦ * absence of any such measure I would not BTBltaiah s game stretch challenge. Syrians the litter is prohibited by the criminal code, while t||1 formera hive aire idv if r til that there i. a lvel1 attempt to answer this question, " was his showing was a dull one and he can be rated as an the business of the racing club has been since 1910 fmp ,Iliirkot for half bred horses. They have sohl eplv. "I would have to know how the plan had "lI.l"]1 V". sl., , • f. f vi.tlirv of tIl. ,n_t expressly protected by the criminal code." hi-h nriced hunters " from that t"t locilitv "*" iliirin— the »•«■ v.orked out. 1 do not know what mv own , ~ V i. X . • .mef. Some Anient History. JS few years"1 titude would b , such . measure, and I cer- iSjSTSTLS net !i In that year. Ml*, when "what is by courtesy offers Desired Blood. 2ft? "° ?* JV~ W*** "" 1,Kisl:lt,,re WW,W d" tin ownlu- handsomely f« . he wasJavilv backed called the Miller bill" was passed, there were five witn log. ml to it. J0 p w;|s ..,Utii,.r that enabled the Kentuckians tnincipal race tracks in Ontario and Quebe ■ linked "Down at Wickliffe below Cairo the farmers •«! wiuld grossly misrepresent my constituents to add to their winnings, when he got up in the last together as the Canadian Racing Associations. appreciate the fact that their horse stock must should I vote in favor of any such proposal." said stride to defeat Thomas Callaway. Souvenirs suo- The Ontario Jockey Club, he says, made *M,Clt ■**• an infusion of blood that will give them more senator Charles V. Wicks of Oneida county. "The cess in the second race was a meritorious effort, for in 1!H» on an original invested capital of 0,000, liity bone and denser feet, because of the fact that people in my district are strongly against race after being virtually left with Valas at the post, or over .110 per cent, and the Hamilton Club tlu l11* is l°w an1 ■** in *ome parts of that conn- track gambling." she gained steadily and wore Kaster Greetings clown S70.S70 on S4.0.".0. or 1.700 per cent. andT. In the mountainous part of Kentucky we find Senator Charles Frederick Murphy of Kings said- in tl10 •*** eiSlltl1 to win going away. The failure of the Miller bill to pass parliament thit Rusy. in Knott County, did an unusual amount .-j jm;lgiUe anv proposal to legalize pari-inutuei ,L;lly NVa,l.• a » t! r favorite, won the third under in its original form K ascribed to three principal "f service m improving the horse stock by covering bettiag in this state would be extremely unpopular •"■** restraint. reasons: fifty-four mares. witll th. p,vs,.llt legislature. I do not think there Hauberk had to be excused from starting, be- 1. A jockey club inooni" of half a million dol- "Tl* llorst" sto k of that district has suflered will ,e ;|nv ohanges in that direction adopted at ■■ "f tr:llk eonclitions. Dr. I.arrick is the latest l.ns was at stake and a ]x werftil lobby was put up. somewhat from a lack of pure-bred sires. There h tlis -,,.ssion." to join the ailing list and will not be a starter ;. Htety jock.-v clnli ii ad lepresc-ntatives on the ,mlv •■* registered Iwirse in that county. Tin jwople ,„,vor. awk rvoo again for some time, floor of the hoiiM. there need a light-footed, active riding hone that ni-euser Busn upposea. Jti a full page advertisement addressed to the :. The then minister c. " justice. A. P.. Ayles- «"" climb over tin- mountains with ease. They have Former speaker Robert 1. Rush, of the assembly, public- in three of the local newspapers, and signed worth, made- an attack on the bill which ensured taken great interest in this work, as is evidenced by had this to say: "1 am absolutely opposed to giving l,v Ilesident McDiarmid. the- BhImh Mens Rac- its defeat. the service pe ■rformed by Rusy. He is staining at a constitutional sanction to gambling in any form. "*- AjHOctatton reiterates that it is operating its "The legislation of 1910 was." says the report, service fee of $.