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THAT RUMORED NEW HAVANA TRACK. Inspection of the Site Shows No Constructive Work Whatever Has Been Done. By T. K. Lynch. Havana. Cuba. February 1. — So much lias been printed in the States, and so many q—rles have been sent to Havana regarding the proposed "second track" here, that the writer a few days ago made a trip out to the place to see just what the project amounted to and just what work has been .lone. It was impossible to obtain any information on the subject by asking any of the local people, as so few had heard that there was even talk of another race course being constructed in Cuba. One could readily understand this, lumnir, as it was explained to the writer that nil that was necessary to build a track here is to obtain a license or permission from the city council, comply with conditions laid down and go ahead with the work. All this talk of thirty-year concessions in Cuba is simply bash and misleading. True, a thirty year concession .an be obtained, but only by an act of congress, naaaed, of course, by a majority of the members and signed by the president. Even the Oriental Park course has only a five years license. An ii.vestigat ion showed that the new track here had obtained permission, or a license as it were, to instruct the plant and operate by complying with certain restrictions of the laws of Cuba. One of the provisions, it is understood, is that the city and state get i 1-4 per cent of the revenue from the mutuels. which is to be the only system of speculation permitted. Providing 11 per cent, is deducted from the tickets, that will leave a margin id only 3 3 4 per ct nt. for the club. But this is neither h.-ie nor there, except to show the true condition of things down here in regard to what -ome people term concessions given race tracks. Location of the Project. The piece of ground selected by CT. Henschell and his associates Arthur B. Clark. Henry 1 . Wills and V. Q. Suarez. lies to the southwest of Oriental Park and is reached by the car running to the Playa. via Marianao. To get to this car it is necessary to go to the Estacion Central down near the do. ks. The site lies just behind the hills at the head of the homestretch of Oriental lark and is only a short distance from the latter course. If the building of a race track is contemplated by the new club there are no signs of it at present. There has been absolutely no work done in this respect, so far as the writer could discern. There wire some few men at work on the grounds, about t wenty-1 ive or thirty, constneting a fame work for a grand stand and levelling off a piece of ground to be Bsed as a I a sella 11 park. So far as building stables or laying out a race track is concerned, nothing has been attempted which makes it appear that the new club intends to cater to baseball exclusively. There was some talk here of night racing being held after the meeting at Oriental Park was concluded, but if even this was contemplated it seems an impossible task to get a plant ready in so short a time. For the good of tin- apart in Cuba it is hoped that such a thing will never be attempted on the island, as the experience of the few places of that sort which were operated in the remote past in the states, showed that they did little more than place the sport in bad repute. In the meantime opposition to the new club in a baseball way developed by the terming of the Cuban-American Baseball League, whose season apeaad up on Monda.v, January ill at Oriental Park. Every player of prominence on the island lias already signed with the Orb ntal. Bed Sox and White Sox teams, the rooster including among others the following players well known in tin- different leagues in the Cnited States: Marsans. Cairo, Rodriguez. Torres. Luiitie. Pareda. Mike Ooiizales. ladron. Acosta, Cueto, Aragon. Dibut, J. Acosta and Palmero.