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GENERAL NEWS NOTES OF THE DAY. Reports of the -whereabouts of Ambassador Cor-ard are conflicting. A message signed with Mr. Berards name received at tie Cnited States cmi-bassy .it Madrid was dated at Berne. Switzerland. An Associated Press dispatch from Berlin dated Tuesday, however. s:iid that Mr. Oerard had not received his passports and that the details of his departure must await news of the safe departure from the Init •• ! States of tl.e former Ccrman am-i.a-sad-.r to Washington. Copenhagen reports that Mr. Gerard will be kept in Berlin as a hostage. The American liner St. Louis will not have a convoy if it decides to sail for England through the Qerataa submarine zone, it was announced at tin-state department yesterday. The government is acting on the policy thai Americans have an inalienable right to traverse the high seas, that the i nil. in submarine blockade is entirely illegal and that any sinking of American ships in contravention of law would immediately lead to hostilities. According to Les Nouvellos of Maestricht. Holland, a dynamite factory at Schlesbusch, near Cologne, was Mown up on January 27. causing tin-death of 200 persons, mostly women. An explosion last Thursday on the railway between Aix-i..,-Ciiai elle and Louvain. this newspaper reports, onu-od the death or injury of twenty-six Belgian workmen. King Coorge. clad in the uniform of an admiral of the fleet, op-ned parliament yesterday and defiantly answer.. I i enaanj r*s ruthless submarine policy in unmistak. n SSSSas, saying, threats of funic r outrages upon public law and the common rights of humanity will but serre to st- el our determination men ." The Catted States Senate by a vote of 7S to B late yesterday afternoon paaec il Bw Btoae resolution indorsing the Presidents action severing diplomatic relations with Germany. The British passenger ship California has been sunk off the coast of Qaeeastown, presumably ly a ansaaariae. Nineteen ships destroyed in twenty-four hours tells the story of Oilman submarine activity. Americans are said to be leaving Oermany as fast as accommodations cm be provided. Late reports from Holland say that Uerman troops arc being attaeed on the Dutch frontier.