Leading Jumpers in Belmont Stakes.: Four Steeplechase Races at Spring Meeting Attract Best of Last Year., Daily Racing Form, 1917-03-23


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LEADING JUMFERS IN BELMONT STAKES. Four Steeplechase Races at Spring Meeting Attract Best of Last Year. New York. March 22. — Entries for ti;" foai Steeplechase stakes to be held at the Belmont Park spring meeting dosed Im -day. and though the • n tries have not yet surpassed in number those received fot the same stakes in 1!11 , it is alme-t cor tain that an Increase will be shown when late nominations, posted Monday, an- in the hands of Secretary Mil.. Bat locket. For the Grand National thirty-nine are in against forty last year: the International has fifty-two in comparison with the 1911 total of fifty four: the New York is already tied with the number in IM6, having fifty-one named, while the Meadow Uroak, with fifty, has five leu than las year. There are many points of interest in the list of nominators and their candidates, which shows that all the prominent supporters of racing through the field have entered their leading sti eph chasers. In addition there are several recruits to the ranks woo will be represented by strong stables. The lug new contributor to the list i Edward 1.. McLean, who has eight qualified to rim in his own color-, two more. Bonny Laddie and Distant Shore, are entered by the PoUy Farms, which is the name de coarse of Mrs. Edward 1. McLean. B. I. Morgan, who has been prominent in hunting aad at amateur meetings, also has branched out. and is represented by Kingstown Pier, by Krooastadt — Authors Love, presumably a chaser which received his education in Ireland. .1. B. Wideners six include three which have raced in France, while steeplechases an . • popular before tin war. All Prominent Cross -Country Devotees Represented. The nominaiors. with their entries are: F. Ambrose bilks Falmouth. Toner and Pigeons Thorpe: Mrs. K. Ambrose larks lliblcr. Torero and Grey Leg: W. II. Henrys Bjnsh Hunter: li. I.. Pratts Basaano and Becoay; 11. L. Garrys Footlights. Chest Hill and Sharpshooter; B. M. Welds Weldsliip, St. hnrlcoie and Huntress; J. K. Wideners Expectation, Bataanet, Loreviona, Zylon. Sa conaba and Bkibbereen; .1. Temple Gwathmeys Reliance and Belle of Ilryn Mawr; Glen iliddle ffaxms Ions Asinorum. May Itnd II.. Emerald Isle and War Dance: II. W. Sages mbros:an Martian, duel I.onhciir. Ieb; la, The ltrook. Simon Jones and lir-awad; lark BockweBs Dilatory; B. A. Burkes Light Arms; .1. L. Davis Hryn Chant. Breaks and The Decision; Thomas Hitchcocks Wotvertan, Tom ahawk. Mountain Hose. Kintore. K. D. Morgan and Kingstown Pier; Greeatree stables Cherry Ma lotte, Boynl Amber and Al Beeves; W. L. Schwartz" M. .1. Shannon. ABey and limes Head; Ital Pairs Shannon Biver, liobert Oliver and Masterfal; Edward 15. McLeans Batsn, Sun King. Iandean. S-iiid- man II.. Bhyness, Fak; r, Barcrhi and Mile. Maximo; Polly !".;i-:.r- I.onny Laddie and Distant Shore; M. Dalys Saturn: L. C. Smiths Tudor King, and North-woo.i Stables Northwoud, Bill Dudley and March ean.

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1910s/drf1917032301/drf1917032301_1_6
Local Identifier: drf1917032301_1_6
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800