-,. which is reasonable, and the people and pari-mutuel betting is a form of gambling. "" M ,"! m Mtmi; "J"** similar i-oiid:t e.ns that go - "a distinct victory for the- jockev clubs. Thereto- appreciate the smallness of the- fee. True, gambling is going on at the race tracks in ", 1 " s7rt .."""B **« "JJ" " Y- -lh. It rote kniaking on the race tracks had be-en on "Mih.n was transferred from Lewisport recently to this state now. but it is carried on in violation of £* laJ?l rlS?* JL „n° PtS? RfJ ,fl„.~JE££? the- ragg.,1 edge Of criminality." Manila, near Louisa. Ky. In that hilly section of the- law. and the- oflVn.l.T. if caught at it. can he Jf J£j state-s th it si,,»ul,l -inv inclivielu al vic.l-ite Adoption of Mutuels. 2" "°""trv if is ■""■« «*•* * "ill meet with sent to jail, it is better to have it that way." !inv of the provisions of the Locke law. the S- . ..... Z . ~ ,,,,..,, , . t1" s:""e f:,vor thilt 1Usy ll 1 at H"»dman. During Among the few members of the legislature who elation will do everything in its power to aid in hollowing the legislation, the Ontario Jockey Inli the year Magaziie- died and a new horse, llasson. remained at the capital tonight, the great majority his prosecution and "conviction. adopted pari mutiu-ls. "There-by it killed two birds that measured sixteen hands, one-half inch, and that declined to express an opinion in advance of the Moss Fox was claimed by w. C. Weant for ,0o0 with one stone. It eliminated the professional tipped the scales at 1.050 pounds in racing form, introduction of a measure embodying the proposed after the last race. gambler, with his elisrcputablo following, and it w;ls pnnhased and consigned to the Stearns Lumber plan. The argument advanced by the racing com- Eighteen boraea wen nominated to the Orune- approprtated te itself that part of the profits of in southern Kentucky. mission that without flourishing tracks the company nee wald Hotel Hiiuliean to lie run ri-xt Xl Sitnrcl-iv haluru y. the business ..... which the- . bookmaker . . . had *. previously .. . J p-ijus Prizes f„, for fnit= Co.ts. norse ,...-..,. i.n.oclin.? iireeciing lnciusrrj in.lnstrv would wouiu e.voc expiriente ri.iic-e •. a .lis Ols- * for which ,- entries , close , J this - afternoon. „ egress,,]. Am, the ,,n mutue increased the fa- ntnm . js fjlmiUal. silu,. the ,,;lvs of j,,os g Wt js th. Wn,r |.sirol;s of ob. , limes for bettiag and removed the- risk, or perhaps »A WPek ago the Kentucky Racing Commission when the Hughes anti-race track gambling bills taining jockev McTaggarfs services for the season the suspicion ot manipulation of the horses at the the ot .sr.oO for colt were- before the legislature. nppropriated sum premiums with of 1917. The rider will probably sign with John instance of the bookmakers and the doubt ot the the idea that will be It did not their then, and it is .$.,0 appropriated for each hors... prevent passage Sanford to ride the members of his extensive nonce as to w-ether lie would get his money if he A .olt sho„. will ht h .1, in tlu eountv seat or at not to lie expected that it will prove more effective stable IX of" w«.~thi3ti«SMto«5S used ur ,,,m,ty /;:i,fi,:,t"" SS?1 ,vIu-re "thi- •°rsp is a, a Sn, tl,is ••"• 25 ",llv sl*1"! wl,irl! t]r «»* «~ «* "-«»«* a-* o»« s.ii, ut you jou wuu -s tin Louisiana loturj usea st,.,,vli11K. All of the suckling colts sired bv one of plan ot the- racing commission might be Made to bnajgkt here is said to hive gone- imiss and will Profits of the Track. the horses will be brought to the county seat and appeal to the legislative- leaders here would be by | . s.,lt t, KVnUu.kv to lw n.bted for a while-. xiui.tb ui cue iraiR.. exhibited for the premiums. Twenty-five dollars giving practical demonstration that pari-mutllels Increase of the Capital of the Ontario