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MORE STALLS NEEDED AT BOWIE TRACK. Accommodations Refused to at Least 200 Horses — Printing Outfit Installed. By Gewge P.. Morris. Washington, 1. C. March 22.— Of the 87.. stalls available at the I.owic- mee tiack, every one has been engaged, ami applications for stabling neeom- modntlaaa have been refused to at least two hundred horses. However, General Manager .lames F. Ollara is making arrangements with the Tlennin-,r man.iginient to secure ae e-oinniidatioiis for the overflow e f horses, which are- expected to 1»- on hand for the opening of the Prince- Georges County track which ushers in the- spring meeting, April 1. P. A. Clark, a wealthy member of the New York Btoi k Exchange, will be on hand with a stable of six horses. This is a new advent into racing for Mr. Clark, anil it is his intention to gather a formidable stable- to be raced throughout tin- season in the east this year. .lim BatweU, probably one of the liest jockeys in tin- country, and who has been confined to a local hospital, undergoing an i«-ration on his throat, has entirety recovered ami will be seen in the saddle at i- arte. Butwel] has no; been riding this winter. I1- -iiil that he is in better condition than he has be e n for many yen] -, Printing Office at Course. The Bowie ssnnugl me-nt has installed a complete printing outfit at the couise. They will print their own programs, mutual sheeta and all stathmery that will be use-d at the course. B. T. Zollie-ofler arrived at th« Bowie course with his I tabtr, which includes Fruit Cake-. Hauberk. Indian Chant and Christie and a couple of two yenr-esUs. ZaBhsoaTer i- sweet en Fruit Cake aad says it will take a geioel horse te beat her in any race. The W. P. and .. Railroad has received a dozen new cars, which will lie Band as "trailers" on the race trains this year. They will carry about Mt additional persons on each trip. Track superintendent "Dick" Pending reports the nun-." ; i be in grand condition. A force- of men have In cu working on the com—- since last fall and the- hackstrotcli has l«-«jii bankid up and other Improvements made. Washington Awaits Opening. Washington race-goers are extremely anxious for the spring season to open. One of the best meeting* he Id in these parts in many years is antu-ipate-d. Washington has always been a liberal contributor to racing, and perhaps no city in the Inited States with :i similar population contributes more to racing than e!oes the Nations capital. Mm timer Malawi J. popular and we-11-known on all caste ra and Canaeliau tracks, will be- in charge of the- mutue-1 plant. Mr. Mahone y is now at the Bowie course putting iai finishing touches. ".limmie" Dow. another weU-known turfman, is acting as private se-cret.::y to General Manager OHnra. Albert Simons will race a stable of horses at Bowie. Among them will be Bromo. the cree-k threi-yonr-old. which he reports as being as fit a-.•■"lidelb -." Kobe-rt Potoe, who has been In the south this winter, is now located at the Benning course, v here he is in Charge of a stable of horses, which will be raced at tin- Howie course. Michaels and Gerhart will have charge of the entering at the coarse. Mr. Michaels has been on the turf for nearly forty years. He has a son now riding in South Ana rica.