Second Race [2nd Tijuana, Daily Racing Form, 1917-03-23

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SECOND RACE— 3-4 Mile. 3-year-olds. Maidens. Allowances. Dec, 20. 1910— 1:11 %— 8— llo. CEL0SIA, ch. f, 3M 107 By Voorhees— Corinna Napa Stock Farm. 32155 Tijuana 3-4 l:19%hvy 5 M8 2 2 ! 5«J 3»J M Mthewsll J. Price. Bed Circle, P.. Favorite 22 6i Tijuana 51 f 1:09 fast 21 :e7 4 3 3 ;;■ ., , M Mthewsl2 T.Mias, Jndav Price, Bed Circle 31984 Tijuana .% f 1:11 alow lo MS 2 1 1 % Sj R Hax* ton 10 Snawr, EUa.Boberts, Jud. Price c1810 lijuaua s I l:12%slop 20 1M I 5 6 5= 5lb K llarton 8 O.Kyhrs. M.Kni-hi. T.ven. Seven TAXICAB, br. c, 3 Ml 113 By Marathon— Clara Bauer H. Morris. £355 Tijuana 3-4 l:19%hvy 8 HI 3 s s 7*1 4" J Alt 11 .1. Price. Red. Circle, B.Psrorite 32064 Tijuana 51 f 1:01 fast 10 l-is | 8 9 11* 11" W Taylor 12 Toy Miss, Judge Price.. Celesta 31964 Tijuana 64 f 1:15 hvy 10 115 7 8 7 7U 53 C Riddle 8 Harry D., M. Knight. .IndgePrice 29/09 Reno 6t f l:89%fBst — 107 1 5 5 5= 4 % M AP thews 8 Wand. L. Leon.i. Dr.Hambcrger 29634 Reno 5-8 l:01%fast — 106 1 4 4 8*1 3* C Riddle 4 Gl.adiola. Wand, Plush 295X7 Reno 5-8 1:03 fast — 103 7 7 7 61 4 J M M thews 7 Ladv Leona. Crankie. AVand 29..40 Reno 5-8 l:06%hvy — 108 4 2 3 2=1 2* C Riddle 4 FnstyMorning, Tuffy, TeaTrav 29409 Reno 1-2 4s.ifast — 111 4 5 5l» 46 C Riddle 0 Fros.AIorning. SheWill, Crankie 26920 Tijuana 5-8 l:0b/ 20 10S 5 7 7 7 7*1 .1 Alt 7 Sybil. Rosellis, Gulf Stream 2«603 Tijuana 41 f 56%fast 20 115 3 8 8 71 P T Nolan 9 Sat. Helle, Fighter Persevere 8B38 Tijuana 1-2 49%fast 15 111 11 11 11 11 « T Nolan 11 Sybil, Mike. Naslednvati GOLDEN DRAGON, ch. g. 3 Ml 109 By Duke of Ormonde— Rose of China W. E. Cotton. ti;y IJua:la ?* f 1:13 hvy 12 lot 7 7 6 S .."J Kongo S Harry !.. Troowcn. MrrroBC ol92 Tijuana 61 t l:12%slow 4 lo7 5 12 7*1 8* Gross 8 Bwenson, Salpeal, Casaloms :;,-~2 T,Juana 3-il:21=mud 31 107 7 I « 7s 8** C Gross 9 Meegone. Miss Knight. Argento 31o6S Tijuana 51 f 1:12 good 10 lo7 2 1 1 21 i* C Gross 111 Cap. Mhn.t. K. Circle. B.Forite ?,ln? T,iJuana 3-4 l:24V,hvy 4 100 1 3 3 • 1M* C Gross 10 Dr.Hamr. Galeswli. J.AYaltcrs .121 rijuana S-4 l:22%mud 4J 1"7 4 3 2 21 3s .Gross 9 Cnowingft. L.Oecee, G. Stream - SSUJi0*11* Slfl:ll%hvy 10 lJ7 2 .3 3 4* i" C Gross 7 .Mike. Missouri Pride. Matches 