Jockey wil be given to the first ore mill. n colt, flS to the ran be used as a means to swell the public reve- Club to S200.000 me ant that a certain family which second and |10 to the third one. nucs and bring funds that never w-re more ur- SPECTACULAR FINISH AX HAVANA. had paid 3.400 for thirty-four shares of original "Next year premiums will lie offered by the com- gently needed than now into the well-nigh empty sick receiveel shares amounting to 1917.shS.O0O. from mission at the Kentucky State Fair for the best colics of the state. which they have ree-eived annual dividenels of Sti.sOO yearling colts and fillies sired by the thoroughbred Smallest of Margins Separates First Four Horses Mlle-o HtlO. stallions. The-se will premiums probably be hand- in Trn,.rH, Rare Naoshnn Shnws flni Timo vnTm in iourtli Kace— Wauihon bliows Ula-lime iorm. The report claims that the annual profits of the so„„- and will create great interest among those SIX ENGLISH THOROUGHEREDS ARRIVE. Ontario Jckey l lab were about 0,000 in 1*15, and who own colts that have- been sired bv these splendid at that average- for seven racing seasons the- club stallions. We have no doubt that as soon as the _..._. Havana Cuba January "7 —The fourth had .-C.O.OOO each year to carry to rest account colts are foale.l this anting that it will be so cvi- Frederick Johnson and JA„Tr A. B. Hancock ,T Import iTI1 Val- t,V-vs ,ird -it »ri. nt.l Park resulted in rue i sue, on ?i2T Jccot*wfa tJSLmfSL ITtmis ,le,,t tlUlt, 2"E ,"lt:,1V" "**"♦*•■ *£•."*: «*■• Broodmares and a Yearling. B ta. ular finish among the first four horses -Paul-tins rest a ecu v,s already $.«7 IHK It is age run that thei-e will be a great demand for the s,m, McAdanta, Bditb Olga and Mazurka crossing probaby we 11 with.:, the mark to say that the profi ts services of tl.oroughbreel stallions in Kentuc-ky. the finishing line lappe.l on one another. Paul uade by the race-tracK companies ,,r Ontario alone Then it is anticipated that the number of stallions Five- thoroughbred broodmares and a yearling filly son. the winner, was an outsider in the betting. s,„c,. the beginning of the War hare beetl a milliom win m- greatlr augmenteel by the purchase of more bought in Knglanel by Frederick Johnson and A. IS. but he showed a game- performance- from start to and that the share- of those- fits dollars annually, pro large, useful sires." Hancock arrived on the steamship Manhattan at finish, fighting it out first with Mazurka and going each year to one weU-kaowa family has not N.w Vrk,v. F,ur f tl„. siv NVI.,,. ,„„.. Ul,.M wjtl _MeA,lams from flaglall to the last been ma man ■ -.iiarte-r m t.iar ainount. ENGLISH MARES ARRIVE AT LEXINGTON ehaaed kj Mr. Johnson, one- of them is the chest- stride, to beat the lattc-r a neck. Situation at Windsor. nut man- Mey. which he bought from Cene-ral T.J Naushon and Rrookfield were the win-Mr. Rancy refers to the "innocent little club" in Rairel for |?,W, hut before she- arrived in this ning choices of the- atte-rnoon. The piogiam was Minitoiilin Whose charter he savs was acciuired by Recent Importations of Frederick Johnson Sent to country he- tinned clown one- offer by cable of .IHKJ made up of a series of silling races, the majority .V M. Oraen o, Toronto, and B. !. Kamey, tin- »«.„„„„f r-„, -n • . A _. . „ f,,r 1,t r- T1is lnalv •■ 9 Martagon. one of the of which were at springing distances. Kenilworth track being started at Windsor in ■•■■■•■« Farm— Price Asked on Westy Hogan. ,„ost pipnhtl of Rend Or stallions sire of Willis Almoda Lawrence, which had been a frequent 1910 by this means. A third track was built there Sharpe Kilmers Magic, and Pe-rdona. by lVisiin- winne-r at the previous meeting, scored her first in Dili;, "by a New York gentleman named Browne, Leilas! Ian Kv lannnrv "7 —Five F.,i?lish ,.,-,res """ *" is " r":l1 " st 1,a t- he ■» Chaucer victory this season when she w. u the second rac-e. agisted by Hon. Dr. R,-a..n..