untitled, Daily Racing Form, 1917-03-04


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Or HANDICAPPBNG ! SYSTEMS AND TUtf SPECULATORS GLIDE | J5y tlie Great Expert. 41 N I IN S. HAND. j book of 7"_ pages, devoted to an exposi- . * k tion of the speed and weight methods of handicapping, with speed tables based on some of the same principles as those em- 5 iA ployed by RACING AUTHORITIES of skill. ♦ Mr. Maud has dealt with the subject of han- dieapping exhaust! rely, and no student of ik the mathematical side of the gams can afford it to be without this manual. It is a liberal o •A education in itself. it |# Ansag its T- pa-es yon will find Improved i 4 and Revised Tables of Speed Values: 4t ♦ CluirlK of TIMK KftflVALEXT i • siml WEIGHT VAMIOS— f inured i[ ♦ sit :ill aUsntameea from two fur- i* ,m loiiiis to four Balaam, ♦ , * AVKRAGK SPEKD PIOR SECOXI O ♦ COMPARATIVE TRACK SPEEDS O ♦ TRACK CONDITION SPEED VAL- ♦ ♦ UBS. J ♦ HEATEX ALLOWANCES ♦ BOOKMAKERS PERCENTAGES ][ T PLAYING RI I.ES [ HOW TO CALCM.ATE MUTUELS A T SYSTEMS OV PLAYS j! Z 4 FLAT PLAY SYSTEMS 4 X « PROGRESSIVE SYSTEMS £ A "PI,AYIi TO RECOVER" A d "Ilayinisr for KixtMl Amounts" 6 COM POO DING SYSTEMS ► ♦ "CANCELLATION" SYSTEM 5 PARLAY SYSTEMS O ♦ QlI.MTET SCALE BTSTMM ♦ anil siImo i.x-liitiiiiu n complete ♦ MANLAL OF BOOKYIAKING ♦ T This book was finely printed by the Aineri- , tT can Bank Note Company and was gotten up .. ▼ by Mr. Hand to sell at Five Dollars a espy. ; f 1 have bought the unsold edition and will y ♦ sell them at TWO DOLLARS a copy while ► ♦ they but. The supply is very limited. Dont *f m wait until too late. Mail your order now. O t C. W. BELL j J Pulitzer Building, NEW YORK J

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1910s/drf1917030401/drf1917030401_8_7
Local Identifier: drf1917030401_8_7
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800