Havana Entries and Past Performances for Sunday, March 4., Daily Racing Form, 1917-03-04


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Havana Entries and Past Performances for Sunday, March 4. WEATHER WET. TRACK MUDDY. o o The figures under the heading "Rec." in the | entries below show the best time of each horse at the distance, since January 1, 1911, no matter where it finished. In cases where record was made on other than a fast or good track, abbreviations show track conditions, o o Rat-ins starts at 3:30 p. m. Chicago time, 3:00. XRuus well in mud. ©Superior mud runner. M maidens. Apprentice allowance. First Race 5 1-2 Furlongs. S-voar-nlds ami upward. Claiming. Track record: Jan. 24, 1917— 1:8B %— .V-lOU.l Ind. Horse. Wt. Rec. A.Wt.Han. 81723 Morristown Ill 1:07 i S 104®7LT 81838 Hamorkop M ...188 1:88% 4 100.. 720 U888* odd Cross 10S1:07 8 188x718 SIM! Bulgar 103 1:07*.-. 6 104X715 ■A1W.C, Pass On 109 l:0Vr. 7 104x71" 83887* th.irv Seed 107 1:07-.-, S 104X710 81888 Eddie Matt 108 1:07 5 9 104X710 31990 IlH— Mir D o 1 ly Mi 101 l:09si 4 102. .705 31701 Inshens Pride ..105 1:08 0 104.. 70.". 81884 Onar 1011:07-.-, ." 109X70." :!19t;c.» Nino Miuhaeho ..103 1:07.-. 8 100X700 I1MI Hesitation M ...112 1:11 5 109. .700 ■ace of uncertain outcome. Second Race — 5 1-2 Furlongs. 3-year-olds anil upward, Claiming. Track record: Jan. 24, 1917— 1:0.".3— •*»— 131.1 3199:;- Babe 183 1:38% ."» 102. .700 319S0** Old MM lit M. .103 1:10"- 3 94X09.", 31907* oppertown 110 1 :00-, 10 99 X 69.". 31307 Gaelic 118 1:87% ."J 113X095 818887* Lata 110 1:07 4 93X«90 31991 Moonstone MM 1*8% 4 9NXt«*0 H1982 Patau Leaf 113 1:87% 8 182X888 81888* Felina 188 1:87% 8 188X885 tam1 Purple and GoldM109 1:09 4 108.. 680 8MB8 Marigold 100 1:07 !j 4 105X073 Babe ran well when last out. Third Race — 5-8 Mile. 3 year-olds and upward. Claiming. Track record: Jan. 1, 1916—59,-5 — 114. 31947 SUREiiET 1111:00!.-, 10 120X725 31994 -* Moncreif 104 :T U% 9 103®715 31999» Divan 104 1:01.-, 4 105x715 31947» Bunice 110 1:00-.-. 7 101X710 82888* Ethan Alien 101 1:31% 5 105X710 ;,197S: Bulger 113 1:01 3 108x710 0888* Flute 109 1 :01 .-. 4 107 X 705 ;;1940 E. F. Albee 1111:88% 4 107.. 705 31978* Chitra 107 1:01 5 98x700 Todays Ind. Horse. Wt. Rec. A.Wt.Han. 31979- Kiat Stalwart 115 1:01.-. 7 1150700 88888* Doctor Zab 107 1:01. 4 99X095 31992 Miss Primity 188 1382% 9 103X095 Sim-get seems a sure winner. Fourth Race — 1 Mile. 3-year-olds and upward. Handicap. Track record: Jan. 26, 1917— 1 :3S»i— 5— 106. 3193:2 Ninety Simplex ...111 1:40 5 114X725 3195:;- Reno 107 1:40% 7 102x720 81888* Libyan Sands 188 1:88% 4 109.. 715 31970= Fri.-iidless 186 1:48% 3 90X705 31951: Sevilli.in 105 1:40 4 100X700 Ninety Simplex is in fine form. Fifth Race — 1 Mile and 20 Yards. 3 year-olds and upward. Claiming. Track record: Jan. 23, 1917—1:40 — 1—99. 3-2028 Lord Bvrou 3 100.. 725 32031- Ampere II 108 1:51 -.m 4 10!.. 720 31927- Lantana 96 1:46 3 3 92X715 3199S- Otsego 3 97.. 715 31983* Supreme 112 1:48% 0 105x710 31983 Star Bird 112 1:42% 5 103. .705 81857** Sandel 102 1:43- 4 188. .786 319S3* Fonnersade M ... 4 101.. 700 Lord Byron appears best here. Sixth Race — 1 Mile. 3-year-olds and upward. Claiming. Track record: Jan. 26. 1917— 1 :3S!-,— 5— 106. 81888* Alt.iniaha 100 1:39 9 109X725 31934 Drom i 108 1 :41 8 109 X 720 31935=* Maxentins 113 1:41 S104X715 31953 thas. F. Oraiuger. . 97 1:40 10 100X715 3199» :: Sister Riley M.. 3 91.. 710 319s;i* Hedge Hose 107U:40 10 lMi®710 31999 Ball Band 4 105X705 81888 Autumn 112 1;42% 7 106x7ar 32027 Doe Meals 3 89X700 31990 Easter Star 94 1:3S; 0 106X700 Altamaha ran well when last out. Seventh Race — 1 Mile. 3-year-olds and upward. Claiming. Track record: Jan. 26, 1917— 1:38 %—i 5— 100. 31953- Lyndora 101 1 :42% 4 105 x 725 31995-* After Night M* 1:48% 4 100X720 31 930-• Molly 0 99 1:43-sy 4 98X715 32029* Gano 103 1:38/., r. 100. .715 31927 Celtabel 104 1:40:o 4 107. .713 31933 Tatiana 103 1:41 4 103X710 31971 -* Pago White 103 1:41 5 1120710 319953 Algardi 4 113. .788 31994 Freda Johnson ...103 1:39 0 107x700 31995 Lak« Van Zandt. .108 1:41 7 109x700 Lyndora has been racing well of late.

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1910s/drf1917030401/drf1917030401_4_1
Local Identifier: drf1917030401_4_1
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800