-. but the Bendrie and ..rrive 1 !, . tVdiv fr " I Vw York imclv M,v ":i" ° " b"st — *. f ■*■ MJ"! Be Sure-. Kddie T. had to be hard ridden to withstand the Interests Joined hands to put this latter •,.;,." pWinsv vani- ,,1 Ke.dean ,1",1"r , ". , ";, ""l-tat tons is the bay ...are K.-a- rush of Pin Money in the fifth race. The latter re c ,i pur- track out of iMcness, and warned owners who used Sara of Frederick iJkZmom. Mkmr3£kai?iL t" 7*** Mr .lohnsc, bought, ol the Duke of was the b-st and but for being cut off at the i. thai they would be "refused racing privileges y. „,, „ " . [_ *. • „ 1 .,v •".," .* "... , s -n t , II-, Vi ■ WestrahSSteT. I his is a spleneliel looking • hr 1- half mile post would have beaten the favorite." This latest track is. therefore, "black- i |1 . „ Cl h, Oueen I och iiircl .s.,1 "V,"- V !":lt . till"".US ,S " " ls"1"""-v- t;al """" Na.isiieii. a 1 to 2 favorite in the closing face. l.sUd. 1,. i.d " the report s-.vs SrS«fi nlt "t-nt #!fw" o I.. i» R Rradh i £ , ii s Idle i Hour i ,. M:,is-- Keadcan .s heavy in foal lo Aldford. asade an exhibition of his opponents and won palled • i","I111,IZ- j w|li.h wm six srail,ht for the Duke of « . wtow™». Mr. Raneys ru.ei™, Conclusions. tarn, to be mated with Short Crass. .Vfter Westminster, and never was beaten. He was by Rank Kill was beaten in the fifth race As compare, with five racing clubs and 1M rac- Jack,,,s och, v pu 1-aux-Co and Leo Skolny „„. sn,,,.ssflll sil,. yiauvezin-- Mangalmi. a daughter a .lain, was lodged for the horse bv T. M Irv „ tag day. ... ino. there «*n-w racing cWka " tenh dng at the Ke ,tu,-ky AssocUtWn coiane. rf«*J „, Vtm9t ti,e dam „f Plying Pox. hnt was ;„,i .Bowed by the stewards on the grouu.i in the association, two a Montreal. MM at lo,-o„to. fcttej l.ra.l bl 1 e.c and wOltasva Monday for ...,1H „„„.,. ,W ,,1.„„lm;u,.s i;„p„rt.-d by Mr. John- „t being irregular. „„.. a. Ottawa, one at Hamilton, one rthrt Brie. New ork S. I.. Parson s Phosphor, .s a k,,„nlt,f ,„.,.,, ,,„,.„,,. M:„.k:lv .,„,, ,„„,. „. ,,„,. D „, n Ul0 h..h[U uaIn,s „ ,„. ,ave1 am two at Vv.ndsor. I heir program for 191. covers to •» t, ,,ed V-k.-.f ", m to asters. Pruch, six ears old. h.,,1 P.-i,i,sylva..ia. seven at Oriental Park on Wednesday and Friday of lit days. Jhcro are also the two new "outlaw I I . Ha.vs has t. ken up the , two-jear-.dd ve-,r , 1.1 si sister tor 1, 1 |ll , Meddler Mistresa Pen... each week the post time- en those days wil be tracks, the D.vonslure at Windsor and Thorncliffe. to John ..und. I. J. R.rd. acting for Captain J. ,V jialnl„on. Mistress Penn was bought bv Mr. ?» H-,v-in-i tin e to be built this year at Toronto, besides Mr. Or- K. L. Ross. Montreal, has asked John 0. Whitlow ifetfcay for sbont 7,060, and at his sale of" year- pen- two half-mih- tracks here. These will account for a price- on Westy Hogan. lin,,s .lt Saratoga last August his yearling colt bv for forty-two more- racing days, or IM in all in A. R. Hancocks latest purchase abroad is tie- ,.-itz Her! ert-Mistress 1,-nn was sold to Andrew TIJUANA TRACK CONDITIONS IMPROVING. this province and Montre-al. besides a number of gray fitij Calamine by Spearmint— Hauridina, by hHfef i„r ,000. Irucle is in foal t. Irish Marine half-mile tracks in Quebec, so that it is probably vvl11lll!,,l11 gf Third. .U1|, Pennsylvania is in foal to Marajax. Al! four well within the mark to say that there will be in ■*** «»•■ ■ ;,u"« allien by Rock Sand— of Mr .Iohllsoirs broodmana are clue to foal earlv G°od Band of Ten Horses to Start in the Los 1917 twice that volume of betting in these two fh* Poplar, has been tanned by John i . Rarbee r;1„t;lin Hancocks importations consist of the Angles — wan,.