309-.9 Tijuana 61 f l:0S%good 7 M6 8 6 6 52 6" C Gross 11 Dom.Park. Matches, C.Colorado 80865 Tijuana 3-1 l:14%fast 20 105 4 2 2 21 b-i C Gross 8 Treowen, Ella B.. Satsuma Helle 30577 Tijuana 51 f 1 :0Sy5iast 3 110 2 3 5 6i »«! C Gross 11 Signoretfe, Ella P.., Miie ARGENTO, br. g, 3 M 109 By Jake Argent— Ardenes E. II. Kane. 22153 Tijuana 3-4 l:l:t%hvy 15 M6 1 8 7 . 7-W Taylor 11 J. Price, Red Circle B.rarorite 217,0 Tijuana 3-4 1 :21-.-,mud 4 KV7 5 7 4 3-1 3s R llarton 8 Meegone. Miss Knight Yalli Y Tlj.32 Tijuana 51 f l:12-,good 15 107 2 4 3 31 3!! C Gross 8 PositaBO, Blis.Roberts, MvKirst 31449 Tijuana 51 f 1 :17«.-.hvy 10 107 2 5 5 8*1 S*| C Gross 7 Missouri Pride. Roy. Meegone 31117 Tijuana 3-4 l:29%hvy 20 102 5 5 5 6 6s C Gross 0 VonLady, Dr.S.P.Tate Leslie 31251 Tijuana 3-4 1 :22%mud 12 1 7 I 7 6 6» 5" T Nolan 8 CoBosriago, LXeegee G Drajroa 31101 Tijuana 51 f 1:11 fast 100 187 i 5 5 oi 6*1 T Nolan 8 Biases, Glad islam. Geraldame VALLI V., ch. f. 3 M 107 By Barnesdale— Edna Greene W. A. Wright. 32245 Tijuana S-4 l:lS%fast 25 MS 1 1 1 I .. - s McGraw 7 Cruces. Poace de Leon Matches 32178 Tijuana ::-4l:l7 slow 7 .is 3 2 2 3: 8* S McGraw 11 Lack. Precision, Pro Realis 31972 Tijuana 61 f l:12%slow If 8M I 4 2 S| 4= !■ Bteveaa 8 Bweasoa, Salpeal. Casaloma 31770 Tijuana 3-4 l:21=r.mud 40 185 4 4 5 5= V* J Dawson | Meegone. Miss Knight Argento 31493 Tijuana 61 f l:12%slow 28 M8 7 4 3 51 7*1 P Newman 7 BJsa W., Balneal, Pairymonde 31449 Tijuana 6i f l:17%hvy 10 107 5 2 2 8* 71- K Pool 7 Missouri Pride, Roj Me. -one 31303 Tijuana 61 f l:15%slop UK lot 6 6 6 6 8*» P Newman 8 Dom.Park, Lady * Leona Alike 17888 Tijuana 6-S l:01%fast 100 109 8 8 8 8 S=r H Hanmer S Crankie, Na-h i v.iti. BoseJlhl HAM KEENE, ch. g. 3 M 109 By General Roberts— Dont G. M. Van Golden 32032 Tijuana 1 l:44%good 40 97. 6 4 9 10 9= f»* A Johnson 11 Vireo, John I mis Bea Uacaa 31964 Tijuana 51 f 1:15 hvy 12 112 5 6 6 hi 71R A Johnson 8 Harry D., M.Knigilt JndsePrics 81770 Tijuana 3 4 1 :21- .mud 15 111 6 0 7 8* 6»* R Pauley 8 Meegone, Mis Knight Argento 80969 Tijuana 51 t : 1:88 ..good 12 165 9 9 9 9li-.; Scherrerll Uom.Park Matehe-TC Color-ulo K158Reno 41 I 57 fast 31 1"S 4 3 2 2h 8* C Riddle 4 Tutty. Irish Cook br Bamherrer 27616 Heno 41 f 55 fast 77 100 5 3 5 5 6 * H Thurber C I.ia.l-e itm rs Treowea L.LVona 27154 Tijuana f.