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PRAISE A3R0AD FOR A SON OF COLIN. A young horse possibly-destined to make a name for inn: -elf at tlie stud is Gentle Shepherd, the property of p. j. Far qaharsoa, and standing at Tllthead Lodge. Tttahead, Wilts. He is ■ dark brown, n.-arly sir.teen hand- high, was foaled ia 1*11, sad la by the great aabeatea American Colin— V. sterling dam of Onadi Haifa i. by Ester -ling. LafortnBStely, however, be lias no racing record behind him. but it is beyond qaestiea that lie was tried to be a two-yoar-ohl of gnat merit. He was lining ,t highly oi indeed as a yearling, his breeder, Lord Cloeaiell. receirtag 1.890 guineas fat him at DoBCSUter, the pun baser being James Itu-chaneii. lie grot to Foxhill. where YV. T. Pobia-son tied Mat highly as stated. I i. luckily, liow-cvw. lie threw his lad when at exercise one morn-lag, ami galloping lato a wire feace, damaged biawelf no badly that it was fooad impracticable to continue training him. Though, as already pointed e:i. Gentle Shepherd lias no public form to recommend breeders bare the above state-no i:i of fact to relj apaa, am; are allowed tlie dunce of using him at aloe gnineas, and half a guinea lie- groom. Leatdoa Sporting; Life.