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TELEGRAPHIC FORM. The horses which seem l est in Fridays races ore: Oaklawn Park— Hot Springs. Ark., March 22. 1 — Plunger. Nepotism. James Q. 2 — Fuzzy YVuzzy. Sister Susie, Al Court. 3 — First Star. Foe-man. Chad Bufonl. 4— Mud Sill. Joe 1.. Bailee. r» — Zim. Milton Hoblee. Stonehenge. 0— IMPRESSION, Lynn, yuiz. J. L. Dempsey. Observers Hot Springs Handicap. 1 — Plunger. James ;.. V.x -Sheriff. Nepotism. 2— Fuzzy YVuzzy. Al Court. Ellen Smyth. Frisky. 3— Manioc. Chad Bufonl. Focmnn. First Star. 4 —JOE 1., Balgee. Spectre. Hazelnut. • Zim. Willdo. Milton Roblee. Stonehenge. 6 — Impression, Quiz, Lady Worthingtou, Emma Stuart. The horses which seem best in Fridays races are: Tijuana, Mex.. March 22. 1 — Connnught, Lady Dunbar. Morula. 2 — Taxicab. Frank Monroe, Celosia. 3— CHRISTMAS EVE, Phyllis Antoinette, Le-titia. 4 — Tokay. Conning Tower, Manganese. ,p — Rigtodo. Leah Cochran. Strathenrn. 6 — I.ieut. Sawyer, Anna Lou. Col. Matt. L. Wing. Observers Tijuana Handicap. l_Connaught. Lady Mint. Acumen. Rapid May. 2 — Argento. Valli V.. Celosia, Lazy Ben. 3— Marguerite V., Handy Andy, Christmas Eve, Letitia. 4— CONNINO TOWER. Tokay, Manganese, Spokane- Queen. 5 — Stratheam. Leah Cochran. Bigtodo, Checks. 6 — iift. apt. Druse, Lieut. Sawyer, Anna Lou.