-S 1 :nit:,fast 20 Ht 6 0 7 7 7" K Pauley 7 LadyLeona, Treowen AdelineL 26920 Tijuana 6-8 l:01%fast 20 M6 4 5 5 6*1 6*1 M hT thews 7 Sybil, Rosellis Gulf Stream 26719 Tijuana 6-S l:01%fast 50 112 9 9 8 7= 4, M Mthews 8 Perserere 1. Leona Pirkacaia 26...., Tijuana 41 f 66%rast 100 106 8 8 8 8 J" « W Ormes B Guirstream i-dvl,..;. 1. Ward 26178 TUnana 41 f 68%faBt 40 M8 7 7 6 6;jfil W Omiks B L. Ward. Adeline L.. Persevere HEROINE, ch. f. 3 M 107 By Glorifier— Kawklet C. A. Daves. 1 Tijuana 51 f 1:09 fast 20 MB 7 11 M Wl 9» P Baker 12 Toy Miss. Judge Price CelosU 31984 Tijuana 51 f 1:11 slow 88 v. 6 7 6 21 6*f F Baker 10 Snawr, Eiiz. Roberts, Celosia 31474 Tijuana 61 t l:13-,hvy 25 100 9 9 9 9 71T F Baker 8 Col. Matt. Sovereignll.. LnckliU 30969 Tijuana 6 f l:0s%good 189 I8S 7 8 8 8*1 8 * F Baker 11 Dom.Park. Matches, C.Colorado S9744 HHlcrest Ab5-8 l:01%rood 8 !•»; 4 6 6 4 ■• A Casey 8 Dyson Torment Geneva 28573 Hill. Ab5-8 1:02 tast 20 1071 7 8 8 s-=. ciamy B Rerthier, Gratitude, Bdea Park 29449 Kempton 5-8 1:07 nuid 15 107 5 5 7 7 * R Evan 7 M. Maguire, l.P.etlv. N.K.Heal iSS12 Kempton 5-8 l:0S%hvy 15 105 1 4 515 614 C Gross 6 Coeowingo, Out, 1rems Vera 29192 Dufferln Ab..-S 1 :03%fast 12 10S 81* J Dminiek s Ilsmu Tun. BBJoy, P*cess Pay 28392 Dufferin Ab5-8 l:02%fast 25 104 5 8 71 713 V Young 10 EdenlarU. L. Wonder. .leannetto 2-..189 N.Orlns 1-2 48 fast 20 110 9 10 101! 9»« L Gentry 11 Uhvmer. Cuneo, Lady Ward 26078 N.Orlns 1-2 48ftrast 20 109 2 12 f2J W* R McDott II Maud liacou, Ubyuier, Out LAZY BEN. b. g. 3 111 109 By Marchmont II.— Lady Eula J. W. Fuller. Tijuana ;.| f 1 M ant 21 lo:. 12 lJ 11 11 11" C VanDun 12 GladvslAm. Kng.Ladj Uosellla BMS Tijuana Bi f 1:0 fast :0 11J 8 8 8 S 7; anl un s Sat. Belle. ■ il s 1 Am FRANK MONROE, b. g, 3 M 109 By Nealon— Eugenie B. ,F. M. Brown. tail Tijuana H f 1:1:: hvy 40 Ml 4 4 :; » 44J S McGraw ,S Hairy D., Treoweu, MniglBl First start for the following: CLARIMONDE. b. f. 3 M 107 By Duke of Ormonde— Reticella. FRANKLIN PIERCE, ch. c. 3 M 112 By Paladin— Oda R. Knifong. DULL. b. c, 3 M 112 By Flint Rock— Dulcibella B. J. Creighton.

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Local Identifier: drf1917032301_3_5
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