„ j.rovinces that there- was prior to 1910. IBtante. °il" "" Boston, rie,,,;..,, broodmare- Dark Water, by Dark Ron- Angeles Higlrweight Handicap. Disapproves of Wilcox Bill. ■ aid — Doonwater, and her beautiful chestnut yearling The report warns the public against Mr. Wilcoxs CURRENT NOTES OF THE TURF filly foal by **" Iern-V wi""11 «Sunstar, the sire of Tijuana. Mex.. January 1.7.— General continued in latest bill at Ottawa, Is says that Mr. Wilcox Mr- Macombers splendid colts North Star, Star l,;s winning form and took the feature here today. helped kill the Miller bill, and in 1910 spoke in Hawk and War Star. OBrien soon worked the horse to the front and sui, port of the Ilendrie track at Windsor. His bill. The apprentice boy, R. Troise, rode two winners This ntt* ls ol" of the l a"dsomest yearlings seen ha stood a drive gamely to beat Ann Tilly. The which would provide that there .-an be only four- at Juarez Thursday. tllis -vear- whether native or foreign-bred. She is ,„-,,. tired under the whip, just when she appeared teen racing days in any municipality, "is designed Frank ReK:ul, truiner for tae .leveiUnd Stable, * *and Wl*W *""" "*** *"* °r D0 Whlte to bttl j" a ,ositil,» tu ** General. Geraldame of cours,-. t, give- a monopoly to existing tracks." , •"ar,ilnss- »as third. b t ., i,„,.ses in lis winter barn at Crave- Mr. Raney. however, believes Mr. Wilcox is acting ""*, ti Icims aortas, Wliimsv « muihj and aim missian It nssi ... AU thesP thoroughbreds, which came over on the Mis, lolly just tasted long enough to trim in good faith and in what he believes to be the pinion Mallhattan wiU be shipped booth as soon as prae- Phyllis Antoinette in the third. public interest. ! tic-able. Mr. Johnsons broodmares will be sent di- Riaa W. won in a badly-mixed field in the sec-Mr. Ranev would make Rambii.-c on the race- A New -..,,■,, York dispatch says that J. t, D. Odom. rect to Lexington and A. R. Hancocks mare and ond, while Dot H., heavily supported, won the track a criiiie. as did the original hvUez bill. He father of George Ociom. is seriously ill at the Bath frjBy will be sent to Virginia or Kentucky. opening scramble, concludes as follows: Reach Sanitarium, to which he was removed Thurs- All arrived in fine condition. Perfect weather conditions will probably greet "I have singled out the gentlemen of the On- lu-v from Jlls home at the Graveseud truck. t the sprinters tomorrow in the Los Angeles High- tafls and Hamilton Jockey Clubs far spe-cial men- Winter play-grounds for thoroughbreds are a EUGENE LEIGH IN KENTUCKY weight Handicap valued at ,rioo. rion. because it is they who are- responsible for the feature of some of the training stables at the New Ten hive signified tl.. ir intention of starting present state of the law. The professional gam- York tracks. They are generally sheds so arranged a|1i ■ food race should result. Deliver will prob- Men Who are associated with them in the Cam.- as to catch the- sunlight and give the thoroughbreds Lexington. Ky.. January 27. — Eugene Leigh ar- :l,,1-v •♦■"lie of the choices in the race. She- is fresh •Una Racing Associations and share in the rake-off c p|M, to move- aliout with considerable free- rived here from New York Friday evening to pay a ;., . Profit by the riding of jockey OBrien, save, of curs.-, no knightly names among then, and doin. It is said the horses readily learn to take visit to John E. Madden at Hamburg Place-. Leigh ; ,,: ""f t oiJ""fS|i ;,..,. .l ,. lT-ry in u.e niuu ot no influence on the floor of parliament. It is a advantage of the places and show their appreeia- came over from Prance- a fortnight ago. and will £™k ago oesput a part.ier-.hip u..ii]ue. alike in its membership and its tion by frisking about whenever the "play hours" remain in America. It is his intention to race a The track is fairly good again and will probably objects, in the annuls of civilized countries." arrive. stable of horses in the east tllis year. ut. much improved by tomorrow.